Madelaine West
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After 20+ years in the fashion and beauty industry, I am now a full-time content-creator, artist, and vintage shop owner. Here you can find anything and everything this 36 year old, beauty-obsessed... at the same time tree-hugging, cat-mom.... living in downtown Manhattan, loves.
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1:14Why this anti-aging face cream is an investment!
0:05Cool Summer accessories! Sunglasses and ear cuffs
0:07Beach day! Leopard beach bag and XL sunglasses
0:58The only Aloe Vera gel I use.
0:41Unique and practical lamp
0:51Perfekt picnic basket
1:15Most versatile water bottle
1:13Picnic baskets of my dreams
1:18Picnic lovers must-have!
0:33Natural moth repellent
0:38Most effective moth traps
1:05Gold and green mid-century vibe
0:29Gold Magazine Holder
1:01Chic and useful storage boxes
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