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Blogger Elliot Cowan said...

Middle aged????
You must be joking.

January 18, 2010 at 6:43 AM

Blogger j.j. sedelmaier said...

No matter how you feel about Ralph's films - there are some that don't go for his rotoscoped phase - there's no denying the impact he has had on the industry ! He was the first to push animation into the mainstream adult realm !

January 18, 2010 at 2:11 PM

Blogger Michael Sporn said...

I started to feel old when this show debuted on tv. I first sat around the tv with the original Mighty Mouse Show. Phil Shieb's music is still ingrained in my brain. The new Mighty Mouse seemed to be honoring and imitating Jim Tyer's outrageous animation more than anything else. Amazing they could pull this off with an overseas studio - Cuckoo's Nest.

January 19, 2010 at 5:37 AM

Blogger David McBride said...

"The show featured jump cuts, random gags, paint splatter BGs, characters changing model, obscure references, inside jokes, and lots of breaking the fourth wall."

Sounds like my childhood favorite Ninja Turtles. I guess I kind of felt older with their 25th anniversary at NYCC this past year.

January 20, 2010 at 11:34 PM

Blogger David B. Levy said...

Maybe I jumped the gun a touch?

That Phil Shieb music really is inseparable with the original Mighty Mouse films. The constant scoring in old Terrytoons films almost hypnotizes me. It has an odd way of making those films feel very evenly paced.

I think the strain of the new Mighty Mouse films pulling off that Jim Tyer feel was that a lot deadlines were missed. There is much talk of missed deadlines in the making of doc included on the DVD set. Apparently, Bakshi had to lecture the crew many times about it.

One thing that is interesting when you watch these 1987 Mighty Mouse cartoons is that, even when they are at their best, there is something not quite perfect about them. Some of the timing might be funny. Even a pan across the city looks sort of clunky. Since then, show's like SpongeBob have taken similar material and made it much slicker. But, I still have an affection for these 1987 Mighty Mouse. Somehow the missteps make me like these cartoons even more. It's exciting to see a crew trying out ideas for the first time.

January 21, 2010 at 5:21 AM

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