Top 11 DevOps Tools for Automation Infrastructure in 2020

Integrating Operations and Development can provide another perspective to software development. Thus, automation tools for DevOps have become an indispensable piece of the tech-based organizations and it performs an important role in various businesses. Likewise, it can extend from planning a project to the software delivery.

Before going through the article, let’s understand the term ‘DevOps and best tools and technologies in DevOps. 

What is DevOps? 

So, in case you are thinking that DevOps is a tool, you are wrong! It’s a culture that you can embrace for persistent improvement. Hence, it will assist you to help in collaborating with your Operations and Developers Team on the same page. Also, it enables them to cooperate and work together with no hassle. 

Well, if you are looking for the best DevOps tools for automation, you are in the right place. Let’s go through the list. 

Best DevOps tools list for software developers:

Here, we’ve mentioned the list of the best open-source and commercial top 10 DevOps tools 2020

 Let’s start! 

1. Splunk 

Usually, Splunk is a platform to analyze, search and visualize the machine-based data. Also, it helps the logs. And enable you to assemble from websites, applications, sensors, gadgets and so forth. 

Moreover, it enables you to make your IT the framework and business. 


  1. Likewise, search, save, analyze and visualize the machine-based data 
  2. Ingest data in various file formats
  3. Make information objects for operational intelligence 
  4. Screens business measurements to get log bits of knowledge 

2. ELK Stack 

So, ELK is a blend of three ground-breaking, open-source tools. Like Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash a lot more, that is being used to gather information out of your data and logs. 


  1. It is an Open Source tool with various modules 
  2. Thus, it is a lightweight instrument, simple to deploy 
  3. Hence, it can perform a search in close continuous 
  4. Although, you can collect and Analyze logs from an excess expectations file to a database
  5. Get an Active and Supportive exchange discussion 

3. Nagios

Well, Nagios is an amazing monitoring solution because it empowers your business to recognize and resolve IT foundation issues before they influence basic business forms.


  1. It will help in Monitoring and investigating server performance issues 
  2. Moreover, it helps to Plan framework overhauls before obsolete systems cause failures 
  3. Fix issues when distinguished 

4. Ansible 

Now, Ansible is open-source software. Furthermore, it gives the least complex approaches. Also, this will help to automate your applications and IT foundations. 

For example, cloud deployments, Network Setup, and the production of development environments. 


  1. It is an open-source arrangement of the management device 
  2. Supports push configuration 
  3. Furthermore, based on ace slave design 
  4. Even though it uses easy language structure composed YAML 

5. Chef

Well, Chef is an amazing configuration management automation software. With this, you can change the environment into code. 


  1. It is another open-source arrangement for the board apparatus 
  2. Also, it helps to support various platforms like AIX, RHEL/CentOS, FreeBSD
  3. Yet, Easy to incorporate with cloud-based platforms 
  4. It has active, shrewd and fast-developing community support. 

6. Puppet 

This is a Puppet. And, It is an open-source configuration tool. Also, it is used to automate the technique to examine, deliver and operate your software over the whole life-cycle with platform dependency.


  1. Based on ace slave design 
  2. Open – source instrument 
  3. Long commercial reputation 

7. Docker

So, this is a lightweight software. Moreover, it utilizes a container to bundle up an application with all the necessities and conditions before transportation, the whole container was one bundle.


  1. Use Docker container alongside any language 
  2. Ship the container any place you need, be it QA, your team and even the cloud 
  3. Scale up to 1000’s hub 
  4. Update with zero vacation 

8. Selenium

Well, Selenium is a versatile software testing platform for web apps. Also, It gives you a simple interface for creating automated tests. 


  1. Free Open-Source Tool 
  2. Create strong, browser-based relapse automation suites and tests 
  3. Write test contents in various dialects like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, Perl, Php, and JavaScript 
  4. Supports Multi-Platform for testing like ios and Android 
  5. Easy to manufacture a catchphrase driven framework for a WebDriver 

9. Jenkins

Basically, Jenkins is a persistent integration server composed in Java. So, you may use it to test and report changes in real-time. 

As a developer, it will assist you with finding and fathom bugs in your code and automate the testing of their build.


  1. Free Open-Source Tool 
  2. Integrate all your DevOps stages with the support of around 1000 plugins
  3. Script your pipeline having at least one incorporate occupation with a solitary workflow 
  4. Quick-start your Jenkins with its WAR file 
  5. Provides different methods for correspondence: web-based GUI, CLI and REST API 

10. GIT 

Now, GIT is a version of the control system. Likewise, it enables you to track the changes within your file. Well, by using it you can help your team easily. 


  1. Free-Open Source Tool 
  2. Feature Branch Workflow 
  3. Allows Distributed Development 
  4. Supports Pull Request 
  5. Enables Faster Release Cycle 

11. QuerySurge

QuerySurge is a smart data testing tool. Although, it is the first-of-its-kind, a complete DevOps service for regular data testing.


  1. Robust API alongside 60+ calls
  2. Seamless integration in the DevOps pipeline for persistent testing
  3. Confirms huge amounts of data 
  4. Validates hard transformation rules amid various sources and target systems
  5. Identifies necessities and code changes. 
  6. Updating tests and notifies team members of current changes
  7. Gives detailed data analytics and data intelligence

So, this post will help you know the 11 Most Popular DevOps Tools for Automation Infrastructure in 2020. If you want to know more about DevOps Tools, keep in touch with us. We would love to share some great information with you.