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Facebook investigates gore, porn infecting your Newsfeed


"I saw two this evening," one Facebook user wrote us Monday night, in an email that contained two screenshots from her Newsfeed. "The porn, to each their own ... but the dog and the blood just turned my stomach ... disgusting."

She's not alone. In the past two days, Facebook users have become increasingly vocal about graphic photos — pornography and mutilated corpses of humans and animals — showing up on Facebook Newsfeeds. Facebook users forwarded several screen shots to Technolog, which we forwarded to the social network, but won't publish at this time.

Facebook did not specifically address the images but they did provide this official statement: 

Protecting the people who use Facebook from spam and malicious content is a top priority for us and we are always working to improve our systems to isolate and remove material that violates our terms. We have recently experienced an increase in reports and we are investigating and addressing the issue.

Facebook users are encouraged to report abusive content via the dropdown menu that appears next to each post on profile walls and Newsfeed.

It's not clear how widespread the gore and porn posts are throughout the site. In our anecdotal survey, Technolog heard more from users who said they'd only been told about the images from friends who saw such posts, along with the few who who sent us screenshots. 

It's also unclear whether the graphic images are being spread via a clickjacking scam. Clickjacking scams are unfortunately common on Facebook and spread when a Facebook user clicks on a malicious link on the social network. The click allows code to access the user's account, which then spams malicious links to that user's Facebook friends.

Notably, this current Facebook scourge seems different from the CAP-LOCK warnings about "hidden" sex videos Facebook users are posting themselves as their Facebook statuses, which we reported as a hoax yesterday.

In that case, the screaming warnings claimed hackers would use a victim's name to post porn videos to the Facebook walls of the victim's Facebook friends. What's more, the warning alleges that these posts remain invisible to the victim.  Several security agencies including Sophos say that they've found no evidence that hackers can are able to prevent you from seeing content they've posted using your name. This particular hoax first surfaced in September and it's possible the resurgence may've been caused by panic over this current alleged rash of nasty spam.

We will continue to update should this story continue to unfold.

More on the annoying way we live now:

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or FacebookAlso, Google+.

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I would offer some leads, but I would have to break Rule 1.

  • 11 votes
#1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:52 PM EST
Rick-3608408Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

Social Networks are where all the sheep hang out, there are individuals and there are sheep which one are you ......

  • 28 votes
#1.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:48 PM EST

Don't worry Kosmogonia. It was 4chan.

  • 2 votes
#1.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:08 PM EST

Says Rick while utilizing social networking software (Newsvine).

Hypocrisy is often amusing :-)

  • 42 votes
#1.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:42 PM EST

To Kosmo:

His name was Robert Paulson.
His name was Robert Paulson.
His name was Robert Paulson.

  • 5 votes
#1.4 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:43 PM EST

"Social Networks are where all the sheep hang out, there are individuals and there are sheep which one are you ......"

you do realize posting in this thread is a form of 'social networking'... does that make you a sheep too? :)

  • 23 votes
#1.5 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:11 PM EST

Actually, posting on this network is not the same as posting on facebook. Facebook is far too confusing and busy and laden with adverts. Also, there is a specific topic being discussed here, unlike facebook. I got rid of my facebook account and will avoid further 'social media' primarily because it is inane, a waste of time and counterproductive....unlike posting here:)

  • 8 votes
#1.6 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:27 PM EST

I didn't see any sheep in here. Why would you even bring sheep in here, who types for them. Thats crazy.

  • 19 votes
#1.7 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:43 PM EST

They're working on a means of enabling sheep to type. It involves a very large keyboard.

  • 10 votes
#1.8 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:50 PM EST

WOW...Ur so smart Rick....lol....

  • 3 votes
#1.9 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:07 PM EST

No sheep here.....just us trolls.

  • 4 votes
#1.10 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:15 PM EST

Whew! Read the title and thought someone was inserting porn of Al Gore into Facebook news feeds. That would be disturbing.

  • 8 votes
#1.11 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:45 PM EST

Posting on a news site is NOT the same as "social networking." Facebook and MSN serve two totally different purposes. Facebook is an online "shrine" that everyone can dedicate to themselves, posting meaningless status updates and spending countless hours on mindless garbage such as Farmville. MSNBC is a news forum where people come to discuss just that....NEWS. I don't see people here updating their relationship status to "It's complicated."Nice try though.

