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History of the BBC

Explore the history of the BBC since its foundation in 1922 to the present day

Explore more than 100 years of the BBC’s history – click on our interactive timeline or investigate a topical anniversary, unpack the story of fascinating objects from our varied collections, or go in-depth via one of our long-form articles.

And tell us your memories of what the BBC means to you.

  • Anniversaries

    6 June 1944 saw the start of the Normandy Landings to reclaim mainland Europe from Nazi domination. The BBC was there right from the start.
  • D-Day - the BBC reports

    David Hendy, Emeritus Professor University of Sussex, explores how BBC reporters covered D-Day battles on the beach, swift advances into French countryside, and successes and setbacks along the way.
  • The BBC and World War Two

    D-Day was the breakthrough moment of World War Two. The BBC Oral History Collection tells the story of the war years through the memories of BBC staff involved.
  • Objects of the BBC

    This is the RDP/1A/161 portable sound recorder made by the BBC and Marguerite Sound Studios - recorders like this were used in the field during the D-Day landings.
  • Faces of the BBC

    Una Marson was a BBC producer who connected some of the many men and women from across the Caribbean who served in the British forces, through her 'Calling the West Indies' programme.
  • Share your Memories - D-Day and World War Two broadcasts

    Tell us your recollections of wartime broadcasting, and how radio informed or entertained you or a relative during those years.
  • Voices of the BBC

    From life in the BBC as a telephone operator, to the pioneers of colour television and the BBC in the digital age, the BBC Oral History Collection has been recording the world of the corporation since 1972. Start your journey here through our themed collections.
  • Timeline

    Our timeline brings together a selection of the BBC's best-known programmes and an overview of some of the many milestones that have shaped the corporation over the years.
  • BBC Exhibitions

    Look out for events and exhibitions showcasing BBC entertainment, science, and war programming, international broadcasting, and vintage radio and TV equipment.
  • Plaques

    The BBC Heritage Trail brings together newly commissioned blue plaques and existing plaque schemes to celebrate the buildings used for broadcasting over the decades. Also featured are plaques installed as part of David Olusoga’s landmark series Black and British - A Forgotten History, and the BBC Music Day plaques created for BBC Local Radio.

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