Google Mobile Service (GMS) Express + MediaTek

MediaTek is the first System-on-Chip (SoC) partner for GMS Express

GMS Express is a program that provides device makers with approved Android™ software solutions—including Google Mobile Services (GMS) and Google Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) certification.

As a GMS Express SoC collaborator, MediaTek helps device makers get to market faster, more cost effectively and ensures high-quality, consistent consumer experiences with Android applications and devices.

MediaTek & GMS Express Benefits

MediaTek provides device makers with a pre-tested, pre-certified, fully compliant build of Android and GMS. The program includes approved software solutions for:

  • Google Mobile Services (GMS)
  • Google Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) certification
  • Frequent security patches to reduce risk of device hacking

The Fast Track to Mobile Success

MediaTek’s collaboration with Google and GMS Express helps the OEM ecosystem develop high-quality devices faster, easier and at a lower cost.

First to Market

Brands and device makers accelerate their time to market, reducing the certification process from months to just weeks for GMS and Google’s CTS. 

Consumer Confidence

The GMS Express program simplifies the user experience by pre-loading Google-approved GMS apps and preventing duplicates. It also offers the most up-to-date security patches so consumers are confident they’re getting a secure, first-class Android experience.  

Low Cost, High Quality

GMS Express helps ensure device makers deliver high-quality, consistent consumer experiences with Android applications and devices.

Seamless Support

Our smartphone design expertise and experience working with the global Android customer base makes MediaTek’s GMS Express support seamless. MediaTek chipsets power more than 1.5 billion devices a year across a broad range of products including smartphones, TVs, voice-assisted devices, routers and more.

Join the MediaTek FastTrack Program

The MediaTek GMS Express program has already launched hundreds of projects with dozens of major brands and ODMs.

Ready to fast track your brand to mobile success? Contact us, or your MediaTek representative, to speak with a program expert.