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Can't copy Looker studio design to another report

I am trying to copy-paste a Looker Studio dashboard to an empty dashboard using copy the whole thing and paste to the empty dashboard. After that I am willing to change the data base behind it so I can display other info. The data base has all the elements the same as the first data base, like the names and everything only the data is different. When I do that it says missing fields even though they are the same, what can I do?

It worked to do it like for the past 2 months like this but now it keeps telling me new fields even though they are the same!


Hi @Andrei_3

Thank you for joining our community.

I understand that it can be confusing when something that usually works suddenly stops working. Let me share with a workaround that might help.

Looker Studio > Copy a report

When you copy a report, the copy inherits the following from the original:

  • pages
  • charts
  • date range controls
  • filter controls
  • data and style settings (e.g. colors, fonts, decimal precision, etc.)
  • text, shapes, and images
  • Google Analytics segments
  • filters

Copying a report does not create copies of its data sources. When you copy a report, you must select which data source(s) to use for the copy. If you have at least view access to the original data sources, you can use those; otherwise, you must select new data sources to use.

This will allow you to copy the entire report or design except the data sources which you can reconfigure anytime.

I hope I was able to provide you with useful insights.