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394 reviews
Great recreation of an iconic scene
Arcturous· Review provided by LEGO · June 5, 2024
Overall a fantastic set with a few minor issues. They detailing in the corridor on the walls is fantastic and the return
of rebel soldier minifigures was done brilliantly. Also the fact that the door “blasts” open is definitely an awesome feature for display and play. Even though fives helmet is completely wrong and we still have no waist cape, I still have fun using him as a generic 501 arc trooper. My main issue is that Lego still uses the fat stormtrooper helmets from 2019. Even the rebels version could at least turn more than 15 degrees. Revert to the 2018 original trilogy stormtroopers sometime please :)
It's fine for what it is. (Bought for Fives minifig)
Dylan· Review provided by mightyape.com.au · April 20, 2024
This is the most needlessly intricate build process I've seen so far this year (April 2024). That's not a bad thing mind you, it's just crazy the infinite amount of different pieces used to make up a wall. It's nuts! Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it to a casual fan due to it being pretty bland. For collectors it's a decent display piece. I think young ones would love it most as the high number of minifigs would probably provide much fun play time. As for me, I just really wanted the Clone Trooper Fives exclusive figure, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.
Cool, but should have been a Diorama
GrumpyOldMan· Review provided by LEGO · March 24, 2024
While this is a great set, and for the younger folks it probably will be enjoyed for its play features, I will be converting it to a diorama. These iconic scenes should definitely be made into dioramas. So this was a great start to the diorama build for me, but ultimately bought additional legos to turn it into what I wanted out of the set. Overall the build is way more complicated then it needs to be, and the stickers aren't great. The white stickers on white brick stands out like a sore thumb, as they are not the same shade. Its a good not great set and slightly overpriced due to piece count, but the extra figs make up for it a little.
Great build
Dabzilla21· Review provided by LEGO · May 15, 2024
I feel like this set is exactly what I like to see in a Lego Star Wars set. It's a diorama of an iconic scene which looks complete but comes with plenty of play features that are incredibly satisfying to build and play with, most notably opening and closing the door, which is brilliantly designed to be smooth and satisfying. It also has what is lacking from a lot of display pieces, that being minifigures. Not only do you get a decent amount of rebels and stormtroopers but it also comes with Darth Vader and an exclusive clone trooper. Love the set and it sits proudly on my desk as my favourite build. Just please, no more stickers.
Showing results 1–4 of 394