The Tragic Author Who Inspired The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Tragic Author Who Inspired The Grand Budapest Hotel

Oprah's Latest Book Club Pick

Ruby by Cynthia Bond

Book Club 2.0 is ready to dive into its fourth book, Ruby by Cynthia Bond. In a video announcing the brand new pick, Oprah says, "Believe me, it's not easy finding words to describe Ruby, because nothing comes close to the experience of reading it."

A Real Life Literary Love Story

Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins

Thanks to a shared passion for books, Tyler and Jessica found themselves in a real life literary love story that bibliophiles only dream of. It all began at Elliott Bay Books, with a book called Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins.

Out-of-Print but not forgotten

Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorious

Our friends at have released their annual list of the 100 most searched-for out-of-print books, and this year shows some interesting trends, including a racy pop queen's demotion in favour of war analysis and fishing rods.

On Immunity: An Innoculation

On Immunity: An Innoculation by Eula Biss

It was one of the most talked-about books when it shelves last fall, and now it's Zuckerberg's fourth book club pick since he launched 'The Year of Books' in January. The book by Eula Biss addresses the controversial vaccination debate.