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Service announcement: 15 May 2019

Start Time Wednesday, 15 May 2019 8:48 (UTC +10)
End Time Wednesday, 15 May 2019 15:01 (UTC +10)
Duration 6h 13 minutes
Services affected

APNIC Academy websites


APNIC Academy website had three outages at the following time:

* 8:48:24 to 8:55:20 (6 Mins 56 Secs)
* 10:00:12 to 10:14:10 (13 Mins 58 Secs)
* 14:53:39 to 15:01:53 (8 Mins 13 Secs)

The outages were caused by WordPress updates which have been resolved by a rollback.

We apologize for the loss of facilities and any inconvenience caused. Should you require assistance in dealing with any problems arising from this outage, please contact the APNIC Helpdesk.