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Terms of Trade

Our Terms of Trade set out what is expected of suppliers when working with us.

The Terms of Trade below apply to the BBC's contracts with suppliers. Any purchase by the BBC is conditional upon the supplier's acceptance of these terms. The supplier should notify the BBC forthwith if it doesn't wish to accept these Terms of Trade.

The BBC may amend these Terms of Trade from time to time. Suppliers should review this site regularly to ensure they have read and understood the current Terms of Trade which apply to their contract with the BBC.

No terms contained in any supplier invoice, delivery note or other like document issued by the supplier will be of any effect unless they have been confirmed by the BBC in writing.

Are you a supplier?

If you're a freelancer providing services to the BBC (or a freelancer operating through a service company) please visit the Freelancers at the BBC website.

If you have difficulty accessing the relevant terms of trade or are unsure which terms of trade apply to you in supplying the BBC, please contact your contract representative at the BBC.

  • Receiving orders

    What a supplier should expect to receive when an order is placed and how to check a purchase order is valid
  • Getting paid

    Find out about the invoicing options and payment methods available to you
  • Live chat

    Connect directly with a live agent to resolve invoice queries

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