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International Healthcare Organization Selects ePlus to Implement First Cloud Security Program

ePlus Cloud Usage and Risk assessment helped organization assess current cloud situation and provide solution to strengthen security posture 

International Healthcare Organization Selects ePlus to Implement First Cloud Security Program
Business Challenges

Business Challenges

  • The technology infrastructure of an international healthcare organization had evolved over the years to meet growing business demands and objectives, but the overall security posture and control of the infrastructure has lagged behind in comparison.
  • A new security team was put in place to assess the organization’s security risks and one of their immediate concerns was related to public cloud usage and their Shadow IT & Shadow Datarisks.
  • The team was aware of a large existing cloud presence, but learned of another, equally large cloud presence leveraged by engineers, dev teams and apps teams, into which they had no visibility.
  • While no specific incidents or breaches had yet occurred, the lack of visibility across their cloud network exposed a serious weakness in their security posture as they had no processes, controls or protections in place.
Why ePlus

Why ePlus?

  • Ability to provide a Cloud Usage & Risk assessment of the current Shadow IT & Shadow Data usage and risks as well as recommendations and strategies to remediate the findings 
  • A strong handle on what is happening in the security marketplace and in the cloud security environment in particular 
  • Ability to provide, fair, balanced and manufacturer-agnostic expertise to match them with the best solution for their business – regardless of provider


  • An in-person Cloud Usage and Risk Workshop (formerly CASB) helped assess their current cloud situation, including data discovery, identification of existing threat vectors and mapping of a go-forward strategy.
  • Consideration of multiple vendors ultimately led to one, multi-faceted solution that covered all components most critical for their business, including Cloud Access Security Broker, Web Proxy (Forward/Reverse) and Data Loss Protection, within budget.
Business Outcomes

Business Outcomes

  • Visibility across their entire cloud usage substantially minimized risks and vulnerabilities while improving their overall compliance program
  • Establishing a new compliance program keeps cloud-based sensitive data protected, has established controls over their current cloud usage, and allowed them to implement a strategy to adopt new cloud applications safely in the future.
  • Implementing a new, comprehensive solution through a single vendor allowed them to retire an expensive and hard-to-manage legacy proxy solution, eliminating operating costs and recurring monthly fees associated with a service contract for an inferior product. 
  • Taking a fair and objective multi -manufacturer evaluation approach ensured competitiveness and assurance that a best in class solution was selected.

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