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30 Long-Distance Relationship Date Ideas That Will Keep the Spark Alive

It's possible to stay connected even when you're far apart.

young woman receiving bouquet of fresh flower delivery from boyfriend, chatting on video call with smartphone young woman receiving bouquet of fresh flower delivery from boyfriend, chatting on video call with smartphone

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Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? Better yet, are you and your partner currently in a long-distance relationship? If the answer is yes, you likely already know that these types of partnerships aren't the easiest to handle. Between coordinating busy schedules and finding time to meet in person, it takes a lot of time, effort, and love to sustain a union when you can't physically see your sweetheart whenever you'd like.

That said, your relationship doesn't have to suffer just because you and your significant other aren't living in the same city, state, or country—and with the right amount of creativity and effort, you can keep the spark alive even when you’re miles apart. In fact, there are a variety of date ideas couples can embrace to keep their relationship fresh from afar, especially since today's technology provides us with the ability to connect with anyone from anywhere.

Need some help planning a few dates with your far-away love? Here, we put together a list of 30 long-distance date ideas that will keep you and your partner close no matter how far apart you are. Just remember: No matter what type of date night you choose, the goal is to prioritize some level of togetherness, so don't feel pressured to make every date night extremely involved. Sometimes, a simple phone call is all you need.

01 of 30

Have a TV Night Together

Pick a TV show to binge-watch at the same time—or catch one when it premieres every week—and talk on the phone or FaceTime while you watch. After all, the couple who Netflixes together stays together.

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Plan a Movie Night

Is there a new release you've both been itching to see? Cue it up on your own screens and press play in tandem. Like when you watch a TV show together, chat via phone, text, or FaceTime, and enjoy the action almost as if you were sitting on the same couch.

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Get Competitive With Online Games

Just because you’re not in the same room doesn’t mean you can’t try to beat each other at a game. Websites like Pogo and Yahoo offer multiplayer options for free, allowing you and your significant other to connect through a little competition.

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Enjoy a Wine Tasting

This can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it. For those who'd like an official tasting menu, consider using a company that offers sampling packages that can be sent straight to your door for a night of FaceTime and vino. If you'd like something a bit easier, however, select a couple of wine bottles that you'd both like to try and pick them up separately in advance of your date night.

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Start a Book Club

If you and your partner love to read for leisure, consider starting a book club and meeting weekly to discuss each chapter. Whether you’re into nonfiction or the latest mystery thriller, you’ll always have something in common to talk about when you’re reading the same book.

young smiling woman having a virtual happy hour with her friends young smiling woman having a virtual happy hour with her friends

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Make Cocktails

Have you always wanted to concoct your own cocktail? Gather ingredients for a few drinks and get shaking via FaceTime. The best part? Once you're done crafting your sips, you'll both have something delicious to enjoy while you talk.

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Take a Virtual Vacation

If you currently don't have the money to book an in-person vacation, pick a fun destination on your bucket list to explore virtually as a pair. For instance, Qantas launched a cool virtual reality app to explore Australia, so take a peek if you’ve always wanted to take a trip Down Under.

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Make Plans to Meet In Person

It might not sound like a super exciting date night, but there's something so special about spending time on the phone and making solid plans for when you'll see each other next. It always feels good to have something to look forward to, especially when you're in a long-distance relationship.

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Prepare a Meal Together

Thanks to FaceTime and Zoom, you can make a date night happen no matter where you are. Pick a time and date, then cook dinner and open up a bottle of wine simultaneously. The hardest part will be saying goodbye when it's time to call it a night.

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Play the 21 Questions Game

A flirty game of 21 questions is a great way to connect with a loved one you haven't been able to see lately. Depending on where you are in your relationship, you can either make it light and fun or deep and serious.

young smiling man sitting in the kitchen and eating take away meal young smiling man sitting in the kitchen and eating take away meal

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Have a Takeout Night

Thanks to apps like Doordash, Postmates, and Uber Eats, it's easy to send your long-distance partner a special meal that you two can share from afar. Order the same meal to your home and catch up while you both chow down.

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Create Vision Boards

Having mutual goals is important for any relationship, so spend some time creating vision boards from the comfort of your homes, then discuss them before hanging up for the night. You can both listen to music or chat while you cut and craft via FaceTime, then share your finished projects on the screen.

