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To download Pages from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later. Learn More.


By Apple

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Create gorgeous documents in minutes with the all-new Pages for Mac word processor — featuring a stunning new design, new writing tools, and improved performance. Start with an Apple-designed template or create your own design using fonts, styles, and tools from the intelligent Format Panel. Easily add images, movies, charts, and more. And use change tracking, comments, and highlights to review your work.

With iCloud, your documents are kept up to date across all your devices. You can instantly share a document using just a link, giving others the latest version and the ability to edit it directly with Pages for iCloud beta from www.icloud.com using a Mac or PC browser. And with a new unified file format across Mac, iOS, and web, your documents are consistently beautiful everywhere you open them.

Whatever you write, Pages puts powerful tools at your fingertips. So you can create great-looking, media-rich documents in minutes.

Get started quickly
• Choose from over 60 Apple-designed templates to instantly create beautiful reports, resumes, cards, and posters
• Simplified toolbar gives you quick access to shapes, media, tables, charts, and sharing options
• The new Format Panel automatically updates based on selection
• Import and edit Microsoft Word documents and plain text files
• Turn on Coaching Tips for guided in-app help

Create beautiful documents
• Format your document with gorgeous styles, fonts, and textures
• Easily update and reorder styles using the new Format Panel
• Use auto-text wrap to flow text around images
• Create and view impressive 2D, 3D, and interactive charts
• Insert iLife photos, music, and video with the Media Browser
• Use powerful graphics tools including Instant Alpha and masking
• Use gorgeous preset styles to make your text, tables, shapes, and images look beautiful
• Edit down to the pixel with the ruler, alignment guides, and powerful graphics tools
• A new unified file format on Mac, iOS, and the web makes documents work seamlessly across platforms

Advanced writing tools
• Turn on change tracking to mark up a document as you edit it
• Use comments and highlights to share ideas and feedback with others
• Show and hide change tracking and comments on mouse-over
• Create footnotes and endnotes and view word counts with character, paragraph, and page counts
• Automatic list making and spell checking
• Seamless integration with MathType* and EndNote* for inserting equations and citations
• Advanced typography features including smart quotes and ligatures
• Easy setup for headers, footers, and document body

• Turn on iCloud so your documents are automatically available on your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and iCloud.com
• Access and edit your documents from a Mac or PC browser at www.icloud.com with Pages for iCloud beta
• Pages automatically saves your documents as you make changes

Share your work
• Use AirDrop to send your document to anyone nearby
• Quickly and easily share a link to your work via Mail, Messages, Twitter, or Facebook
• Anyone with the shared document link will always have access to the latest version of the document and can edit it with you at iCloud.com
• Export your document in ePub, Microsoft Word, and PDF format
• Print wirelessly with AirPrint, including page range selection, number of copies, and two-sided printing

* MathType and EndNote both sold separately. EndNote integration requires plug-in available from Pages support link.
Some features may require Internet access; additional fees and terms may apply.
Pages does not include support for some Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text input features such as vertical text.
Pages for iCloud beta is currently available in English only.

What's New in Version 5.1

• Vertical ruler
• Share password-protected documents via iCloud link
• Customizable alignment guides
• Set keyboard shortcuts for styles
• View character count with or without spaces
• Improved precision for inserting and pasting objects
• Create charts with date, time, and duration values
• Delete sections from the page navigator
• Improved compatibility with Microsoft Word 2013 documents
• Export password-protected documents to DOCX format
• Custom number formats in charts are preserved on import of Pages ’09 and Microsoft Word documents
• Start a list automatically using new special characters
• Improved support for bidirectional text
• Improved ePub export
• Bug fixes and stability improvements


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Customer Reviews

Still didn’t read a file created in Pages 4.3 properly

When I opened a file created in an earlier version of Pages (4.3) in the new version (5.0), the following happened:
. Floating tables “floated” to other pages in the document
. New empty tables appeared at various positions in my document.

As a result of a review for version 5.0, I was contacted by Apple engineering, and they asked me to send them the files with a description of the problem.

I got v5.0.1. There were some improvements, but I still saw new empty tables in my document, and it made some changes to the pagination (both of which were fixed by taking out one “new paragraph” character).

I got v5.1. I still saw new empty tables in my document, there were text elements that had been deleted or hidden on one of the pages, and it made some changes to the pagination (both of which were fixed by taking out one “new paragraph” character).

I don’t think that my document is so complex that there should be this many problems. Still not ready to use it.

Just plain bad...

Sigh… If you’re looking for a return to the functionality of the original Pages, don’t bother. Apple still hasn’t seemed to grasp the fact that removing the features that made a program genuinely useful, making it harder to use, burying frequently used functions in odd places isn’t an improvement. It still can’t do linked text boxes, still can’t… Oh, why even bother?

If you’re looking for a word processor for you nine year old to play with, sure, use Pages. If you’re a writer, if you’re a business that needs to turn out professional documents like newsletters, advertising or anything more complicated than a simple grocery list or letter, look elsewhere.

Oh, and the latest mess up? When experimenting with the ‘new improved’ Pages, it not only simply erased the linked text boxes in the original Pages 09 file, it erased the new converted file AND THE ORIGINAL Pages ’09 file as well when I exited the program, destroying about 5 hours of work.

Thanks, Apple.

no appleScript = no citation manager

The Good = Shapes can now be added or subtracted. Makes it a breeze to creat complez shapes in iWork!

The Bad = Now that most of us have switched from the old clunky endnote to the more sophysticate Papers for Mac as our source of references for scientific publications, Apple kills AppleScript for Pages. This is a serious step back for many students and scientists, most of which always used apple products. My only solution is to go back to pages09 but because pages has been updated on my iPad (and there is no going back there) I can no longer use my iPad to edit scientific documents (as pages09 for mac and the new pages for iPad are not compatible). Therefore, if you rely on reference manager apps such as Papers do not update or import your documents to Pages13(v5). Thumbs down for now.

View in Mac App Store
  • $19.99
  • Category: Productivity
  • Updated: Jan 23, 2014
  • Version: 5.1
  • Size: 292 MB
  • Languages: English, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
  • Seller: Apple Inc.

Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later

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