  • 5 votes
#1.12 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:55 PM EST

No kidding my girl, a very large keyboard? I might be interested in one of those myself. Sometimes I'm not surprised, what will they think of next.

  • 3 votes
#1.13 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:47 AM EST

Just because Facebook is vastly different doesn't mean they aren't both technically social networking. Personally I think they both have their purposes. One is for me to stalk my real life friends, and the other is to comment on news topics I won't give a flip about in two hours.

  • 5 votes
#1.14 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:59 AM EST

Maybe its anonymous putting out what it has on the cartel? ; ]

The 5th has come and gone has it not?


  • 2 votes
#1.15 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:29 AM EST

The first craze I remember were the AOL chat rooms - I lasted about 3 visits there. Then it was the new and improved Yahoo chat rooms - lasted about 3 visits there, nobody would give me the passwords to watch them run around naked...lmao.

Except for the obscure site my son set up so I could watch videos of my year and a half old grand daughter - I haven't bothered with a social networking sight since those hurtful Yahoo rejections.

To those who support FB in post section2 - what, you can log onto FB but not email. Admit it, you want to see the dirt along with the message - can I get access to your naked pictures too...lolololol.

  • 1 vote
#1.16 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:48 AM EST

I have been thinking of deleting my face book for some time now. Almost never go there since I set it up a long time ago.

I had it set up to keep in contact with my son when he joined the Marines.

After he was killed I received a lot of support and kind words from the rest of his unit. I miss him.

  • 9 votes
#1.17 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:40 AM EST

Rockyroad: Am so sorry to hear of your loss. That breaks my heart and all I can say is that I feel deeply for your loss, nothing can replace a son. Deepest condolences and a profound prayer that the pain diminishes with time. Thank you to him for his service and sacrifice and to you as well.

  • 7 votes
#1.18 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:28 PM EST


Nothing makes losing a child easier, but I do hope knowing your son died a hero offers some comfort. Never let anything diminish your pride in your son.

    #1.20 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:02 PM EST

    Personally, I think Facebook and the sort are a big waste of time. People have to announce when they are taking a pee or going to cook dinner. Like people won't be able to live if they don't know what you are doing. I'm sure they sit there and wait to see what you are going to do next. And what's with the Farmville crap and all those things? Big fat waste of time, but I certainly wouldn't want some child seeing the images being found.

      #1.21 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:18 PM EST

      Rockyroad, God bless your son for all he did for this country. He was a hero and I am sure you are very proud of him. THAT was a good reason to have Facebook. More people should use it like that. God bless you.

        #1.22 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:21 PM EST


        • 5 votes
        Reply#2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:07 PM EST

        I m a beautiful model, recently i find a good site and just wanna make more friends,so if you are interested ,maybe you can hit me up on
        ---WeαlthУFlirt. СòM- -------Sunrise555 there... thanks !
        It is nice club for rich men or pretty girls mate. You do not need to be wealthy or famous, but you can meet your true love, it's worthy a try...Life is lonely and sometimes even boring. You may need a fresh thing to excite your mind.

          #2.1 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:09 AM EST
          greenebean87Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

          Get um hackers. SHUT IT DOWN. FB is sooo over rated now. Was better when it was just college students. Now all the lil kiddies are on it. Maybe its time to bring MYspace back.

          • 25 votes
          #3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:18 PM EST

          Honestly it's all of the older (post-college) people that ruined Facebook for me. When it was soley college students you never heard news stories or of people getting fired over posts, tweets, etc...

          • 11 votes
          #3.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:56 PM EST

          whats stopping you from leaving FB, stop crying and go.

          • 50 votes
          #3.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:43 PM EST

          What's Facebook?

          • 27 votes
          #3.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:03 PM EST

          I use facebook to chat with friends. play games, and everything else, and myspace is overated, it is so boring, it takes a long time to load! I know for a fact of telling the hackers to take it down, well you might be put in jail over that if that is the case!

          • 4 votes
          #3.4 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:29 PM EST

          Honestly it's all of the older (post-college) people that ruined Facebook for me. When it was soley college students you never heard news stories or of people getting fired over posts, tweets, etc...

          Would have still happened -- just when they got a little older!

