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1. What are cookies?

The CaixaBank S.A. website www.caixabank.com, uses cookies and other files with a similar function (hereinafter, 'cookies').

Cookies are devices that make it possible to store and recover information on the user's device when they are browsing a website, in order to, among other things, enable a feature, and learn about browsing habits to improve user experience on future visits.

The purposes of cookies are detailed in the section “Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies”.

On this website, we use session cookies and persistent cookies, which, in turn, can be first-party or third-party cookies.

Session cookies are designed to gather and store data while users browse a website. They are usually used to store information that is only kept for providing the service requested by the user on one single occasion.

Persistent cookies are a type of cookie where the data remains stored on the device and can be accessed and processed during a defined period of time by the party responsible for the cookie, with said time period ranging from a few minutes to several years.

2. Purposes of own and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies

This website uses technical cookies which allow its functioning and the provision of services offered therein (for example, for user authentication and identification, or for security purposes).

We also use own and third-party cookies for the purposes set out below. If you do not accept certain cookies, your experience on our website will be limited with regard to the functions detailed in this section, but we want you to be in control, so that you can decide at any moment.

OWN COOKIES: Those with respect to which CaixaBank, S.A. is responsible for the information in question. We use the following types of first-party cookies on this website:

They collect information on user browsing behaviour (most visited pages, time spent on the website, etc.) so that, based on the analysis of this information, improvements can be made to the content and services offered (for example, to optimise response times in the most visited spaces of CaixaBankNow).

    THIRD-PARTY COOKIES: Those with respect to which third parties external to CaixaBank, S.A. are responsible for the information in question.

    The third parties and the purposes for which the information they process is used are set out below:

    They allow for certain features of the website to be customised, in order to differentiate the experience of one user from that of others (e.g. set the browsing language, remember the last searches made in the search engine, etc.).

      They collect information on user browsing behaviour (most visited pages, time spent on the website, etc.) in order to, based on the analysis of this information, introduce improvements in the content and services offered (e.g. improve loading times and access to the most visited pages).

        They store information about user behaviour, obtained by observing their browsing habits (e.g. which pages they visit), to develop a specific profile that allows them to be shown personalised advertising based on their tastes and interests.

          Click on "Save and Continue" to save the settings you have chosen.

          If you click save without having checked a box, you will reject cookies.

          You can accept/reject all cookies by clicking these buttons::

          We could not save your preferences.
          Please try again later.

          3. Deactivation or elimination of cookies

          Most browsers allow you to manage your preferences on the use of cookies at all times. You can adjust your browser settings to block or clear certain cookies, according to your preferences.

          To configure cookies, you can consult the instructions offered by different browsers using the following links:

          You can also withdraw your consent to use cookies on your browser by installing a plug-in or through the opt-out system facilitated by some third-parties that install cookies on our website:

          Please note that some content on the website www.caixabank.com is only available if cookies are enabled on your browser. If you decide to not accept, or block determined cookies, depending on their purpose, this could affect, totally or partially, the normal operation of the website or could prevent access to some of its services, as certain cookies, as indicated in "Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies", are used for these purposes.

          4. Information on data processing

          4.1 Data processing controller

          The data controller is CaixaBank S.A.:

          CaixaBank S.A.
          Tax code: A08663619
          Address: Calle Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, 46002 Valencia

          4.2 Legal basis of the processing

          Your consent to the use of cookies allows us to process your browsing data for the purposes indicated in "Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies".

          You can configure and reject cookies, and therefore exercise your right to withdraw consent, in Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies. You can also disable or delete cookies as indicated in Disabling or deleting cookies.

          4.3 Data processed

          If you accept the use of cookies, the following data will be processed.

          With regard to its own cookies, CaixaBank will process the following data: data obtained from your browsing on websites and the browsing you do on them (browsing history - pages visited and clicks on content -, device ID, advertising ID, IP address.

          With regards to the third parties identified in “Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies”, read their respective policies, indicated in this section, for information about the categories of data processed.

