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EatMyRide B.V. protects your personal data and privacy. In this privacy statement, we tell you which personal data we collect and in what way we store and use it. This privacy statement applies to our website www.eatmyride.com (the Website), our application listed in the Apple Store and Google Play Store (the Application) and the services we provide. If you are under 18 years of age you need prior permission of your parents or legal guardians to use the website or Application.


In order to start using EatMyRide, you need to sign up and create an account. In this step you provide us with information such as your name, email address. We use this personal data (account data) so that you can log in to EatMyRide, to personalize the service and so that we know how to address you when we contact you. If you cancel during any way of signing up, we cannot start providing you with the EatMyRide service and will not save the data you entered.

When you connect a third party provider, like Wahoo, Strava or Garmin, you allow us to retrieve and store information from their service on your behalf on the third party service in order to fill and update your EatMyRide profile. You also allow us to process activity data from those third parties.

We process your activity data such as your tracked route, speed, heartrates and other information you add to the activity to calculate your energy burn on finished workouts and to create parameters with which we can predict nutrition needs for future sport activities planned by you in the EatMyRide app in order to provide you with nutrition plans. We may share such data with certain third parties for this purpose if the data is anonymized and the third party is an academic institution that doesn’t use the data for other purposes than any research to improve the services of EatMyRide app.

We may also use anonymized aggregated data to create additional features within our service. For instance, aggregated activity data can be used to optimize nutrition needs.


We use your information to communicate with you about our service (e.g.: when you’ve forgotten your password), to help you use our service and to update you about our service and share other information we think you like*. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.


We do not share or sell personally identifiable information (such as name, email) directly with other companies for marketing purposes. We do share Personal Information with vendors (data-processors) who are performing services for EatMyRide, such as the servers for our email communications who are provided access to user’s email address for purposes of sending emails from us.

We also utilize external services to help us improve the EatMyRide Website and service. For example, we currently use Google Analytics (traffic analysis). These parties may also use cookies and tracking technologies. Feel free to check out their own Privacy Policies to find out more about how they work.

In the event we undergo a business transaction such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your Personal Information may be among the assets transferred. You acknowledge and consent that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Statement, and that any acquirer of our assets may continue to process your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Statement.

We might also share personal information you have provided to us without your consent, in case we believe:

  • it’s needed to detect, prevent or address fraud, security or technical issues;
  • it’s needed to otherwise protect our property, legal rights, or that of others.

Your personal information is processed according to GDPR standards.


Some third party applications allow you to create a ‘privacy zone’, which will hide your exact location within this zone. Please note that not all third party applications accurately share this information with us, but rather give us the unfiltered data. If you see your route within your privacy zone you must contact your third party service provider to stop sharing locations within your privacy zone.



We are doing everything possible to protect your personal data from loss, destruction, usage, alterations or distribution by unauthorised persons. We have a continuous focus on safety and transparency regarding processing of personal data.


We store data as long as it is necessary to provide our service. We delete all your personal information when your account has been inactive for 48 months or when your account is deleted.


We backup data regularly to ensure we can provide a reliable service. We cannot ensure the deletion of your personal data from these backups. In the event that we need to recover a backup, all personal data that is restored with that action will be deleted according to our data retention policy as soon as possible.


You can always disconnect third party accounts (like Wahoo, Strava or Garmin), upon which we will stop processing data of future activities. Data provided by these third parties while connected is stored and processed similarly to any other EatMyRide data; to completely remove this data send an email to info@eatmyride.com and we will delete it directly.

EatMyRide provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to enable easy data sharing between EatMyRide and third party applications of your choice. EatMyRide will only share your data with third party applications, if you have given your explicit consent by authorizing a third party application to do so. When you authorize third party applications to access your data stored on EatMyRide on your behalf, the use of your data by the third party is governed by the relationship between you and the third party (e.g.: their privacy policy). EatMyRide is not responsible for these third party applications or how they process your data.


You can see and change part of your data and preference settings by logging in to your account. If you want to revoke your consent regarding activity, user and usage data this means we can no longer provide our service. Therefore you can revoke this consent by deleting your account. If you want to view, export or delete all your personal data, please send an e-mail to info@eatmyride.com , we will act upon your request within 30 days.



Third parties like Google Analytics may use cookies and tracking technologies. They are only there for analysis and improvement (Google Analytics), and not for marketing or other purposes. Feel free to check out their own Privacy Policies to find out more about how they work.


This website and the Application may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or (lack of) privacy protection of those websites. Therefore, we advise you to always read the privacy statements of the linked websites.


If you want to know what personal data is processed by EatMyRide, you can send an email to info@eatmyride.com. EatMyRide will handle your request within thirty days. We may ask you to identify yourself.

Should your information appear to be incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, then you can make an additional request to have your details changed or supplemented. You can also ask for deletion of your data and request to limit the processing of your data or object to it.

Finally, you may invoke your right to data portability. This means that you will receive your information in a form in which you can easily pass it on to another organization if you wish.


If you have any general questions, you can contact us at info@eatmyride.com. Any questions or complaints regarding personal data can also be sent to info@eatmyride.com.

Should you have a grave complaint about the way we process your personal data that cannot be resolved together with us, you may lodge a complaint with the Dutch Supervisory Authority Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

EatMyRide B.V.
E: info@EatMyRide.com

Number Chamber of Commerce: 73656305
VAT-number: NL859617075B01