Happy Mondays star Shaun Ryder has quipped that he used to be addicted to Class A drugs but is now addicted to Coronation Street.

The singer-songwriter, 61, has admitted he got up to all sorts of wild things in his rock star past. But he revealed that these days he prefers watching what's happening on the cobbles to pills and parties.

He told The Sun: "I used to be addicted to heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine - you name it. Now I’m addicted to cycling and Coronation Street."

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The star, well known to TV viewers for shows like Gogglebox and I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!, said he'd had some "mad moments" after finding fame with the band, which is known for tracks like Kinky Afro and Loose Fit.

Shaun Ryder
Shaun has opened up about his drugs past

On one trip to Brazil back in the day, he apparently used drugs while he was in a coffin, although he can't remember anything about it. “I only know this as I was told about it," he said.

"Apparently there was a funeral there and I got in a coffin, but I don’t remember that. They say that I jumped into it, lay down and started snorting coke."

Shaun Ryder
The Happy Mondays star ditched drugs decades ago

However, Shaun ditched the drugs around 20 years ago and has been clean ever since, with cycling a part of his new lifestyle. The star is also married and has six children and confessed that as they started to grow up he didn't want them to see him as a "f*****-up old dude".

Speaking as he was launching his book, Happy Mondays And Fridays, And Saturdays, And Sundays, he said that after giving up the wild times, he hasn't had any moments of weakness. And he said the youngest of his brood, who still live at home, had never seen the old version of their dad.

Shaun Ryder
Shaun found fame in the Happy Mondays

"I’ve not tried to hide it, it’s my story, but they don’t recognise that person today," he said. "I’m a big believer in the saying that whatever you get through makes you stronger.”

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