I have tried what you indicate but I don't know how to interpret the
information related to audio.Reproducing Dune in Max (spanish) appears
"N: 24576, CTS: 594000, Layout Value: 0, Channel Status: 9" in LG G4. In
the sound bar Sonos Arc appears "Dolb...
I get the same result as @SeanM. I connect the GTVS and the CCWGT
directly to the LG TV configured in BitStream. The TV sends the sound to
an Sonos Arc. The sound that the sound bar receives is PCM with the GTVS
and DD with the CCWGT.
No. This is a simple community forum that I doubt has some impact. The
official Google Support Center must be used. I have used the option of
message, chat and email. It depends on the country you select.
I have contacted Google TV Streamer and Chromecast technical support.
They have told me: "I can tell you that I know this issue is already an
incident that is being worked on, since it is not new." I recommend that
all possible users communicate the ...