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119 reviews
Guess the customers or fans don't matter
Killion6325· Review provided by walmart.com · April 18, 2017
I usually don't do reviews unless it's amazingly good or horribly bad, and this one is a bad one. (for me anyways) This review isn't about Walmart, the condition of the game or anything like that really. The game is fine condition wise, and I don't think I've purchased a scratched game yet. They're always pristine, which is a wonderful thing and keeps my business with them. Thank you for this, Walmart!

This review is about a company called 2K, who thinks they can just keep releasing sports game after sports game, year after year, wanting people to buy them, but don't fix bugs and/or thinks certain bugs aren't important. I know this because this game has been out for quite some time, and also there is a 2k17 version now, which I will NEVER buy because of the bug(s) left in this game! I recently bought this and there is this bug in the game where your wrestler will have these green/yellow specks or pixel looking things on different parts of the wrestlers body, which kinda looks like glitter and makes your wrestler look girly. I do not know how to get it off, I tried everything, different combinations of clothing, searching online for a solution, and on and on, nothing works to get rid of it. Now I know in my mind, as long as this game has been out, if that bug was an issue or important, it would already be fixed. Well it IS in fact an ANNOYING issue, and IS important to ME and makes the game suck badly because I have to look at it in disgust every fight! As if the reporter chick isn't bad enough with her long pauses just staring into the camera like the cat has her tongue, usually right before she interviews you. Don't buy this game if you want YOUR wrestler to look like YOU want them to look. 2k doesn't care about the bug and only cares about how much more money they can get out of everyone. I just don't get all this yearly sports game stuff where they have to release one every year, obviously because of roster changes, etc. I think instead of releasing the games in this manner with the copy and paste methods, why not have the games like "WWE 2k10-2k15" and so on? Ohhhh, that's riiiiight! It's because they won't make as much money releasing them every 5 years compared to every 1 year! Company is like a leech, especially when they don't seem to care to fix these horrible bugs. If you can't keep up 2k, then you don't need to make a game for each sport every year. You must have so much on your plate that you can't even fix a small, but horrible bug in WWE 2k16. My next wrestling game won't be a 2K one, that's for sure, unless the company gets their act together. You don't sell games to people and just act like "Well, forget them, we don't have to fix the bugs." In case you forgot 2k, we are the ones paying you!!! You're even lucky I gave this game 2 stars! That bug is a bigger graphical error than you think! It's not like I am okay with tossing glitter on my character like J-lo or somebody. I'm not a chick, not feminine, so why would I want it there? If I was a girl, or made a girl character, I probably wouldn't care about the glitter/pixel bug! Hmm, I think more guys play this. Companies like this can just make my blood boil sometimes!
omega-p74· Review provided by ebay.com · June 14, 2016
A really good game the graphics are definitely close to each wrestlers actual look for the most part. Still needs a little work on facial expressions. Only issues I had with the game was the new controls with grapples and kick out of pins, submission maybe it's my timing. Also another thing that totally help ruined my experience with this game was locking onto different wrestlers when you had more than one in the ring at a time. And this one of the most important features. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. Other than that it's made some improvements over WWE2K15. They just need to stop adding unnecessary features as far as the grappling system. They do this every year add something take something away. You'd think they'd learn something from THQ mistakes.
Item As Described. Overall quality experience. Recommended.
gamefreakps· Review provided by ebay.com · June 12, 2024
Item As Described. Overall quality experience. Recommended.
nai.k· Review provided by influenster.com · December 3, 2015
I am a huge WWE fan and collect all the games. With all the hype surrounding this game I couldn't help but be disappointed. The roster is huge which is a plus. But other than that I can't say that I'm impressed with this game. Not much has changed in gameplay since last year. Graphics are almost identical. The superstar mode is very boring. Some wrestlers are not currently available but will be through DLC. Could've been so much better than previous years but instead it just felt like the same old game.
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