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11 TV Recap

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell review: Nothing less than a television triumph

The critically acclaimed and best-selling 2004 novel from Susanna Clarke receives a televisual adaptation - but how does her literary world of 19th-century English magic fare on the small screen?

In short, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is nothing less than a television triumph.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: Peter Harness on making the magic real

This first episode, titled 'The Friends of English Magic', introduces us to the parochial north where magic is never seen and only discussed or read about in books.

In the past, magic had been just as much a part of England "as the rain" and seemingly died overnight. A young scholar and would-be magician is our introduction to the mystical world, where he simply asks, "Why is magic no longer done in England?"

Enter magician of York, Mr Norrell.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

© BBC/JSMN Ltd/Matt Squire

The slightly irascible but polite Norrell indulges the local community with some of his own brand of spells and causes the local magicians to lose their s**t as he brings to life the stone statues of York Minster - a miracle that takes his name to the streets and society of London.

Played by Eddie Marsan, Norrell's introversion and revulsion at society is well portrayed. He is a serious-minded fellow with serious thoughts to be thunk. Magic is Norrell's life and he feels duty-bound to help England out in its current war with France.

Countering his austerity is the other half of the equation - Jonathan Strange. Bumming around on his fortune, Strange is far from what his name would suggest.

His demeanour is almost foppish at times and comes off as a more agreeable Poldark, except he's on a perpetual holiday. But Strange is part of the prophecy which will see two magicians return to England and he bumbles into his own destiny looking for an occupation.

Bertie Carvel is bound to win fans in their millions, appearing to be imitating Hugh Grant if he was auditioning to play Doctor Who. It's amusing and engaging in the extreme.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

© BBC/JSMN Ltd/Matt Squire

Though they may be the titular characters, Marsan and Carvel face fierce competition in the form of the rest of the cast. In the over-the-top but brilliant corner are Paul Kaye, who plays prophecy-wielding street magician Vinculus, and the terrific Vincent Franklin as the outrageous society whore Drawlight - both roles memorable and brought to life with such vivaciousness by their performers.

Elsewhere Alice Englert as the troubled, not to mention slightly dead, Lady Pole is, again, instantly likeable as she travels from her sick-bed to full life. Whilst not quite quirky, Englert is mannered and fascinating on the eye.

But taking the scene-stealing crown, perhaps, is actor Marc Warren as The Gentleman. Those familiar with Warren's oeuvre will know his talents as an actor - but this is a markedly different role.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

© BBC/JSMN Ltd/Matt Squire

Only appearing in the final moments of this episode, Warren is set to become the stuff of nightmares as he haunts the netherworld and strikes a bargain with Norrell to bring the aforementioned Lady Pole back to life.

His appearance is eye-popping in the extreme but it's his movements and voice delivery that will deliver shivers across the audience. There's even a shadowy nod to 1922's Nosferatu in his machinations.

As you can see, this is a fine, fine cast with an equally qualified production team behind the scenes - the costumes and set design are sumptuous and to be appreciated as this epic tale unfolds.

Special mention must also go to the delightfully moody score from Oscar-nominated Benoît Charest and Benoît Groulx - as the eyes are treated to magnificence, so are the ears.

Likewise, the special effects work outstrips any competition it may have on the small screen; from the 19th-century streets of London to the exquisite statue scene early on in York Minister (which could easily have come from a Hollywood blockbuster), the team have created a more than believable world and magical landscape.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

© BBC/JSMN Ltd/Matt Squire

Director Toby Haynes, well-known for his work on Doctor Who and Sherlock, has brought all his talents to Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell - shooting it with great humour, in parts, but also injecting the darker moments with real foreboding.

Writer Peter Harness - another Who alumni - has delivered a tight script which, within the space of an hour, not only introduces us to many varied characters, but also teases us with the backstory of magic and hints at the journey to come. Both men to be congratulated heartily on such an audacious task.

For the next seven weeks, Sunday nights will become epic in a literal sense with a drama quite unlike any other produced on the small screen for many years. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell are about to take over television.
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