          • 12 votes
          #3.5 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:30 PM EST

          um Holley...maybe you never "heard of" anything happening because your fellow college students weren't the ones doing the hiring? It was happening almost from the beginning.......

          • 4 votes
          #3.6 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:34 PM EST

          Social misfits....Facebook is the sewer pipe of Society. Encouraging normal people to be aholes and not so normal people to stretch the envelope. Between Texters, Facebookers and Cell Phone addicts we've created a Human Race of personality-less duds that probably can't exchange any credible conversation in any Social arrangement. I feel sorry for the last couple of decades. What is your legacy folks. Your schools are a mess, your kids are uneducatable, and the Country is in the crapper. Good luck if you need a Cultural exchange of ideas to bail this Country out. Someone turn of the TV........

          • 29 votes
          #3.7 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:39 PM EST

          I gotta laugh at the - get off my face-book - comments. Like Armando said- GO. I left when I wanted to, you have the same right.

          What has ruined it for me is- businesses prostituting themselves constantly, "games", virus related issues from their games and special offers and being stalked by anyone who knows your name. I made it so private, figured just didn't need to be on there at all. Which was nice because now my office uses it for recruiting and they can't force me to set it up again. :)

          • 8 votes
          #3.8 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:51 PM EST

          umm. you are not forced to have a facebook.. if you don't want it then don't have it....simple..

          • 17 votes
          #3.9 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:52 PM EST

          Ever want to find a realtor? They're all on Facebook "friending" everyone on Planet Earth, which equates to a potential client/homebuyer. I have one friend on FB who is addicted to the doggone site - she signs off to her "peeps" each night before going to bed, posts what she's doing with her garden produce, makes political commentary, and discusses what she should have for dinner! LOL!!! Yeah, like we giving a flyin' f***. I venture on about once a month to find out what's going on ... the usual ... nothing of any earth-shattering relevance. Let the FB-junkies have their fun. This, too, shall pass ...

          • 8 votes
          #3.10 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:02 PM EST

          The thing that killed facebook for me was the HORDES of Farmville and other similar game notifications I would get every day from dozens of people. My notifications were in the hundreds and it was all "Come check out my farm!" , 'Build this ride in your theme park!" , "Come join my Mafia"... Then I had to listen to my "friends" complain that I wasn't playing their crappy facebook games with them.

          And I swear, the next person who asks me to take a survey to find out how long I am going to survive a zombie apocalypse or which Twilight character I am most like or which Star Trek Captain I would smoke weed with or whatever... I am going to beat the living hell out of them...

          • 11 votes
          #3.11 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:51 PM EST

          I enjoy using facebook to upload pictures for my family back home that I only get to see every once in a while. They get updates on how I am doing in college (without running up the phone bill) and I get to see and hear what's going on at home on a regular basis. My sister and I write each other all of the time because we don't have unlimited texting :(

          I don't care for the games or the drama posts people put up though...

          • 9 votes
          #3.12 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:59 PM EST


          It is safe to say we older people are sick of your generations whining, lack of work ethic, needines, and driving up our insurance rates... just to name a few... Oh, and if you are old enough to remember Face Books beginnings with the college crowd, then you are not really that young now are you:(

          • 13 votes
          #3.13 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:13 PM EST

          ha ha ha LOL are ya? ;) lol :=.........J/K not

            #3.14 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:35 PM EST


            If you have a problem with Farmville and all the other notices from games talk to YOUR friends. They're the ones you're getting them from. They're not coming from new comers or us (so called) older folk. We don't play those games. Don't have the time. We are to busy working.

            • 5 votes
            #3.15 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:42 PM EST

            though it has killed the joys of facebook for me, I will agree that the notifications are really annoying. I don't play games on here; however I do try to keep up with all my friends in college and ones I knew in high school. Hackers, if u don't like fb then get off and dont come back.

            • 4 votes
            #3.16 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:45 PM EST

            I meant to say has not killed the joys of fb for me

              #3.17 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:50 PM EST

              FB has been verry good to me howard! I now have 25 billion dollars in Poker Chips, and can lose them when I feel like it. I would have 50 billion, but someone was bluffing with a 2 9 off suit versus my pocket Q's, and pulled a straight flush. Ahh well there is always another day. FB actually took over where MSN games FAILED. Take away the game rooms, and you lose all your players. If FB took away their games, it would be the same. Never really used it as a social network, thats what the Vine is for, real people, telling real lies, and blaming everyone but themselves for the mess were in. HA!

