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By Sean Fallon on Technolog

  • 10 essentials for the ultimate haunted house

    Nerd Approved

    I loved making my haunted houses with friends every Halloween when I was a kid. My basement was dark, dank, filled with old junk and home to creepy crawlies that are probably unknown to science — in other words, naturally terrifying. Halloween is still one of my favorite holidays, but these days, without that eery basement, I'd have to step up my game with props, gadgets and toys like the ones featured here.

    Animatronic Asylum Door
    I've seen a lot of animatronic props in my day, but this asylum door has to be one of my favorites. The door includes a video player, monitor, pre-programmed control hardware, digital soundtrack, mat switch trigger and all the necessary electrical and pneumatic connections. As you will see in the video above, the effect is chilling — I can only imagine how it would look in person. I'd actually love to use this as my front door year round, to scare away solicitors. $3750 - The Horror Dome via Nerd Approved

    Doug Hudson

    Zombie garden gnomes
    Looks like another garden gnome is about to get turned! Imagine a horde of these handmade zombie gnomes on your lawn this Halloween night. Some wandering aimlessly (babbling incoherently in a British accent about travel plans, no doubt) while others feast on an unfortunate pink flamingo. $39 - Etsy via Nerd Approved

    Fart Man fogger
    No haunted house would be complete without a fog machine — but not any old fog machine will do. You would be surprised at how ridiculous and elaborate these things can get. For example, take the animatronic zombie Fart Man here. He erupts "in obnoxious gaseous explosions" while making humorous comments and spasming uncontrollably on the toilet. Clearly, human flesh doesn't agree with him these days. $2999 - The Horror Dome

    Comfy chair costume
    Invite your guests to take a load off in this comfy-looking gothic armchair and then point and laugh when the actor inside pops up and scares the sitter half to death. Of course, this prop could completely backfire if the person who chooses the seat happens to weigh a ton. Did my chair just cry for help? $1618.75 - The ScareFactory via Fashionably Geek

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    Pillowmob face pillows
    Upload a picture of face (human or pet) to Pillowmob and in a few short weeks you'll have a fluffy version of your severed head to place on your couch and creep out guests. Make a funny face or wear Halloween makeup — there's loads of potential here. You can start a pillow fight with your head, squirt fake blood on it and put it under the bedsheets of unsuspecting guests, or put a picture of your big crush on it and practice making out. Er ... uh ... forget I said that last part. $25 - Pillowmob via Nerd Approved

    When someone walks into a dark haunted house, their senses are on high alert. Take advantage of that moment with one of these ShockGunz boom boxes. It looks like an ammo box, but inside there are dual air horns and a mini halogen light cannon. The video above is short, but it isn't hard to imagine what would happen if you jumped out of a closet dressed like a zombie soldier with one of these in your hand. $100 - Shot In The Dark via Nerd Approved

    Entertainment Earth

    Creepy "Living Doll"
    Another essential for every haunted house is a creepy doll, and you would be hard pressed to find a doll that's creepier than Talky Tina. She's an authentic reproduction of the doll from the Twilight Zone episode "Living Doll," starring Telly Savalas. Only, this is one baby Telly didn't love. It speaks five scary phrases like "My name is Talky Tina, and I'm going to kill you." It also features eyes that automatically open and close. $139 - Entertainment Earth via Nerd Approved

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    Hallway To Hell
    If money was no object, the Hallway To Hell would be an awesome addition to your haunted house. It's 10-feet of pure terror thanks to a wall system that's programmed to shudder and shake with a menagerie of ghoulish figures lining the sides. ScareFactory also sells the classic swirling vortex of corpses, adding a nice touch of motion sickness. $5000 to $11000 - ScareFactory


    Zombie head cookie jar
    If your guests can survive the haunted house you've set up, reward them with a cookie from this zombie head jar. The joke is on them though — the cookies are made with boring bran and raisins. Bwahahahahaha! $29.99 - ThinkGeek via That's Nerdalicious


    Empty box decorations
    Many of the products on this list are crazy expensive, but this final addition is here to remind you that a little creativity is all you need to put together a spectacular haunted house experience. The decorations in the windows of the house above were created using only empty cardboard boxes. Looks like a lot of work though. I'll probably just get life-size cardboard cutouts of the Jersey Shore cast and stick them in the window. It's even scarier and there's not nearly as much effort involved. Reddit via Nerd Approved

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  • 10 examples of iPhone mania run amok

    Nerd Approved

    As you probably know, Apple has a big event scheduled for October 4th where the iPhone 5 (and/or the cheaper iPhone 4S) will likely be revealed. As it is with every iPhone release, coverage of the announcement will be intense and anxious buyers will get iPhone fever leading up to the pandemonium of launch day. It's like Apple has everyone in some sort of trance. That phenomenon is why completely ridiculous iPhone-related products like these exist. 

