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Can Yahoo recycle your username -- and protect your data?

Can Yahoo recycle your username -- and protect your data?
If you haven't signed into Yahoo in the past 12 months, the tech giant wants you back and it's using some tough love to get you.

Yahoo has set 11:59 p.m. PT on July 14, 2013 as the deadline for users to sign into the site or their Yahoo mail. Those who don't will lose their Yahoo IDs, and the usernames will be put for grabs so others can try to claim them.

How many Yahoo IDs are we talking about? Dylan Casey, Yahoo's senior director of Consumer Platforms, wouldn't specify other than … Read more

WiGig Alliance to consolidate activities in Wi-Fi Alliance

WiGig Alliance to consolidate activities in Wi-Fi Alliance

The Wi-Fi Alliance and the Wireless Gigabit Alliance, aka WiGig, announced today their agreement to consolidate WiGig's certification and development under Wi-Fi Alliance. This is the result of longterm collaboration between the two organizations, since they reached an agreement on the standard of multigigabit wireless networking in May 2011.

While the Wi-Fi Alliance is a popular organization that tests and certifies Wi-Fi devices to guarantee their interoperability, WiGig is a lesser-known entity that develops the 60GHz-based WiGig technology specifications. The Wi-Fi Alliance, however, initiated the work to develop an interoperability certification for 60GHz products.

The WiGig standard, also known … Read more

IT hiring remains strong, says survey

IT hiring remains strong, says survey

It seems the job hunt is in your favor if you qualify for a job in IT. Though the job market is still recovering from the recession, more than half of IT employers said they plan to hire for positions throughout the remainder of the year, according to CareerBuilder's IT midyear job forecast, which is due out tomorrow.

The survey says 55 percent of IT employers said they were planning to hire full-time, permanent staff from July 1 through December 31, according to CareerBuilder. While this is a 1 percent decrease from last year, CareerBuilder said the market is … Read more

Top 15 movies not out on Blu-ray

Top 15 movies not out on Blu-ray

A couple of years ago, we had 40 movies on this list. But as new releases have arrived, we've gradually pruned the list, and today we're down to a mere 15 top movies that aren't out yet on Blu-ray.

Yes, there are several other great movies that still haven't gotten the Blu-ray treatment. But like I say with the top 40 must-have Blu-rays list, feel free to express your opinions, and if you have a legitimate case, I'll update the list with new picks.

For the latest round we've dropped "The Sting" and "Chariots of Fire," and several other movies, including "Jaws," "Titanic," and the "Indiana Jones Trilogy," are due to come off the list in the coming months because they're already available for preorder, so stay tuned for a big revamp of the list this fall.

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Starbucks takes mobile payments to UK and Canada

Starbucks is expanding its Android mobile app access to the United Kingdom and Canada, the company announced today.

The app allows customers to pay with their phones, locate stores and check their reward points, just like the original app. Additionally, it has some new features, including a widget, the ability to use PayPal (in addition to any major credit card) to reload your card, pin code protection and a rewards history dashboard to see how many points you've earned. U.S customers can also access the features with an app upgrade.

"The expansion of our mobile payment footprint … Read more

iPhone 5: 15 most-wanted features

iPhone 5: 15 most-wanted features

Editors' note: This post was originally published June 9, 2010, and has been updated frequently. The most recent update takes into account the new features in iOS 6.

First, an apology to those who've read this article before in its various iterations, you probably have a bad case of deja vu.

Truth be told, I originally published this column shortly after the iPhone 4 came out back in June 2010, which is why you see a lot of dated comments -- but they are fun to read.

Hopefully, this will be the last update, but you never know, considering how long this whole waiting-for-iPhone-5 saga has gone on. … Read more

Mmm...Donuts: Domain name company eyes a diverse Web

Mmm...Donuts: Domain name company eyes a diverse Web

If the team at domain registry company Donuts has its way, Web users will be able to enjoy domain names as they do doughnuts -- for the variety.

The company announced today that multi-billion dollar private equity and venture funds are investing more than $100 million in capital to aid Donuts' quest for a more diverse Web. Donuts has applied for 307 top-level-domains or TLDs (the word to the right of the dot) that the company said will be more descriptive.

"The Internet is ready for some diversity," Mason Cole, Donuts' VP of communications and industry relations, said, … Read more

Top 20 tough iPhone 4 and 4S cases

Top 20 tough iPhone 4 and 4S cases

I first posted this roundup not long after the iPhone 4 hit stores and it's been through several updates, and now only includes cases that fit both the iPhone 4 and 4S and carry the "universal fit" tag.

Update, May 15, 2012: Added Griffin Survivor and Gumdrop Drop Tech Series.

As I've said before, how you choose to protect -- or not protect -- your iPhone is a matter of personal preference. But if some heavy-duty shielding is what you're looking for, this is the list for you.

While I tried to pick tough, protective cases that look good and don't make your iPhone too bulky, a few of the cases have more extreme designs that aren't necessarily intended for everyday use. I should also note that some of the more rugged cases can be a bit of a chore to remove and aren't friendly toward iPod docks and certain charging accessories due to how recessed the ports become when the case is on.

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NASA's new Mars rover, Curiosity, kills time on Twitter

NASA's new Mars rover, Curiosity, kills time on Twitter

NASA's newest Mars rover, Curiosity, has a lot of time on its hands these days--so naturally it's spending a lot of time on Twitter.

The $2.5 billion science laboratory on wheels is in the middle of a 352-million mile trip to the Red Planet with an anticipated arrival date of August 5, 2012. If you're wondering exactly how fast that means Curiosity is traveling through space right now, well... you could just ask it, like @KristineKisky did, eliciting this response that's sure to confuse all non-space nerd-type people:

Curiosity has been actively tweeting and answering fan tweets since before its launch at the end of November. It's even developed a fairly sophisticated--if incredibly geeky--sense of humor and pop culture sensibility, with gems like Super Bowl weekend's "Think Brady & Manning throw long spirals? I'll go 352+ million miles to "touchdown" in Gale Crater." Or "30 Seconds to Mars? More like 241 days to go!"… Read more

Data mining's adult challenges

Data mining's adult challenges
Probably no data-mining legend has been more pervasive than the "beer and diapers" story, which apparently dates back to an early 1990s project that data-warehousing pioneer Teradata (then part of NCR) conducted for the Osco Drug retail chain.

As the story goes, they discovered that beer and diapers frequently appeared together in a shopping basket on certain days; the presumed explanation was that fathers picking up diapers bought a six-pack when they were out anyway. This correlation was then used to optimize displays and pricing in the stores.

That's the story anyway. The reality, as best anyone can determine, … Read more

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