              • 4 votes
              #3.18 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:02 PM EST

              FB is a good way to keep up with family that is separated by distance. You can share photos and jabber with cousin Betty. But it takes some common sense! Keep it family, and real friends. In other words; don't friend people you do not know! O yeah; don't forget it takes some COMMON SENSE too!

              • 4 votes
              #3.19 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:37 PM EST

              Larzaro-- you make me sick sitting behind the keyboard trying to rule the world what was that word uneducatable thats you dude get a life all of you people and stop hating on the fb addicts MYOB worry about your kids worry about your weight, or worry about your wife cheating on you. LIVE AND LET LIVE get a f___ing life

                #3.20 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:40 PM EST

                the sad thing about this world is we are doing things that are not right,it looks right in our eyes but everyone see's something completly different,its like trying ask a blind man what he see's he will explain something different then you see, we are ment too seek and find the unkown to everything! but if we do know their is bad things that could go wrong like anything else on this earth...if obama takes the soldiers out of war we are looking at a "world war 3" in "2012" if he dause not we might loose more soldiers.. so either way you think of it something will go wrong unless you find the major cause and fix it before anything else goes wrong,i am wrighting this because their are warning everyday all around us and we are too blind two see it,we think its nothing but really its bigger then we thought...facebook has its good and bad people on it, its the peoples job who runs facebook and they handle it correctly if they do not they will loose people because of it.......

                  #3.21 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:56 PM EST

                  FB es una forma de comunicacion y de estar siempre cerca de tu familia y amigos,compartiendo todo tipo de noticias ,musica,pensamientos costumbres fotos,juegos,etc... tu tienes el control sobre tu pagina y sobre tu persona;sean de amplio criterio y no sean egoistas el mundo es de todos ....

                    #3.22 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:13 AM EST

                    I love all the comments about older people not having time for the stupid games. It's my older friends (you know, the "adults", not the college kids) that are the ones that are constantly bombarding me with requests and updates about their games, constantly asking me for "help" via games that I have no interest in etc. It's the college age kids that spend maybe an hour or two a week (you know, the annoying hour between classes when you can't go do something important) that play maybe one game and otherwise fill their facebook with actual information and content that actually matters at all.

                    • 1 vote
                    #3.23 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:08 AM EST

                    I told the bill collectors to look for my dead bead step son on FB - he had to go Private, that must have killed an attention whore like him...hehehe.

                      #3.24 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:59 AM EST

                      All of you people complaining about the game requests.. you do realize it's pretty easy to block game requests, don't you? For the last two years, I've gotten very very few game requests, and when I do, I just click the little drop-down next to and select block all communications for that particular game. Works like a charm.

                      As far a FB itself goes, I like it. Because of facebook, I've reconnected with many old friends that I had lost touch with years ago and was able to see an old friend, whom I hadn't seen in ten years, one last time before he passed away. I've been able to share pictures and on the spot events with family, that would've been difficult with e-mail and impossible with snail-mail. I've gotten to know people that I've met on various message boards, beyond their screen-names, and thus made new friends.

                      Facebook and other social networking sites have been a genuine boon to the world, connecting people, sharing information and experiences. I guess such a thing might suck for those who are comfortable in their own little spheres and don't want to see what life is like out there in the world.

                      • 1 vote
                      #3.25 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:35 AM EST


                      No, you're correct. I'm not that young and I have graduated college, have a good paying job, no student loans, and good credit. Not EVERYONE in my generation is at fault for the immature in irresponsible spending that has attributed to the rise of interest rates...and I'm hardly lazy and lack work ethic.

                      I was simply alluding to the fact that people who didn't grow up in this "Facebook/Social Media" age get so bent out of shape over people voicing an opinion. People are too easily offened in this day in age.

                      America...land of the offended...

                      • 2 votes
                      #3.26 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:38 AM EST


                      Lo siento, hablo poco espanol :( ....Estoy de acuerdo con su. FB es una forma de comunicacion y de estar siempre cerca de tu familia y amigos... Uso fb hablar a mi hermano todos los dias porque vivo lejos de su. Es bueno hablar con familia y amigos en FB porque el telefono es caro.

