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Today’s Tips from AARP

Listen to new episodes every Tuesday and Friday

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Looking for ways to help make your life a little better?

We’re sharing some of the latest tips and tricks to help strengthen your health, money and happiness — all in less than 5 minutes.

Latest episode:

Spurn the Burn | Tips for Managing Acid Reflux

If you have acid reflux, you know how uncomfortable it can be. But what you eat can make it better — or worse — so we’re sharing which foods can help or hurt.

Learn more: 8 Foods That Help Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Come back every Tuesday and Friday for new episodes, or listen to old episodes and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts:

Previous episodes:

Health and Happiness

Brain Boosts | Tips for Improving Your Memory

Some people find that their memory starts to change as they age, and remembering things might feel a little harder than it used to. While there’s no perfect solution, we’re sharing three techniques and habits that can help you remember things more easily.

Learn more: AARP Smart Guide to Keeping Your Memory Sharp (AARP Members Only Access)


Ready for Retirement | Tips to Mentally Prepare for Your Next Chapter

A lot of us don’t plan for the mental toll that retirement can take. That’s why we’re talking about what you should think about before you retire, besides finances.

Learn more: 6 Steps to Get Emotionally Ready for Retirement


The Power of Protein | Tips to Maintaining Your Muscle Mass

We naturally start to lose muscle mass as we age, but eating the right amount of protein can help delay or reverse that process. So we’re sharing three tips for adding more protein to your diet.

Learn more: What You Need to Know About Protein Supplements


Drink the Difference | Tips for Cleaning Your Water Bottle

Tell the truth: How often do you clean your reusable water bottle? If you’re anything like us, you might rinse it under hot water, refill it and not think twice about germs. But think again. Only rinsing it is giving germs an open invitation to stick around, so we’re sharing three ways to keep your reusable bottle germ-free so you can drink your water with confidence.

Learn more: Is Your Water Bottle Making You Sick?


Smile in Style | Tips for Boosting Your Oral Hygiene

Taking better care of our teeth and mouth can affect our whole body in a big way, since research has linked gum disease to all sorts of health issues. So today, we’re sharing how to boost your oral hygiene.

Learn more: 7 Tips to Improve Your Dental and Oral Health


Walls for Wellness | The Best Exercise to Manage Blood Pressure

Managing our blood pressure is no joke, but what if we told you that a single exercise is more effective in lowering blood pressure than all the rest? Today, we’re talking about wall sits — and how to do them correctly to get the most benefits for your health.

Learn more: #1 Exercise for Lowering Blood Pressure


Forgotten Fitness | Exercises for Neglected Muscles and Joints

Even if you exercise a lot, you might be ignoring a few vital muscles and joints. So we’re sharing which ones need more TLC as we age and how best to strengthen them.

Learn more: Surprising Parts of the Body You Need to Exercise Regularly


Learn to Love Tea | Tips for Good Health

A lot of us may be coffee drinkers, but that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy a nice warm cup of tea too. And that’s a good thing, since tea has tons of benefits for your health. So we’re sharing ways that this beloved beverage can boost your well-being.

Learn more: 8 Surprising Health Benefits of Tea


Cut Your Cholesterol | Foods for a Healthy Heart

Nearly 25 million Americans are living with high cholesterol, and what we eat can play a big role in lowering it. Fortunately, there are plenty of healthy options when you’re tired of eating the same things, so we’re sharing three of them today.

Learn more: 13 Foods that Help Lower Cholesterol


Quell the Queaze | Tips to Help Beat Motion Sickness

Motion sickness can truly be an upsetting experience, especially while traveling. That’s why today we’re sharing three techniques that can help relieve some of the symptoms — so you can then get back to enjoying your delightful cruise, road trip or plane ride asap!

Learn more: 5 Illnesses You Can Get on a Cruise Ship (Besides COVID)


Spring Sneezing | Tips for Fighting Seasonal Allergies

Nearly a quarter of American adults have seasonal allergies, and some of the remedies for relief aren’t so helpful after all. So we’re talking about what will — and won’t — help your allergies this season.

Learn more: 7 Ways to Treat Allergies as Pollen Counts Rise


Make SPF Your BFF | Sunscreen Tips

Sunscreen has the power to protect you and your skin from harmful UV rays, but only if you use it properly. Stay safe in the sun by learning how much to apply, what ingredients to avoid and when to replace that bottle you left in your car all summer.

Learn more: 7 Expert Tips for Choosing the Right Sunscreen


Feel-Good Feet | Exercises for Arches, Soles and Balance

Giving our feet a little extra TLC can really make a difference for our mobility as we age. So we’re sharing three exercises with big benefits for the muscles in your arches and soles—and your overall balance.

Learn more: 10 Foot Exercises for Balance and Stability


Home and garden

Ditch the Itch | Mosquito Prevention Tips

Do you ever feel like you’re a magnet for mosquitoes? Here are some buzz-worthy ways to keep those irritating insects from ruining your time outside — and the common methods that don’t work as well as we think.

Learn more: Repelling Mosquitoes: What Science Says Does and Doesn't Work


Freezer Friendly | Surprising Foods You Can Freeze

Some unlikely suspects in your refrigerator can be frozen without a problem, so you don't have to waste unused food. Here are three surprising foods you can freeze and how to do it.

Learn more: 10 Foods You Didn’t Know You Could Freeze


Creative Cleaning | Using Everyday Items To Eliminate Grime

You don’t need tons of cleaning products to get rid of grime. Some of the most stubborn stains can be removed with things we already have in our kitchen, and today, we’re explaining how.

