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Valentine’s Day spending to reach $18.9 billion

valentinesvalentinesAmericans will splurge on jewelry, candy and a night out on Valentine’s Day this year, according to the National Retail Federation, which predicts spending for the Feb. 14 holiday will reach $18.9 billion this year.

The average person celebrating the romantic holiday, which is this Saturday, will spend $142.31 on candy, flowers, apparel and more, shows data collected by Prosper Insights and Analytics for the NRF. That’s up 6.2 percent over spending on Valentine’s Day last year.

Total spending across the U.S. is expected to reach $18.9 billion.

“It’s encouraging to see consumers show interest in spending on gifts and Valentine’s Day-related merchandise – a good sign for consumer sentiment as we head into 2015,” said Matthew Shay, president and CEO of the NRF. “Hoping to draw in eager shoppers, retailers will offer unique promotions on gifts, meal options at restaurants and even experiences.”

Most shoppers will buy candy for the holiday, totaling to $1.7 billion nationwide. But one in five shoppers will by jewelry, totaling to $4.8 billion, and the highest amount seen since the NRF began tracking spending on Valentine’s Day gifts in 2010.

About 38 percent of consumers will buy flowers, totaling to $2.1 billion and a third will spend money on a special night out, totaling to $3.6 billion across the U.S.

A record breaking one in five consumers will include their fur babies in their Valentine’s Day plans, and will spend an average of $5.28 on pets. That equates to $703 million on pet-related purchases.

“It’s great to see consumers coming out of their shell this year, looking to spend discretionary budgets on those they love once again, though I fully expect many to continue to look for ways to cut costs where they can,” said Prosper’s Principal Analyst Pam Goodfellow. “While many will splurge, some will still look for simple and affordable ways to show their appreciation for friends and family and celebrate in a way they are most comfortable with.”

It comes to no surprise that men will spend nearly double what women plan to spend on Valentine’s Day. Guys will shell out an average of $190.53 on their loved ones, while women will spend $95.58. Adults ages 25 to 34 will outspend other age groups too.

For more shopping news in Southwest Florida, follow reporter Justine Griffin on Twitter and Facebook or email her at justine.griffin@heraldtribune.com. Read What’s In Store in print on Tuesdays.

Black Friday | Holiday | Retail 

Online retail sales up over holiday period

ipadipadShopping online, especially on mobile devices, is the fastest growing sector of the retail industry, analysts say.

Online retail sales were up 13.9 percent during the holiday season in 2014, as compared to the same period last year, according to data collected by IBM Digital Analytics. Sales made on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, accounted for 22.6 percent of all online sales made during the 2014 holiday season. That’s an increase of 27.2 percent from 2013 to 2014.

Mobile online traffic accounted for 45 percent of all online retail traffic during the holiday season, IBM data shows, which is a 25.5 percent increase over the year prior.

“The biggest winner of the holidays this year is online sales, especially purchases made on mobile devices,” he said. “That is and will continue to be the fastest-growing area of retail for as far as the eye can see,” said Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates, a retail consulting and investment banking firm in New York.

Smartphones alone made up 31.2 percent of online traffic during the holidays. Tablets accounted for 13.4 percent of online traffic and 13.4 percent of actual sales. Smartphones only collected about 9.1 percent of total online sales.

Total holiday sales will not become clear until the Commerce Department releases its tally later this month, but one retailer already has surprised analysts.
Shares in J.C. Penney surged on Wednesday after the department store chain reported better-than-expected holiday sales.

The Plano, Texas-based retailer, which has struggled with its business model, said that for the nine-week period in November and December, comparable store sales rose 3.7 percent compared with the same 2013 period.
The company said it expects to report same-store sales in the fourth quarter at the high end of its projected 2 percent to 4 percent range.

“Our highest priority over the last year has been to restore profitable sales growth at J.C. Penney,” CEO Myron Ullman told investors in a statement. “Customers clearly responded to our combination of great merchandise and compelling promotions this holiday season.”

For more shopping news in Southwest Florida, follow reporter Justine Griffin on Twitter and Facebook or email her at justine.griffin@heraldtribune.com. Read What’s In Store in print on Tuesdays.

Black Friday | Column | Featured 

A tepid retail season is salvaged by late and day-after buyers

Column | Featured | Holiday 

Returns bring more retail madness

Column | Featured | Holiday 

Column: Last minute shopping on Christmas Eve

Twas the night before Christmas Eve, and the stores across Southwest Florida were jammed with last minute shoppers.

I was one of them, too.

I stopped by Target on Tamiami Trail just south of Sarasota Square Mall on my way home after work. I needed a new pair of tights to go with my dress for a Christmas Eve party. I didn’t think twice about the crowds, but boy, I should have.

The parking lot was busier than normal and the next door Publix grocery store was abuzz with activity.

I bee-lined it past the families with red carts stacked high with clothes, jewelry and other gifts. I grabbed the tights and hustled to the check out area. Target had only three stations open, and each had lines spiraling out around them.

I jumped in line behind a family with the least amount of goods in their basket. It was a mom, who was beaming just to be standing next to her two adult kids. They looked like they just arrived home from college. They were buying flour, sugar and other goods you need to make homemade cookies.

My next stop was the brand new Total Wine & More across the street. Next month I’m headed to Colorado with my family for a ski vacation. My dad and I share share a common love for craft beer, and since we’re going to the mecca of American craft breweries, I wanted to get him a sampler of some of the beers we’d be drinking in the snow surrounded by mountains come the new year. (Fingers crossed my dad isn’t reading this before Christmas.)

Total Wine was busy, but not nearly as packed as Target. I found what I wanted quickly, with the help of some knowledgeable associates, and was on my way home.

Christmas Eve shopping in Southwest Florida


The majority of shopping malls in Southwest Florida opened at 8 a.m. on Christmas Eve. Retailers inside Westfield Group’s Sarasota Square Mall were brimming with extra staff for the last minute rush of shoppers.

A handful of shoppers arrived early at the mall. Most seemed to have an idea of what they wanted and were in and out.

Like Anthony Saradina, from Venice. He arrived at Sarasota Square Mall with his sister, Kaitlyn, before 9 a.m. He bought her a taser for Christmas.

“We picked up a few other gifts too while we were here,” Sardina said. “We came early because it’s Christmas Eve. We have a bunch of stuff to get done before tonight when we’re with the family.”

Westfield Group’s Southgate Mall was much quieter. But the free gift wrapping station near the Macy’s department store was working overtime.

Barry Ward was on his way out before 10 a.m. with bags from Victoria’s Secret, Pandora and Champs Sporting Goods.

“It’s tough to shop when you’re working all the time,” said Ward, who lives in Sarasota close to Southgate Mall. He said Southgate was the most convenient to get to. “But I feel like I found everything I needed for my wife and son here.”

Most Sarasota area malls will close at 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve and will be closed on Christmas Day. Malls and stores reopen on Dec. 26.

For more shopping news in Southwest Florida, follow reporter Justine Griffin on Twitter and Facebook or email her at justine.griffin@heraldtribune.com. Read What’s In Store in print on Tuesdays.

Black Friday | Bradenton | Holiday 

Manatee Staples on list of data breach victims

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Crunch time for 2 local retailers

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Holiday retail sales: Down to the wire

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