                      Tienes un buen dia :)

                        #3.27 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:41 AM EST

                        "And I swear, the next person who asks me to take a survey to find out how long I am going to survive a zombie apocalypse or which Twilight character I am most like or which Star Trek Captain I would smoke weed with or whatever... I am going to beat the living hell out of them..."

                        So reswizard, would you toke it up with Captain Kirk or Mr. Spock?

                        • 1 vote
                        #3.28 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:32 AM EST

                        with all the hoaxes,so call viruses, this that and the other thing, all the changes every couple of months, i am looking for something else,,,,i dont tell my whole life story on faceBROKE just check in once in a while,

                        • 12 votes
                        Reply#4 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:20 PM EST

                        If half my friends were pervs and click on the images to begin with...no one would be complaining. When I see the image I report it as SPAM and then it goes away from my feed. Stop being perverts and lookie lous and you won't have that issue. I really don't care if I can watch the video for more than 5 minutes or that a naked girl got her father on chat roulette! Give me a break!

                        • 6 votes
                        #4.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:43 PM EST

                        I've got a suggestion for you, Globaen, if you really don't want to deal with Facebook anymore.

                        1. Plain old email

                        2. Plain old telephone

                        3. Plain old letter writing

                        I'm doing quite well without all the Facebooks and all their ilk. Email is fast and easy. The phone lets me hear the actual expressions of my friends as we talk. And, forgive me, but a letter from a friend is just great...you hold it in your hand, you can re-read it...and the friend took real time and effort to get it to me.

                        Just a couple of suggestions...maybe you could try them.

                        • 8 votes
                        #4.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:24 PM EST

                        Don't want it. Don't need it! If you can't get ahold of me by email, try picking up the phone!

                        And young just out of college kid's can't figure out why they can't get a job. Maybe they should look at their "friend's" and their links to them.

                        Like rust, the internet never sleeps!

                        • 2 votes
                        #4.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:37 PM EST

                        Facebook should be shut down. All the company does is sell personal information to other companies and hands over the personal information of users to the U.S. government without a warrant. Facebook makes their money by selling personal information.

                        • 16 votes
                        Reply#5 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:42 PM EST

                        And all the other computer companies don't?

                        FaceBook has its issues, but it's one of the best online services of our time, generating business in our awful economy and driving the social marketplace. It's fantastic, and this issue is a glitch that they'll fix.

                        Boy, don't I sound like a corporate hack.

                        • 18 votes
                        #5.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:48 PM EST

                        sorry, Facebook may well be one of the fingers of the AntiChrist.

                        • 13 votes
                        #5.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:53 PM EST

                        Don't put anything on the internet that you don't want everyone to see, it's one of the oldest rules in the book, especially with social networking sites.

                        • 22 votes
                        #5.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:04 PM EST

                        Monkey I would not claim that FB is one of the best online services of our time or that it generates business for many small companies. Our company reluctantly decided to use social media like FB a year ago, arguably the worst ROI we've seen. But at least twitter is free.

                        Don't get me wrong, FB is great for brand awareness and PR, which are important parts to marketing, but in terms of driving SALES (i.e. generating business that matters, bringing in $$ in an awful economy) there isn't much social media can do for many small businesses out there. Methinks the only one generating any business off FB marketing is Facebook itself.

                        • 7 votes
                        #5.4 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:09 PM EST

                        This is a HOAX, try to get your information from a non liberated place like www.wnd.com!

                        • 2 votes
                        #5.5 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:32 PM EST

                        There are very few things that should be "shut down". People should, and can, be made aware of potential problems and choose for themselves.

                        • 8 votes
                        #5.6 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:48 PM EST

                        I disagree Dual.

                        In some cases, people are becoming forced to provide information online and I don't see that changing, other than more people forcing you to provide info online. The companies who are promising security and privacy will need to take better measures to provide that, or they will become liable for negligence.

                        One example would be a job application. And I know my mortgage company just won't shut the @!$%# up about me paying online. Same with the utility company as well as most service providers.

                        In fact, I have the DOBs and SS#s of over 100k people at my fingertips, right now, in a "secure" DB housed online. Most likely yours is out there in cyberspace my friend. So your trite- "don't put it on the internets if you don't want it seen" was more in response to those crying foul when someone puts up their titty shots and sex tapes, not over-all information.

