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Would a homework and screen time ban make YOU more active?

Girl sat at her laptopImage source, Getty
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The trial found that the change did help children be more active

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What if you were offered a deal like this: Homework will be banned BUT you'll also be not allowed to use devices during the week?

Experts in China have been trying to find ways to make children be more active.

In an experiment involving scientists from Bristol University, teachers were banned from giving too much homework so children would have more free time... but it also cut screen time so that kids couldn't spend all their free time on devices.

According to the study the change led to the children being more physically active.

Would you accept this deal if it allowed you more time to play out? Maybe you like the idea of less homework, but want to spent your free time doing things you love - including gaming or using devices.

Have your say in our vote and remember to leave us a comment below telling us what you think too.

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Around seven thousand pupils took part in the trial in China and the results were published in the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity.

The amount of homework their teachers could set was reduced and there was also a limit on extra tutoring outside of lessons.

It also forced companies to limit children to only three hours of gaming a week and NOT on school nights.

children having fun playing on devicesImage source, Getty Images
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Screentime for children was also banned during the week

A team from the University of Bristol looked at the data and found that this led to the children spending more time being active.

A report last year found that less than half of children and young people in England aren't getting the recommended amount of daily exercise.

Do you think if something similar was introduced in the UK, it would help you be more active?

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