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For Executive Leadership —

Maximize Efficiency, Minimize EHS Risk

Streamlined EHS operations, robust visibility, and informed decision-making for forward-thinking construction leaders. 

Set the Gold Standard for EHS. Every Project. Every Time.

Construction executives are looking for new ways to drive efficiency while raising EHS standards to make sites safer. Some of the biggest opportunities for improvement are:

An icon of a gear with an icon of a warning sign in front of it, signifying the inefficient and time-consuming paper-based processes when not using a construction safety software platform like HammerTech.

Inefficient Processes

Time-consuming paper-based processes prevent safety and site managers from spending time on job-critical tasks in the field.

An icon of a graph getting lower over time with an arrow over the top of it.  This is to represent the difficulty of finding certified labor and lowering risk when you don't have a construction safety software platform like HammerTech.

Certified Labor to Lower Risk

Difficulty tracking orientation records and scanned licenses can lead to uncertified workers on site which increases incident risk.

Icon of a paper with a shield icon on top of it, with an exclamation mark over that.  It represents unreliable EHS data when using Excel or paper to track safety on a construction site, and the benefits of using a construction safety software platform like HammerTech instead.

Unreliable EHS Data

Using paper and multiple systems for different EHS processes can be error-prone, time-consuming, and costly.

Top Contractors Raise EHS Standards with HammerTech

Logo of DPR Construction Company - a client and user of HammerTech Construction Safety Software
Logo of Columbia Construction Company - a client and user of HammerTech Construction Safety Software
Logo of FCL Builders - a user of HammerTech's construction safety software for general contractors.
Shawmut logo - a client of HammerTech's construction safety software.
Logo of CRB Construction Company - a client and user of HammerTech Construction Safety Software

Command EHS Management

Elevate workplace safety culture with real-time data and reporting across your operations.

  • Accelerate worker and subcontractor onboarding

  • Consolidate all EHS processes into one central hub

  • Replicate & enhance your existing ISO-certified system

A screenshot of HammerTech Insights - an embedded module from their Construction Safety Management Software which brings amazing safety insights from all subcontractors and workers on a job site.
A screenshot of HammerTech's Progress monitoring layout and safety management platform.  It helps to know what has started, what is complete, and what is in progress, and where there are outstanding issues for a project.

Compliance Control, Minimize Risk

Harness automatic data tracking on EHS and operational KPIs as well as compliance rates to confidently lower project and claims risks.

  • Ensure every on-site team member is qualified

  • Record critical details with time-stamped audit trails

  • Pinpoint and shrink areas of risk

Maximize Efficiency, Save Time

Eliminate costly delays, helping your team to focus on project-critical tasks out in the field.

  • Ditch paper, streamline your reporting

  • Reclaim 2+ hours daily for site managers

  • Monitor inspections and project progress in real time

A screenshot of HammerTech's all-in-one safety software platform that helps to speed up reporting and helps with monitoring inspections and project progress in real time.

“The vision for compliance, risk, and safety at FCL is simple – everyone goes home safely at the end of every day. HammerTech has quickly become essential to that vision. Between HammerTech's best-of-breed technology and its team’s commitment to our success, it has truly become a one-stop-shop for our safety needs.”

- Kort Williams, CSP, CHST, Director of Safety at FCL

Redefine Efficiency, See ROI on EHS Investment

Why settle for sufficient when it comes to safety? Streamlining processes for better insight doesn't need to be a major transformation. With white-glove implementation services and training, HammerTech customers witness tangible returns sooner. 


Faster Orientation Processing


Lower time for EHS Submittals Approval


Reduced EHS Report Preparation Time

Get The Exclusive EHS Buyer's Guide

While compliance remains vital, true EHS success lies in fostering a safety culture that boosts efficiency, strengthens reputation, and yields rapid ROI. Glean key insights from industry leaders on their EHS software selection journey, encompassing challenge identification, solution alignment, stakeholder engagement, and smooth implementation.

Image of the front cover of our
Guide Highlights:
  • Unearth your organization's unique EHS challenges.

  • Discover how the right software amplifies your goals.

  • Craft a data-backed business case for stakeholder support.

  • Ensure a seamless transition during implementation.

Additional Resources

An icon of a graph showing an increase in money over time.  This is over a HammerTech Construction Safety Software background.

The Business Case for Safety Software to Share with your CFO

Is your plan to acquire contractor safety management software under the microscope? We feel your pain. It's frustrating when a construction safety pla...

Dive into the Numbers
CRB workers discussion a construction site using HammerTech's Construction Safety Software for general contractors
Press Release

CRB Enters Enterprise Agreement with HammerTech to Transform its EHS System and Improve Productivity

Turnaround time on form, document and permit approval already decreasing by 57%

See the Impact
Pipes on a construction project overlaying a HammerTech Construction Safety Software background
Video Spotlight

Kapitol Uses HammerTech for Construction Innovation & EHS Management

After nearly two decades with construction giant Multiplex, Andrew Deveson and David Caputo decided to start Kapitol Group in March 2018. The fast-gro...

Watch the Video