How to get more out of your Opera Max


How can I check which of my apps are using most of my data? For a quick overview of your app usage, head to your Mobile usage and Wi-Fi usage timelines from the main menu. These pages will show you which apps are using your precious data, even when you thought they weren’t. Tap a...

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More personality on your Opera Mini for Windows Phone


Just before we start the summer holidays, we wanted to bring you another update to Opera Mini for Windows Phone. Our phones are very personal to us. The choices we make about our phones reflects our personality, so we believe you should have a choice of browsers on all your devices, no matter the platform....

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Keep winning with Opera Max!


Recently, we paired up with our friends at Android Authority to give our Opera Max fans a chance to win an awesome new smartphone. Who doesn’t love free stuff, right? Thousands of you sent us your #DataEaters pictures on Twitter and Instagram. After a week of data-shaming apps and sharing the Opera Max love, we...

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Opera Coast: Landscape mode for iPhone 6 now available

The Opera Coast team made some changes to give your iPhone 6 browsing a little bit more oomph. The new version includes landscape mode for iPhone 6. Tip your phone and you can view your home screen, search the web and read the latest news more comfortably. Choose your news’ region and language Get trending articles...

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Get more control of social notifications with Opera Mini

Want to know right away when your travel buddies have finally shared those awesome pictures from your trip last summer? Or, would you rather control your notification settings, so you can have a little peace and quiet from your social-network profile? You can customize your notifications with the Opera Mini for Android browser. Get Facebook...

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What’s the future of mobile data in Nigeria?

Nigeria is one of the largest and fastest growing “mobile first” countries in the world. However, only around 38% of Nigerians access mobile data. And, in reality, this number is likely to be significantly lower when considering those who regularly access the internet on their phones. Recently, I talked to CNBC Africa about the future...

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