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Sing Karaoke

Bring the karaoke bar to you with a little help from the web. Search for online karaoke sites, and then use a webcam or your smartphone to listen to each other, make fools of yourselves, or even sing a duet together. It's an unexpected way to share a night with one another even when you're apart.

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Bake a Treat

Pick a recipe for homemade cookies (or any treat that you both love) and plan to prepare them during a video call. If you want to plan a surprise date, use an online grocery shopping app, like Instacart, to send all the necessary ingredients to your significant other that afternoon.

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Take a Funny Online Quiz Together

A quick Google search will reveal a myriad of couples and long-distance relationship quizzes meant to determine your compatibility. Of course, most aren't very scientific or even accurate, but they're a kitschy activity you can do together even when you're physically apart.

woman dancing in her living room woman dancing in her living room

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"Go" to a Concert Together

Pick a band you both love and find a way to watch a live show online. Most artists stream their performances on sites like YouTube, so you can your significant other can watch together while video chatting. Close your eyes and pretend you're both there together.

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Take a Virtual Class Together

Whether it's a new instrument or a foreign language, you and your partner can both commit to taking classes in person or online. After each lesson, talk on the phone or video chat about what you learned and practice your new skills together.

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Have a Scrapbooking Night

Yes, digital shared albums are easy and instant, but an old-fashioned photo album is a thoughtful way to show you care and to reminisce on memories of times spent together. Send your partner a package of your favorite photos and all the supplies they'll need to build their very own scrapbook. You two can work on your designs as you catch up over the phone or video call.

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Plan a Virtual Date Around One of Your Partner's Favorite Activities

Whether they love to cook, play basketball, or paint, spend an afternoon—via video call—giving one of their favorite activities a try. You'll feel closer to them even if their hobby isn't exactly your passion.

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Soak in a Bubble Bath

If you both have bathtubs, take one of the most romantic experiences a couple can share virtually. Draw baths in your respective homes, complete with all the necessary fixings, like bath salts, candles, and maybe even a flute of Champagne, and enjoy each other's virtual company while you soak and unwind.

 man keeping static plank on yoga mat at laptop, looking at screen, smiling, watching lesson, using online communication for fitness workout at home  man keeping static plank on yoga mat at laptop, looking at screen, smiling, watching lesson, using online communication for fitness workout at home

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Sweat It Out in a Workout Class

Virtual workout classes are here to stay, which means you can both have a standing date to sweat it out. Log on to your favorite workout—strength training, yoga, cycling, whatever you both love!—and we guarantee you'll smile wide every time the instructor shouts out your partner.

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Take a Virtual Museum Tour

Many museums offer virtual tours of their properties, so choose one neither of you have been to and dive right in!

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Get Outside and See the Stars

If you both have clear skies one evening, grab blankets and head outdoors. Look up to the stars and tell your partner—via phone or video call—exactly what you're seeing. This works especially well if you're in the same time zone.

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Play Truth or Dare

This childhood classic never gets old. Challenge your partner to a game of truth or dare for a fun date night.

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Have a Pajama Party

This one couldn't be simpler: Put on your favorite PJs, gather your favorite snacks, and hop on a video call to talk to your partner until the wee hours of the morning.

woman relaxing at home with a face mask using her laptop woman relaxing at home with a face mask using her laptop

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Treat Yourselves to a Spa Night

Who doesn't need a little pampering? Send your partner a box of spa essentials, like face and hair masks, luxurious lotions, and a new robe, then find a time for a video call so you can both indulge together.

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Take a Virtual Walk

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones, so consider asking your partner to take a virtual walk with you on a sunny afternoon. To make things a little more fun, you can each choose the location the other person has to go to for their walk.

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Host a Paint Night

There's nothing more fun than enjoying a night of arts and crafts as an adult, especially if you get to share that moment with the person you love. You can even turn it into a paint-and-sip activity, and send your partner their favorite wine or spirit for a night of creativity and drinks.

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Tour Homes Together

Do open houses bring you joy? Consider planning a date where you and your partner virtually look at homes together that are currently on the market. You never know, you may just find your dream home for when you both can physically be together in the future.

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Spend an Entire Day on a Video Call

If you and your significant other are up for it, find a day when you can both video chat from the morning until the evening. That way, you can check off a slew of things on this list, like watching TV or a movie, cooking, taking a bath, and even napping together (or watching your partner take a nap as you admire how cute they look).

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