          4.4. Use of your browsing data and the creation of profiling

          CaixaBank customers

          If you are a CaixaBank customer and have consented to the use of cookies, we remind you that we may process your browsing data for purposes additional to those set out in this cookie policy and which are identified in the CaixaBank Privacy Policy.

          In CaixaBank's Privacy Policy you will find details of the processing in which CaixaBank may use your browsing data, with the bases of legitimacy.

          In this regard, CaixaBank will only carry out such processing if both bases of legitimisation are present, i.e. if you have accepted the use of cookies reported in this Cookies Policy (we will only use the browsing data corresponding to the cookies whose purpose you have accepted) and the basis of legitimisation indicated in the CaixaBank Privacy Policy is also present (such as your consent).

          In particular, we consider it important to remind you of the following processing included in the Privacy Policy, by which we may use your browsing data if the above-mentioned circumstances apply:

          • Customisation of product offerings based on the analysis of your data (Processing 6.1.A of the Privacy Policy).
          • Sending commercial communications based on a basic commercial profile (Processing 6.4. of the Privacy Policy).

          Any user (customer or not)

          If you accept the use of our own behavioural advertising cookies, we will use the browsing data set out in section 4.3 to analyse your interests and to show you our commercial offer in accordance with a profile drawn up on the basis of those interests (for example, if you are interested in our financing products, we may show you our commercial offer of loans).

          With regard to the third parties specified in “Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies” and which use behavioural advertising cookies, read their respective policies in this section, for more information on their profiling activities.

          4.5 Data recipients

          CaixaBank may send data collected to public authorities and organisations, for compliance with a legal obligation, and to necessary service suppliers and third parties for the management and execution of cookies.

          With regards to the third parties identified in "Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies", read their respective policies, indicated in this section, for more information on their profiling activities.

          4.6 Retention period

          The data obtained by using cookies accepted by the user will be kept for a period of 12 months.

          With regards to the third parties identified in "Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies", read their respective policies, indicated in this section, for more information on their storage periods.

          4.7 Data transfers outside the European Economic Area

          At CaixaBank we process your data within the European Economic Area and generally we have service providers located within the European Economic Area or in countries determined to have an adequate level of data protection.

          If we need to use service providers which carry out processing outside the European Economic Area or in countries not determined to have an adequate level of data protection, we will ensure that your data is processed in a secure and legitimate manner.

          For this purpose, we require these service providers to apply suitable guarantees in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, such as binding corporate standards guaranteeing information protection in a similar way to European standards or to subscribe to the standard clauses of the European Union. You may request a copy of the proper guarantees required by CaixaBank from these vendors by contacting the Data Protection Officer at www.caixabank.com/delegadoprotecciondedatos.

          With regards to the third parties listed in section "Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies", you can view their respective policies in this section, for more information about any transfers they carry out, where applicable.

          4.8 Data protection representative

          CaixaBank has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who will deal with any matters related to the processing of your personal data and the exercising of your rights.

          You can contact the Data Protection Officer to send your suggestions, queries or claims by going to: www.caixabank.com/delegadoprotecciondedatos.

          4.9 Exercise of rights

          You can exercise your rights to access, rectification, object to processing, erasure, restriction, data portability, withdraw consent and not be subject to automated decision-making in accordance with the law.

          You can request to exercise these rights at our offices, in your digital banking and/or mobile application, at www.caixabank.com/ejerciciodederechos or by writing to Apartado de Correos n.º 209 de Valencia, post code 46080.

          Additionally, if you have any complaints related to the processing of your data, you may address them to the Spanish Data Protection Authority www.aepd.es.

          5. Cookie Policy review

          We will perform an annual review of our Cookie Policy, unless regulations or other requirements make it necessary to adapt the policy at a different interval. Therefore, users are advised to consult the contents regularly.

          Users will be informed of any significant changes made to this Cookie Policy through a notice posted on the website.