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- 16 aprile 2024
Bill Kelchner
Bill Kelchner
Sales Director, Tech, Gaming & Esports

A new metric for a new medium

Livestreaming is one of the best ways for brands to get in front of the Gen Z audience. Not only does it have the Gen Z audience’s attention, but it often has their attention for hours at a time. As gaming livestream audiences continue to grow, brands are developing new ways to integrate advertising to reach them in creative and impactful ways.

For brands thinking about where to invest their budgets, one of the hurdles to advertising via livestream is the ability to measure media value and effectiveness. Comscore has built a partnership with HiveAI to measure livestream effectiveness and value to help brands make better decisions on how and where to advertise in livestream broadcasts.

A combination of AI and human calculation

Attention is valuable, especially in today's media climate. To measure that value, Comscore utilizes HiveAI technology to track embedded advertising in livestream, with HiveAI’s software platform combining Human Intelligence and Algorithmic Technology. Each brand is reviewed for integration and scale values within the livestream to produce media metrics. HiveAI technology can adapt to specific and unique client-defined brand treatments within a stream. This is how we created the solution for Thece’s QR-enhanced logo (Unit). The Comscore HiveAI solution samples hours of video content to detect brand exposure, quality, size and share of voice as well as other elements which are aggregated into a “quality score”. Within this methodology, Comscore can now give a media value rating to different livestream broadcasts.

We know the challenge brands have in effectively measuring their ad spend,“By developing a metric for the Equivalent Media Value for streaming content, brands can spend with confidence in livestream broadcasts.”

Within Thece’s campaigns, Comscore found an average equivalent media value of 4.5x of the brands’ original spend.

Thece reached out to Comscore to help measure the impact of their esports offering. Comscore then utilized its Media Valuation study across multiple campaigns in different industries, including oil and gas, QSR, CPG, entertainment, hardware, PSA’s and others.

Across multiple campaigns, including Shell, Alienware, NHTSA, Truth Anti Vaping, Gamepass and Applegate, Comscore found an average equivalent media value of 4.5x of the brands’ original spend.

The most recent campaign Thece ran with Shell yielded a 5.2X media value on their media spend.

  • “We were delighted to see the results of the campaign we ran with Thece. To have Comscore review the campaign and use their methodology to support our initiative added the verification we needed.”

Megan Nicodemus, Head of Digital and Social Strategy

“We thought that the Thece Unit was a great buy for brands, but now it’s truly not a thesis, we have solid proof,” says Ian Owen-Ward, Chief Revenue Officer for Thece.

  • “Comscore, as the gold standard for ad measurement, has enabled Thece to approach brands and media buyers with confidence that their spend is worth it. On average for every dollar you spend with Thece, realizes $4.50 in return, that’s great value.”

Ian Owen-Ward, Chief Revenue Officer

Spend in livestream with confidence

Comscore is committed to helping brands understand the expected ROI of their media buys, particularly in the constantly shifting media landscape. Understanding this effective new medium is crucial for today’s media planners and brands. Offering the Equivalent Media Value of livestream broadcast will help brands connect with new customers and optimize return on ad investment dollars.

Get in touch with our team to learn more.

Ulteriori informazioni

Engagement Gaming Gen Z