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Bloggers are panicking over changes to Amazon’s affiliate system

Supreme Court to decide whether sex offenders can be barred from social media

New online network will stream high-profile court cases live

Petition calls on Obama to run for president in France

Google filmmaker makes VR video mash-up of ‘90s Weather Channel footage and Kenny G

Cloudy with a chance of sax

Happy fourth anniversary to my favorite tech video, 'Booting up my old computer'

Tigers that ate a drone for fun reportedly live in a terrible place

Russia launches website dedicated to flagging ‘fake news’

Memes are an art, and love is the main reason for existing

Radiohead’s saddest song is True Love Waits, according to data analysis

The implosion of Milo Yiannopoulos only took four days

Troll threatens terrorist attack on Whisper and is immediately raided by feds

Milo Yiannopoulos has resigned from Breitbart

The appeal of watching an animal chase live

Chance the Rapper-backed Vine tribute moves local woman to tears

This Urban Outfitters AOL T-shirt will cost you more than an actual monthly service charge

Milo Yiannopoulos’ book deal canceled after pedophilia remarks

‘Eyebrows on fleek’ originator Peaches Monroee is crowdfunding a cosmetics line

Time to pay up

Can this subreddit persuade you to eat an orange in the shower?

Adults dressed as superheroes is YouTube’s new, strange, and massively popular genre

We Rate Dads and Lizards: the strange side of Twitter animal reviews

He Will Not Divide Us exhibit has found a new home

Edgelords aren’t the internet’s cultural leaders — snowflakes are

Giphy launches a library of American Sign Language GIFs

The viral mash-up machine isn’t magic, but that doesn’t spoil its fun

Trump tweets align perfectly with comic book supervillain dialogue