                        It's silly to think that it's only unsafe if it's online. Didn't the IRS lose all sorts of information from stolen laptops or even... hardcopy papers?

                        • 5 votes
                        #5.7 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:07 PM EST

                        That last point is a good one. I remember something that happened in my hometown not too long ago (maybe in the last year or two). I don't remember exactly how this happened, but a whole bunch of papers containing medical information were found on the street (I think a truck might have crashed and spilled out the papers, but I'm not 100% sure). So yeah, it's not only the Internet that makes your information available to anyone. Unless you live in total isolation in a cave somewhere, there is always a risk of someone gaining your personal information. Identify theft existed before the Internet, the Internet made it easier, but it's not the only way they get your information.

                        • 2 votes
                        #5.8 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:00 PM EST

                        LOOK under Terms and Conditions, and you will see that almost every site sells YOUR Info..Especially Card sites.

                          #5.9 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:38 AM EST

                          It a nice way to keep up with friends and family. The language by some could be better. I only get on about once a week just to see whats going on. But I hate all the invites to games and such. I dont live my life on the computer. Go outside get some fresh air. Save the computer for rainy and snowy nights.

                          • 11 votes
                          Reply#6 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:52 PM EST

                          Porn induced erectile dysfunction-- google it. Facebook must have gotten a big pay check from some porn companies...where are those Anonymous Hacker dudes??? Love to see them again-- this time, attack porn companies!

                          • 2 votes
                          Reply#7 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:53 PM EST

                          Where is MY bailout ??

                          • 3 votes
                          Reply#8 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:58 PM EST

                          LMAO This is great!

                            Reply#9 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:01 PM EST

                            Facebooks just trying to get it's foot in the internet porn door it's cool.

                            • 4 votes
                            Reply#10 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:02 PM EST

                            Porn is not cool!!!

                            • 6 votes
                            #10.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:16 PM EST

                            it's cool bro

                            • 3 votes
                            #10.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:30 PM EST

                            You're right Sandra, it's hot!

                            • 4 votes
                            #10.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:10 PM EST


                            If the porn depicts only consenting adults, what's so bad about it? No one is being forced or harmed.

                              #10.4 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:15 PM EST

                              Just another trend that will be gone in the not so distant future and will be followed by something else that people won't be able to live without. Quite sad actually.

                              • 8 votes
                              Reply#11 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:02 PM EST

                              I hope you are right ... but what about the folks on FB who actually collect "friends"? I mean, c'mon, we all know 600-1,200 people, right? And we want them all to be privy to our FB page. JEESH! FB junkies will need to find a new fix for their addiction once this fad wears out.

                              • 3 votes
                              #11.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:02 PM EST

                              If I don't know them personally, I don't befriend them. It's that simple folks, ie if they weren't hs classmates, college friends, or work friends just ignore their request to be friends.

                              • 2 votes
                              #11.2 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:39 PM EST

                              Been getting nasty dog abuse bloody things in FB for a long time.  Peta trying to get money with saddness for their pockets.  It must work well enough to attract some porn stuff too... Probably is Peta, they have started some porn things also.

                              • 1 vote
                              Reply#12 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:03 PM EST

                              You allow and app with a cute dog or kitten and it then it sends a nasty bloody pic on your profile sayin you just joined. I got tired of that and quit messin with them. But others still have yet to learn.

                              • 3 votes
                              #12.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:05 PM EST

                              There is a blog on PETA telling us not to eat turkey

                                #12.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:07 PM EST

                                LOL...but Ingrid Newkirk says in her will that she wants to be bar-b-qued and eaten after her death. So cannibalism is okay, I guess, but only if you're a PETA nutcase.

                                • 2 votes
                                #12.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:24 PM EST

                                PETA, what a bunch of freaks. I just this past weekend, had twelve of the brainwashed Brahmin arrested and jailed for criminal trespass and destruction of private property. They apparently didn't care that their right to "protest", does not extend to private property. I bet they do now. If they want go to public land and protest Deer hunting, fine. Have a ball. Just stay off mine and don't cut my fences. The "No trespassing" signs are there for a reason and they do mean you. PETA,, They have become a pathetic caricature at this point, After all they have the vacuous, human joke, Pam Anderson as a spokes person. This lends credibility? Really?

