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state, United States
Alternative Title: Peach State

Georgia, constituent state of the United States of America. Ranking fourth among the U.S. states east of the Mississippi River in terms of total area (though first in terms of land area) and by many years the youngest of the 13 former English colonies, Georgia was founded in 1732, at which time its boundaries were even larger—including much of the present-day states of Alabama and Mississippi. Its landscape presents numerous contrasts, with more soil types than any other state as it sweeps from the Appalachian Mountains in the north (on the borders of Tennessee and North Carolina) to the ... (100 of 7,196 words)

  • Georgia’s flag, adopted in 2003, resembles the state’s first official flag, which was adopted in 1879 and was similar to the Stars and Bars, the first flag of the Confederacy. The state seal was added to the flag in 1905. In 1956 the flag was replaced with one that prominently featured the Confederate battle flag. In 2001, amid controversy over the use of the battle flag, the state legislature introduced a new design. Under the phrase “Georgia’s History” was a group of five small historical flags of the United States and Georgia, including the flag of 1956. This flag also drew criticism, and it in turn was replaced in 2003. The current flag has three broad horizontal red-white-red stripes. At upper left is a blue field that bears a circle of 13 white stars surrounding the state coat of arms and the motto “In God We Trust,” both in gold.
  • The seal of Georgia was adopted in 1798, and the only modification since has been to change the date from 1799 to 1776. One side shows an arch with three pillars and the words Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation. The arch is engraved with “Constitution.” The design symbolizes the state constitution supported by the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the government. A soldier under the arch represents the readiness of Georgia’s militia to defend these principles. The other side of the seal has the motto “Agriculture and Commerce” and an illustrative scene.
    Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
  • Georgia (U.S. state). Political map: boundaries, cities. Includes locator. CORE MAP ONLY. CONTAINS IMAGEMAP TO CORE ARTICLES.
    Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
  • The skyline of Atlanta, Ga.
    The skyline of Atlanta, Ga.
    Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images

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