    Nerd Approved

    Sausage-scented iPhone soap
    Is there some sort of connection between iPhones and sausage? It seems crazy, but the fact is that sausage-scented iPhone soaps were being sold at one point. Is the idea rubbing a sausage iPhone all over one's body an indicator of a disturbing iPhone fascination? Haha...that's preposterous. I'm sure this is just an isolated product and in no way a sign of something more perverse. (Sold Out) - Etsy via Nerd Approved

    Nerd Approved

    iPlunge iPhone stand
    Let's face it, there's no reason for this iPhone plunger stand to exist. And there's definitely no reason for a companion wrench stand to exist. Perhaps they can be used as protective charms that prevent your iPhone from falling in the toilet. As you probably already know, the demons in your toilet crave smartphones. $5.99 - Perpetual Kid via Nerd Approved

    Nerd Approved

    iPhone fan
    This $10 device has something the upcoming iPhone 5 surely won't - a built-in fan. Yeah, it's a little thicker than the new iPhone is expected to be, but I know from experience that it would be nice to have one while waiting in line outside an Apple store for six hours. The fan charges via USB and includes a small sponge inside that can be soaked in water to aid in cooling. $9.90 - K.O. Store via Nerd Approved

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    Nerd Approved

    Sausage iPhone stylus
    Hmmm ... okay. Maybe there is cause for concern in the sausage dept. What we have here is a small sausage that was specifically designed to be used as an iPhone stylus. The idea is that you can poke around your iPhone with the sausage even when you have gloves on. Annnnnd that's just wrong. Thankfully, it looks as though the product is no longer available for sale. - Case Crown via Nerd Approved

    Nerd Approved

    I'll say this - the iCushion would be a lot more comfortable to sleep on than your iPhone. Plus, your Apple-hating friend can get this giant Android plush and you can settle your differences with a pillow fight. $17 - EarlyShop (Korea) via Nerd Approved


    Nerd Approved

    TV Hat
    Without a doubt, one of the stupidest iPhone-centric devices ever sold is this TV Hat. Basically, it's a baseball hat with a long brim and a magnifying glass covered by a cloth. The idea is that you mount your iPhone in there for "a movie theater experience". I think if I saw someone wearing this while also wearing a Snuggie I would die from laughter. $29.95 - TV Hat

    Nerd Approved

    iPhone cutting board
    Okay, let's see here. This cutting board has apps for cheese, eggs bread, coffee and...pills? I assume that's for people on prescription medication that like to halve their doses. But wait, what's that app on the top left? Sausage! So we "meat" again! $20 - MyBrett via That's Nerdalicious

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    Nerd Approved

    Severed hand iPhone case
    If you thought the whole sausage iPhone thing was creepy, get a load of this iPhone hand case. You can hold iPhone's hand when you're lonely or give iPhone an high-five when you level up in a game. You can even teach it secret bro handshakes then completely ignore it when your cool, new iPhone 5 shows up. You are a terrible friend. $64 - Strapya World via Nerd Approved 

    Nerd Approved

    Giant ear iPhone case
    Hey guys, want to see what you'll look like when you're old? Check out this giant ear iPhone 4 case and take a glimpse into your future. Like the case, your ears will probably be huge - and you'll need a gadget crammed in there to hear. $14 - Menkind via Nerd Approved

    iPhone table
    If you're 50-feet tall, there's pretty much only one phone out there that can meet your needs - iTableous. It's a custom-made table designed to look like an iPhone 4 that features 4GB of DDR2 RAM, 500GB of internal storage, a 5.7 megapixel camera, 720p video recording, USB, HDMI, and a 30-pin connector just in case you want to hook up an actual iPhone. It's also capable of dual-booting Mac OS X 10.6.7 and Windows 7. - InsanelyMac

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