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The Muppets' Wizard Of Oz 2005 CC

Amazon Instant Video

(165) IMDb 5.3/10
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Join the Muppets as they turn this classic into a musical adventure!

Ashanti, Jeffrey Tambor
1 hour, 41 minutes

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The Muppets' Wizard Of Oz
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Product Details

Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Music, Comedy, Kids & Family
Director Kirk R. Thatcher
Starring Ashanti, Jeffrey Tambor
Supporting actors Quentin Tarantino, David Alan Grier, Queen Latifah, Steve Whitmire, Dave Goelz, Bill Barretta, Eric Jacobson, Brian Henson, Kevin Clash, John Kennedy, Rickey Boyd, Tyler Bunch, Julianne Buescher, John Henson, Drew Massey, Allan Trautman, Alice Dinnean, Mike Quinn
Studio Walt Disney Pictures
Captions and subtitles English Details
Rental rights 3-day viewing period. Details
Purchase rights Stream instantly and download to 2 locations Details
Format Amazon Instant Video (streaming online video and digital download)

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Customer Reviews

No child should be able to watch this movie.
Kymberley Pierce
OK, who do I think I am saying such a thing about a Muppet movie?
Wolfe Moffat
Songs in this movie were short and really not all that great.
Daphne Cappuccino

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

76 of 85 people found the following review helpful By Andrew L. Somervell on August 11, 2006
Format: DVD
I'm the first person there would be to step up and defend the Muppets. I will not defend this movie. It is disgusting what has been done to this once great franchise. I was not dissapointed when I watched this movie when it first aired, I was angry. Jim Henson would never allow a movie this bad, this unimaginative, this unfunny to ever be made. The Muppets represented the greatest in all imagination. There in no imagination present in this steamer. Shame on you, Frank Oz, for participating in this film. You of all people should've known better. The Muppets mixed with the Wizard of Oz had so much potential but ended up being the worst Muppet project I've ever seen. Don't buy this movie. Don't buy this movie. Don't buy this movie. If you don't believe me, rent it first. When you do rent it rent something good that the Muppets did so you can wash that taste out of your mouth after you watch it.
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28 of 30 people found the following review helpful By Dragon Painter on January 6, 2007
Format: DVD
The Muppets have always been edgy in a way that played more to adults and teens than children -- just look back at the variety show. Parents who think otherwise are mistaken.

That's not what really bothered me about this one. What bothered me was the blatant corporate overtake of the Muppet franchise. This was a movie made by suits to try to justify the profitability of the franchise to other suits at Disney who had just bought the franchise.

I could put the old Muppet movies and shows from the 70s and 80s in today and they'd still be funny. Half the references in this one are already passe. It's as if the Muppets have lost their way and, like an insecure adolescent, are looking at what's cool today and trying to emulate it: "Hey, look at me! I'm hip and edgy!" No you're not. You're pathetic because you've lost who you once were and we all know it.

I have no problem with hip and edgy, but the Muppets are better than that. What made the franchise wasn't endless pop references. It was timeless humor. They don't have to stoop to the latest TV reference or pop tart singer to impress the new corporate bosses with high ratings at all costs for one night on ABC.

Muppets' Christmas Carol - now that's good, newer stuff.

Someone needs to step in and save this franchise before it jumps the shark for good.
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65 of 75 people found the following review helpful By pattic on July 17, 2006
Format: DVD
This has got to be the absolute nadir of so-called "family entertainment". Hollywood these days, seems to be under the impression that children today want "hip", they want "edgy". Well I have news for these bozos; They want what they've always wanted; charming, witty and decent entertainment. If I sound a bit angry and annoyed over this P.O.S. I have a very good reason. This is not only unfunny, cheap and badly made, lacking any hint of the wit and charm of the Henson films, but it's vulgar to boot. Nipple pinching gags? There are so many things in this video that are unacceptable for small children that you might even find copies of this thing in the dumpster at a trailer park. Jim Henson and the Pixar people had the sensitivity and intelligence to realise you could entertain the parents of their intended audience with wit and charm. "Hipness" and sewer humor is a pretty pathetic substitute for quality.
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27 of 30 people found the following review helpful By Rac Shade on August 9, 2005
Format: DVD
I'm a huge Muppet and Jim Henson fan. HUGE. The first movie I ever saw in the theater was The Muppet Movie. They were such a huge part of my childhood. I loved all the Henson Muppet Movies, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, etc. The television show. Fraggle Rock. The one-off specials (such as the Easter one that introduced the character of Bean the Bunny). The Storyteller The NEW Muppet Show that Henson did before his death where half of it was the Muppets running a television studio, and the other half was more serious stuff such as the story of the boy who's brother helps him with his problems by making him think the dragon that his FX company was making was actually alive and communicating with him (one of my favorite Henson creations EVER). I do enjoy the Post-Henson films despite them not having the same flawless rhythm as MM, Great Muppet Caper, or Manhattan.

I know what I'm taking about when it comes to Muppets.

They stumbled, greatly, when they made "The Muppet Christmas Movie" which took the shrimp (who was hilarious in "Muppets In Space") and completely ruined him by creating an almost sleazy sexual subtext to his scenes. It was also bloated and sluggish, in dire need of editing. But even that special had it's charming moments.

Muppets' Wizard of Oz, however, is first Muppet project that I HATED. HATED!!! The most glaring problem, or perhaps explanation, is that the creators of this drek have a complete lack of understanding of what made the Muppets such iconic figures. The bizarre sexual subtext is no longer an undercurrent, it's out there in the open. Such as Gonzo's "nipple" joke which actually made me cringe. Stupid pop-culture jokes which are already now outdated. An American Idol gag? How cutting edge.
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35 of 41 people found the following review helpful By Wolfe Moffat on July 16, 2006
Format: DVD
OK, who do I think I am saying such a thing about a Muppet movie? Hey, I've watched enough Muppets to know what's good and what's funny. This ain't it, and it isn't even close. Hey, you know the saying about not judging a book by the cover. The same applies to flicks, because the cover of this alone invites you to an all new world of the classic we've loved for years. I seriously wonder how "Muppet Treasure Island" was so awesome and THIS was so bad. It sucked, plain and simple! I'm thankful that we were able to borrow this from our local library before dishing out our money for this. By the way, the extra star IS simply for potential alone. How does it manage to screw up? Hey, read on!

You think of the Muppets, you're thinkin' ha ha ha!! You watch this and your like eh heh heh, it isn't that funny, and it isn't that innovative. Freakin' Quentin Tarantino made it all the more horrific! But ok, let's take a look at all the potential that could've made this great. Here we go! The opening song with Dorothy was good. But where did it flop? I personally don't know, but it did indeed FLOP. Kermit the Frog is Scarecrow. And of course he has his moments, but it doesn't hit the bulls eye, and misses the mark completely. Gonzo the Great is Tin-Man. Hey, I said this sucked for a reason. Because when Gonzo can point to knobs on his chest and say, "Those are my nipples" with no humorous effect, I can say THIS SUCKS!! Yeah, that's a direct quote from this, I ACTUALLY WATCHED IT! OK? I'll continue. My daughter loves Gonzo, and she was gone by this point. Gonzo wasn't funny. Fozzy Bear as Cowardly Lion, and it could've been great. I'll spare you any details. It wasn't too pretty. I thought it might be tolerable when Statler and Waldorf finally made their intro with their crack or two.
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