                                • 1 vote
                                #12.4 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:08 AM EST

                                Over-rated. Who really cares what someone did 1/2 hour ago? People don't want to get out anymore and would rather sit on their fat (and getting fatter) asses (yes, I can say that - it's allowed all over TV). Get a frickin life and do stuff rather than reading about other people doing it.

                                • 10 votes
                                Reply#13 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:06 PM EST

                                Its Anonymous folks they said they were gonna go up against Facebook. I bet they are connected.

                                • 2 votes
                                Reply#14 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:10 PM EST

                                Our society is regressing back to the days of morse code, beep, beep beep, beep. Try hitting the call button and talk in real time on one of the greatest inventions of our time, the PHONE! I use my cell phone as a phone, typing messages in a conversation does not make sense. I am just an old dude doing old school things, like talking to people.

                                • 8 votes
                                Reply#15 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:14 PM EST

                                Sometimes I wish it would got back to simple. All these things are nice but time consuming. I spent way too much time absorbed in the FB games.. Then realize it is a waste of time.

                                • 3 votes
                                #15.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:18 PM EST

                                Gilbert, Ro : you guys are funny. I think its a waste of time too. talking to people in person or even over the phone is a lot more meaningful. people are turning into robots.

                                • 3 votes
                                #15.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:27 PM EST

                                I don't think people are turning into robots; I think people are turning into IDIOTS.

                                • 1 vote
                                #15.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:57 PM EST

                                Gilbert -- I could't have said it better myself! Don't need Facebook. Don't need Skype. The phone is plenty good enough for me. It's secure, quick and easy, and gives me the ability to connect on a very human level without having to worry about how I look or watching myself in one of those annoying Skype windows.

                                • 1 vote
                                #15.4 - Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:47 AM EST

                                anyone up for grabbing your guns and hunting these hackers like a deer in headlights???

                                • 4 votes
                                Reply#16 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:14 PM EST

                                Well i dont use facebook since i know they would just use my info to exploit me in some way, i refuse to be exploited unless someone gives me a good reason to consent.

                                • 4 votes
                                Reply#17 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:17 PM EST

                                i cant wait till facebook gets a virus that gets rid of the whole website all together, there will probably be riots worldwide. people need to find actual meaning in their lives thats not a social network. i had facebook once but i deleted my page a LONGGGG time ago. all it did was start drama and distract people from the real problems in life.

                                • 3 votes
                                Reply#18 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:21 PM EST

                                I think I'll take a nap now.

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#19 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:24 PM EST

                                It's sad when i had to spam facebook with emails and make a online pettion to get some 1 to relize what has been goin on i sent them 139 screenshots and emails 2 days later here we are and still its being posted facebook needs to stop this now our kid's are seeing this trash as well as our pc's being messed up! facebook needs a phone number so that we can contact them asap when things of this nature happens

                                I MADE a ONLINE pettion and it will be sent to facebook as well as to our Government!

                                I am sick of this stand up and speak & stop this trash!

                                • 2 votes
                                Reply#20 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:24 PM EST

                                If you are sending this up the ladder, you should probably proof read your note before you hastily smash your send button.

                                Your online petition might be a real hoot though.

                                • 4 votes
                                #20.1 - Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:57 AM EST

                                Hooray for the hackers!

                                • 2 votes
                                Reply#21 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:25 PM EST

                                I LOVE! FB! Its the way I keep in touch with old friends..if you dont like it just quit it So simple!

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#22 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:25 PM EST

                                Hooray for the hackers!

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#23 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:26 PM EST

                                Hooray for the hackers!

                                  Reply#24 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:26 PM EST

                                  Facebook is a pain. It should be deleted. Serves no useful purpose.

                                  • 1 vote
                                  Reply#25 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:26 PM EST

                                  Did anyone make you join it or keep your membership active? Most key boards I have ever seen has delete on them, yours don't? Are you trying to censor a website? Good luck trying!!

                                  • 4 votes
                                  #25.1 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:33 PM EST

                                  Great for advertising my business, but no time to waste for chatting on FB...

                                  • 2 votes
                                  #25.2 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:54 PM EST

                                  That's what ruined it is all the desperate people using it to advertise their business. Pathetic.

                                  • 1 vote
                                  #25.3 - Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:02 PM EST
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