Learn more: Weird Cooking and Cleaning Hacks That Really Work


Mold Mayhem | Tips to Rid Your Home of Sneaky Mold!

Mold can be so sneaky and a huge pain to deal with. So we’re sharing three unexpected places you can find mold and how to prevent it from growing.

Learn more: 6 Places Mold Can Hide in Your Home — and How to Get Rid of It


Choose to Snooze | Tips for Great Napping

There’s nothing quite like an afternoon snooze on the couch, but there are better — and worse — ways to go about it. That’s why we’re sharing how to make the most of your next nap.

Learn more: Anatomy of the Perfect Nap


Spring Ahead | Tips for Preparing Your Garden

Spring is almost here — an exciting time for gardeners! But before you jump into the dirt and start planting, there are a few things you need to check off your to-do list. That's why we're sharing the best way to clear perennials, how to clean your pruning shears and how much mulch is too much.

Learn more: 6 Ways to Prep Your Garden for Spring


Digital Detox | Tips for Tech Breaks

We use our phones a lot — more than four hours every day. But all that screen time isn’t so good for us, so we’re sharing three ways to use tech less frequently.

Learn more: 60 Ways to Live Longer, Stronger and Better


Conquering Clutter | Tips to Tidy Up Your Home

You look around your home, and things are starting to pile up again. If you’re not sure what to do, we’re sharing three ways to stop collecting clutter.

Learn more: How to Prevent Clutter: 8 Tips From the Experts



Sneaky Sales Traps | Tips for Online Shopping

It can be hard to ignore online sales, especially since retailers have gotten pretty good at grabbing our attention. But these sales aren’t always what they seem, so we’re sharing three ways to avoid online spending traps.

Learn more: 6 Sneaky Ways Retailers Get You to Spend More


Boost Your Budgeting | Tips for a Staying on Track

If you have a hard time sticking to a budget, you're not alone. It happens to a lot of us, and we know how frustrating it can be. So we’re sharing three ways to budget better to help you reach your financial goals — and give you peace of mind.

Learn more: 12 Steps to Keeping Your Budget


Cool Savings | Fridge Tips to Help You Spend Less

The cost of food lately can eat away at your budget, so we’re sharing tips to use your refrigerator more efficiently and waste less money on groceries.

Learn more: 7 Tips for a More Organized Fridge and Freezer


Family, friends and pets

Healthy Arguing | Tips for Handling Conflict

Every couple gets into arguments, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing — as long as you’re doing so in a respectful way. That’s why we’re sharing three guidelines to think about the next time you get into a disagreement.

Learn more: 9 Reasons You Might Need Marriage Counseling


Gratitude Attitude | Tips to Practice Appreciation

Gratitude brings a long list of benefits for your mind and body, but it’s not always easy. So we’re sharing how to make being grateful a part of your daily life.

Learn more: How to Start Gratitude Journaling for a Better You This Year


Cold Weather Cheer | Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

Tired of all these dark and gloomy winter days? We’re sharing ways to beat the winter blues, including connecting with friends, growing indoor plants and how to take advantage of the sun indoors.

Learn more: 25 Great Ways to Beat the Winter Blues


Staying Social | Tips for Making New Friends

Our social lives tend to shrink as we get older, but friendship is important for our health. So we’re sharing a few ways to put yourself back out there and meet new people.

Learn more: Why Friends Are Good for Your Health and Well-Being


The Power of Forgiveness | Tips for Letting Go of Anger and Hurt

Forgiving others is good for our physical and mental health, even when it can be challenging. So we’re sharing ways to practice forgiveness when it’s easier said than done.

Learn more: 5 Ways to Approach Forgiveness and Forgiving in Your Life


Reinventing Date Night | Tips for Making Date Night Fun Again

Are you tired of the same ol’ date night and a movie every week? If you’re trying to switch it up and seem stuck, we’re sharing three fun date ideas.

Learn more: 6 Rainy Date Ideas for 50+


Healthy Human Food for Pets | Tips on Sharing Safe Snacks

Sometimes, sharing human food with our pets isn’t a bad idea — as long as we’re giving them the right things. So we’re talking about which foods are healthy for your pets and which should be avoided.

Learn more: The Ultimate Guide to Dog Food (AARP Members Only Access)


Kids Back from College | Tips for Enjoying the Summer Together

You’re excited that your kids are home from college for the summer, but living under one roof again can be a big adjustment. Here, we’re sharing three ways to avoid conflict when your kids come home for summer break.

Learn more: 7 Ways to Get Along With a College Student Home for the Summer



Family Vacations Made Easy | Tips for Flying with your Grandkids

Are you flying off with your grandkids on a vacation? It’s exciting, but maybe also challenging if you haven’t traveled with kids for a while. So we’re sharing three tips for flying with little ones so you have less stress while soaring to your destination.

Learn more: Travel Tips for Flying With Grandkids


Roadmap to Rest | Sleep Tips for Travelers

Even the most avid traveler can have a hard time sleeping away from home, so we’re sharing how to have a more restful night when you’re on a trip or visiting family.

Learn more: 6 Tips for Getting Better Sleep While Traveling


Purr-fect Passengers | Tips for Traveling with your Cat

Are you planning to bring your favorite feline on vacation? Since a lot of cats are creatures of habit, taking them on a trip can be a challenge. That’s why we’re sharing ways to make them more comfortable on your next big adventure.

Learn more: All Aboard: Tips for Traveling With Your Pet on a Train


Adventures Abroad | International Travel Tips

A lot of us are gearing up to travel abroad this summer. But while you may have already booked your flights and hotel, there are still a few things you can do to lessen the stress of international travel.

Learn more: AARP Smart Guide to International Travel (Members Only Access)