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454 reviews
Best for Universe, hands down
starbase503· Review provided by ebay.com · September 5, 2023
Had to get this game after reading so many Reddit posts about 2k19 being the absolute best for Universe mode, and I have to agree. Okay, the graphics are a bit dated, and it's impressive to see how far they have come in just four years (comparing 19 to 23). But the moves you can make are so much more varied, the matches are no over in seconds, and the show intros are still there (removed for no good reason in 23). However, buying the Deluxe edition is pointless. 2k19 servers have been shut down, so the Season Ticket that comes with the game cannot be redeemed, nor can any of the DLC be accessed. So what you get with the game is all you will ever have. Which is okay. It's still a pretty deep roster, although I WILL miss not having Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley or Ricochet in this universe of mine.
A sad waste of a good story.
adamthejoker· Review provided by ebay.com · November 28, 2018
The problems start right from the get go, with gameplay the options are either; the AI is too dumb to reverse your attacks, or the AI knows exactly what you're going to do. there is no middle ground of difficulty for a decent challenge. Especially during story mode where your created character starts out incredibly weaker than every opponent. At first the loot boxes were a nice idea, as your character would gain access to newer moves, costumes and such throughout the story. However when I get the exact same move but with a different name, or three clothing items in a row with VERY minor differences I draw the line. The gameplay instead of feeling like a wrestling match, overall feels like instead a gimmicky series of mini games, which of course the AI or good at and I lose before I have a chance to learn the controls. Oh yes let us not forget; NO TUTORIAL. Not to mention the matches will drag on if your opponent decides to reversal your finisher. Because the AI will ALWAYS kick out unless you do a finisher, ruining the immersion of the game. I was honestly and truly disappointed by this wrestling game, the best thing about it is the customisation. Which is far more enjoyable than the game itself, it is sad because it's obvious effort was put into the writing, the character Cole Quinn especially became a quirky guy to hang with. I was even willing to forgive the lack of options, dialogue branching and making the wrestler YOUR character instead of the dorky 'Buzz' who always sounds like a nervous teenager even when he's a grizzly giant of a man. Please do not buy this, it's a waste of money, there are far better wrestling games from past that are cheaper, and far better games to spend your money and time on than this garbage.
Overpriced and unprofessional
Eddy· Review provided by dkoldies.com · June 11, 2022
Product arrived full of fingerprints. Box still had old stickers but at least it didn’t come beat up. I’ve seen the TikTok’s and I’m assuming they only prioritize in cleaning and sanitizing their most “valuable” products like game boy games or n64 games. But a $30 PS4 game? Nah smudge it with fingerprints and a old box and ship it. And I wanted to order Pokémon yellow from u guys. $90 for cosmetically flawed? I found one on eBay for $55 and it arrived in good condition. Last time I order from u guys.
daniel .c· Review provided by influenster.com · November 26, 2022
Given the coice between 2K18 - 2K20, 19 was in my opinion the best. The story mode features a company invasion storyline which draws inspiration from the famous WCW/ECW angle without actually making us play that. The creation suite was great, gameplay smooth and was the last game to feature the controls we came to know so well. It has an incredible roster, vastly improved backstage interaction and once the Invasion story is over, expect the unexpected from the rest of the career storyline, it goes to some weird and amazing places.
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