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Annette Spicuzza, UC Davis Police Chief, Resigning After Pepper Spray Incident

04/18/12 09:14 PM ET AP

DAVIS, Calif. — The police chief who oversaw the University of California, Davis, police department during its notorious pepper-spraying of Occupy protesters said Wednesday that she is stepping down.

UC Davis spokesman Barry Shiller said Annette Spicuzza told the school she is retiring effective Thursday.

Spicuzza told the Sacramento Bee ( ) that she does not want the Nov. 18 incident to define her or the university, and she's leaving so everyone involved can move forward. http://bit.ly/HydOWH

"For the past seven years, I have accomplished many good things for both the police department and community here at UC Davis; and am grateful to those of you who have remembered this," she wrote to the paper.

Spicuzza has been on paid leave since the incident, along with Lt. John Pike, who sprayed the orange liquid into the faces of protesters who were seated on a sidewalk.

Last week, a task force led by a retired California Supreme Court justice issued a report that blamed the incident on poor planning, communication and decision-making at all levels of the school administration.

The report was especially critical of Spicuzza, Pike and UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi.


Information from: The Sacramento Bee, http://www.sacbee.com

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DAVIS, Calif. — The police chief who oversaw the University of California, Davis, police department during its notorious pepper-spraying of Occupy protesters said Wednesday that she is stepping ...
DAVIS, Calif. — The police chief who oversaw the University of California, Davis, police department during its notorious pepper-spraying of Occupy protesters said Wednesday that she is stepping ...
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5 hours ago ( 8:35 PM)
She has done nothing but shit to UC Davis. All her cunning lies will be remembered, forever.
07:31 PM on 04/20/2012
I only wish that as punishment, this officer would be subject to the students spraying him with tear gas, after he is fired. This person should be fired from his job, and never allowed to practice law enforcement again.....EVER!
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04:58 PM on 04/20/2012
.. once again it bears repeating -- you are free to exercise your rights, you are NOT exempt from the consequences of your actions. Accept that risk and move on . . that is if you are sincere in your beliefs and willing to accept responsibility for your actions .. and not just being a poseur. .

This seems to be the bigger issue -- not whether the cops were restrained or impulsive, how they were/weren't trained... you took the risk, don't ask your opponant to go easy on you! 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!" Goes for civil disobedience as well . . Geeez. . .
Reality has a liberal bias.
06:19 PM on 04/20/2012
This was not civil disobedience, it is civil disobedience when it is against the law and this was not against the law.
Police had no legal right to intervene.
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06:31 PM on 04/20/2012
. .depends on who you are listening to . . . if it's university property and a representative says desist it can constitute trespassing if you don't move, student or not! This was used frequently to break up student demonstrations many years ago. . . in fact where I first got pepper sprayed. . .tear gas came later . .and off campus. . .
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04:48 PM on 04/20/2012
Lemme see, personally . . . pepper gassed? Check! tear gassed . . . nasty! Check! . . . chased by a mean looking dog? Check! knocked over by a riot cop? Check! Some of us old geezers view these as badges of honor . . . we didn't whine, we strategized!

Both of these sides feel they has "God" on their side . . . you just have to be smarter, more creative, and more effective to win over your opponant. . . geez, don't whine, grow up!
just a voice here
Don't Tread On Me
12:28 PM on 04/20/2012
So if a cop orders me to wash his car, I must obey?..or get peppered sprayed?
05:55 AM on 04/20/2012
the cop over-reacted possibly, but we now live in a society where individuals such as these students have no respect for public safety, orders given by officials, etc...they just want to do what ever they wish for no regard to authority, its the start of a moral breakdown of society?
01:31 PM on 04/20/2012
You have no respect for the freedom of speech that this country was built on and that these students are exercising. It's not the breakdown of our society; it is the constant remaking of our society that is going on here.

Thes students are protesting government actions here...you know, like our forefathers...it is the morality we all live by in this country.
Reality has a liberal bias.
02:20 PM on 04/20/2012
Yes, such defiant and unruly students.. how dare they sit down on their own campus.
04:31 AM on 04/20/2012
On the surface sounds like honorable thing to do. From the looks of the photos [photos lie].
Looks like the Officer is pretty casual about the event.
04:13 AM on 04/20/2012
It's easy to run.

04:07 AM on 04/20/2012
DID this happen in the USA?
03:38 AM on 04/20/2012
Don't let the door hit you in the butt.
03:14 AM on 04/20/2012
A lot of this has to do with one thing - control, control, control. Police
are trained to take control of a situation. Orders, right or wrong, must
be obeyed immediately. If they are not, the officer can feel that a
challenge is being made to him and therefore a possible threat to his
person. Even worse, he may feel that he is losing control of the situation.
This is why you hear of students sitting peacefully getting maced, an
80 year old woman being tazered for getting too loud toward a 6'4" tall
officer, a man in a diabetic stupor being pummelled by 6 policemen,
a suspect being beaten up because he may have shown some resistence
to his arrest, a 5 year old girl going through a temper tantrum being
handcuffed, and traumatized, because she did not calm down fast enough -
it goes on, and on. Sometimes, the police actions escalate situations
into actions that did not have to happen. However, you cannot take these
"mistakes" done by the relatively few officers and equate them to the good
jobs the overwhelming number of their colleages do day in and day out.
03:49 AM on 04/20/2012
Police actions are determined by judgment and decision making - which is formed through training. The campus cops were not adequately trained. The chief was unwilling or unable to make the appropriate decisions and stick by them. Campus administration made inappropriate tactical decisions. And then the whole group failed to communicate clearly with each other.

Poor judgment and decision making were apparent in the approach to this incident. Read the full investigation report. It's on the UC Davis website.
04:07 AM on 04/20/2012
A Professional should know how to do his/her job with DICIPLINE and RESTRAINT.
04:34 AM on 04/20/2012
...restraint, well said.
If u don' suceed, keep on suckin till u do suceed
02:54 AM on 04/20/2012
Perhaps they should have obeyed the law.
01:37 PM on 04/20/2012
Perhaps they should have given up their rights to free speech and the right to protest.

Then these students, like so many others, could avoid these unpleasant things like the revolutionary war, women's rights, and racial equality.

Just do what you are told and these bad things will not happen. And we can just go on our merry way without a republic.
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04:50 PM on 04/20/2012
Well said. . ..
Reality has a liberal bias.
02:21 PM on 04/20/2012
Point me to the law which says you cannot sit down peacefully on your own campus.
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04:52 PM on 04/20/2012
.. probably something in the student conduct hand book or public safety procedures. . .usually is. . .
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
02:32 AM on 04/20/2012
Need to bring a big, clear plastic tarp like at those Gallagher shows..
12:57 AM on 04/20/2012
Too bad folks can't simply follow what the police ask you to do...it was college property not a public sidewalk.
01:38 AM on 04/20/2012
Why should they? They have the right to a peaceful protest.
02:44 AM on 04/20/2012
Vhy can't effreyboddy chust follow orderz like they supposed to? Now raise right arm at 45 degree angle and recite after me...
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12:49 AM on 04/20/2012
