Tumblr has just launched an app for Windows Phone 8, aiming to deliver an experience uniquely suited to Microsoft's mobile OS. Like the company's existing offerings on iOS and Android, you'll be able to follow users, post to your own Tumblr in a variety of formats, and yes — there's full GIF support baked in. Tumblr says GIFs will play as users scroll through the app, which does an admirable job of sticking to Microsoft's design guidelines.

Windows Phone users can expect some exclusive functionality, too; you can opt to have Tumblr display the latest images in your feed on the WP8 lock screen or the app's own live tile. Bringing Tumblr on board is the latest victory in Microsoft's ongoing quest to bring its app catalog closer in line with those of Android and iOS. It's a free download, of course, and is available now from the Windows Phone store.