Download Opera Mini from GetJar

Did you know that you can download Opera Mini 7 in GetJar app store? Go to on your phone and select “Quick Download” at the bottom of the page. Enter the code “3334” and you will get Opera Mini straight into your phone. Founded in 2004, GetJar is a veteran in the mobile application...

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We’re on Soundcloud!

Our team behind Coast by Opera is on SoundCloud. You don't need to have an account to listen to the stream, but we suggest you make one so you can start following other accounts. The first set features some of the songs the Coast team listened to when they started making Coast. For more Coast...

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Opera 16 for Android is released

Fall is upon us here in Oslo HQ. This means unpredictable weather, heavy wind, and yellow leaves. But that doesn’t mean we’re not busy cranking out new releases. Our fastest browser for Android has now been updated to Opera 16. This update includes Chromium 29 and a new “instant back” feature. When you click Back,...

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