Opera wrap up: Highlights from 2014


It’s been an eventful year for us! From shareable bookmarks to bringing the web to smartwatches to a Bollywood-themed flashmob, here are the highlights from Opera’s 2014: Bookmarks with a twist: Visual and shareable Visual bookmarks in Opera for computers When we brought back bookmarks to Opera for computers in October this year, we gave...

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Reintroducing Opera Max


*This post is the fourth part of an ongoing series about mobile data usage. You can catch up on the previous posts here, here and  here. During October, we hosted a Data Horror Stories Contest, where thousands of individuals who have previously been burned by their data plans submitted their tales of mobile-data-overage woe. Since...

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From interesting reads to wishlists: Share bookmarks in Opera

With the release of Opera 26, we enhanced our visual bookmarks with another killer feature: sharing. Now, you can easily share bookmarks in Opera with your friends, family and colleagues. It’s so much quicker than copying each page link separately. In this article, we’ll cover some practical details that will help you get the most...

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How to share bookmarks

Want to share bookmarks via email or social media or any messaging site you use? It’s easy with Opera for computers. Bookmarking several hotel webpages to compare prices, and you need to share all those links with your travelling buddy? Or, have you bookmarked funny webpages you just have to tell your friends about? If...

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Are you a mobile shopper?

Gone are the days of struggling to get a parking space at the mall and waiting seemingly forever in a long line. Now, almost anything can be bought online, and it seems users like to use their mobile devices for doing just that. From pondering to researching and finally making a purchase, mobile devices now...

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How to import bookmarks into Opera from another browser

For me, change is scary. Changing computers, changing operating systems, new toys, or switching browsers is scary. Not because I’m afraid of new things, but because I’m afraid I’ll lose all my stuff or have to manually copy it from old to new (this does not apply to the toys). Switching to Opera 26 for...

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