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iPhone 5 to be announced on October 4?

We've heard plenty of whispers that the next generation iPhone will hit store shelves sometime in the next few weeks, but now we're reading that the device may be officially announced on October 4.

This particular date comes to us via John Paczkowski at All Things D. He explains that it is "the day Apple is currently expected to hold its next big media event, according to sources close to the situation." Paczkowski adds that the new device would then probably ship "within a few weeks after the announcement."

If correct, this would mean that the rumored mid- to late-October shipping dates are right on the nose — and that we'll have a shiny new Apple gadget in our hands within a month.

It's worth noting that the unveiling date would certainly fit with many of the rumors we've been hearing and that it would also maintain Apple's pattern of holding major media events on Tuesdays. On top of that, The Loop's Jim Dalrymple — a man with a consistently solid track record when it comes to Apple rumors — gave Paczkowski's story a nod of approval

Does all this mean that we'll see Apple's new CEO Tim Cook make his first big product introduction on October 4? Maybe. After all, nothing's certain until Apple starts sending out invitations.

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So what....

  • 8 votes
Reply#1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:06 AM EDT

FedUpInNYS- I'll bet you any amount that you own a cell phone and carry it on you every single day, and would panic if you lost or broke it.

Therefore, a new bad-ass cell phone coming out is a big deal to pretty much every single person that owns a cell phone.

  • 2 votes
#1.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:40 AM EDT

Ugh ain't that the truth. Can't leave for lunch without work calling, or can't go anywhere without being found. Come back pagers, we miss you!!

  • 3 votes
#1.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:46 AM EDT


I have a cell phone and I couldn't care less about a new bad-ass cell phone coming out. The world has too many problems right now and this should not be front page news.

  • 6 votes
#1.3 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:48 AM EDT


Is this front page news?

I'm pretty sure it's just one little article buried in the Tech section of a news site. It's a whole 3 short paragraphs.

Should they put this article under "Health"?

  • 2 votes
#1.4 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:25 AM EDT

A new product from the biggest tech company on the planet is news. It means tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue in markets around the world. This will help solve some of those problems you were speaking about.

For example - many poor rural Chinese consider themselves LUCKY to be able to work in college-campus-like facilities that produce Apple (and other companies') products. For the first time in their life they may have running hot water and a toilet that flushes.

If that's not important to you, it's probably because you take these things for granted.

  • 2 votes
#1.5 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:31 AM EDT

My cell phone cost $5 per month (that's five dollars) per month.

But as a gamer for many years (1982), I'd never waste my money on an Apple product anyway. They are always outdated.

Of course anything to do with electronics is outdated if you can purchase it in a store.

  • 2 votes
#1.6 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:37 AM EDT

Ji(g), yea, that's why everyone and their mother is rushing to put out some sort of tablet to catch up to those pesky outdated iPads huh?

    #1.7 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:04 PM EDT

    I'm with Fed-up, so what its just a phone. If I lose it I'll get another.

    • 1 vote
    #1.8 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:41 PM EDT

    To all the "so what, it's just a phone" people - if this isn't news worthy to you, then why on earth are you reading the article? Even more, you commented on it! MSN knows which articles people click on to read (trackers) and the more people that click on a topic means the more they will report on it.

      #1.9 - Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:42 AM EDT

      Dave, I clicked on it to leave my "So What" comment. Seems like a pretty simple deduction. A decision I made without the aid of SIRI. Imagine that...a free thinker!

        #1.10 - Fri Oct 7, 2011 8:44 PM EDT

        I just wonder, in today's economy, who has the money to buy a new one of these things every year or so? Sheesh. Also, is one REALLY any better than the one that came before it? So much better that you can honestly justify spending $400-500 on it?

        These iPhone fanatics must live in some alternate reality that I can't relate to or something. I just don't get it.

        Of course, we must keep up with the Joneses, right? I lost that attitude years ago and never looked back.

        • 6 votes
        Reply#2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:07 AM EDT

        In reality I think few people pay up the full retail price for new smart phones. The carrier subsidized price is $200, which is a lot easier to swallow. Also present is a growing availability of this particular phone now being offered across multiple services. Carriers raised the early termination fees partially in order to disincentivize ditching one for another just to buy the newer phone at the subsidized price.

        You also have to remember that early adopters tend to be young, educated, urban, have no dependants, and are relatively high earners - this demo has no qualms about spending on gadgets.

          #2.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:08 AM EDT

          Unfortunately I don't live with my parents and mortgage is a biatch, but if I did, i could totally afford it!

            #2.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:11 AM EDT

            Since the first iPhone came out I've technically never paid for a new iPhone when I was ready for the next model. In fact, I've gotten them all for free and you'll see how after reading the rest of this post! At AT&T we get an early upgrade option after 12 months and can purchase new 16g iPhone for $200. A new iPhone comes out about once a year. I buy it for $200 with an early upgrade, renew my contract and sell my old iPhone on Ebay or Craigslist for more than $200 every time! The first iPhone I sold for just over $500 because people were able to unlock them and use them on different carriers. Then, jailbreaking was getting popular and so the next iPhones had value which I sold for around $275-$350. I'm eligible for an upgrade now so when the iPhone 5 comes out I'm sure it will be the same way as it alwyas has been in the past. So for me there's no alternate reality - LOL - Just the reality that used iPhones are worth good money and if a person does it just right, they can do the same thing I've been doing since iPhone #1.

            • 2 votes
            #2.3 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:31 AM EDT

            I'm tellin on you

            • 1 vote
            #2.4 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:06 PM EDT


              Reply#3 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:16 AM EDT

              Every cellphone user has the same dilemma. New phones are coming out constantly. It's been like that since day 1 and Apple needs to to keep up with the tech race. They just have a larger marketshare and a better product and thus more interest in their product release. Guess what, it'll start all over again with the iPad 3 either by xmas or early next year.

              Hopefully it'll include North America in their launch schedule not just the US then whoever else later. Corporations with that mentality really irks me.

                Reply#4 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:17 AM EDT

                What's sad is that all the Asian countries already have technology on their devices like quad core phones and more, yet we are the last ones to get that...talk about not being on top of our game!

                  #4.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:29 AM EDT

                  Considering the semi-conductor market and basically 99% of computer parts are made in Asia... I'd think they would be the first to have them hit the streets... when you find something electronic made in America let me know hahahah.

                    #4.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:51 AM EDT

                    Seriously??! IPhone 5.. like really?? -__- unless they've invented an app that allows you to teleport, there's no reason for this at all. & The IPhone isn't all that exciting to begin with anyway.

                    • 1 vote
                    Reply#5 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:24 AM EDT

                    I can't imagine how you feel about Android then, seeing there is a new Android phone launched every other week - well over one hundred Android models have been created since 2008.

                    • 1 vote
                    #5.1 - Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:48 AM EDT

                    No real reason to buy a new one most of the time. Except I'd love to ditch AT&T's horrible service for Verizon, but I could've months ago and just don't want to waste the money, so I live with it for now...

                    While these phones are great in general, the price still needs to come down. Not much incentive to get a new one.

                    • 1 vote
                    Reply#6 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:30 AM EDT

                    For my line of work in mobile development, it sucks that we have to get new hardware just to test out the apps before we release them. It's annoying and not really cost efficient. Corporate greed is all I can say...ugh, come on Nexus, at least that will be a phone for a few years

                      #6.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:35 AM EDT

                      Yeah that does suck. But maybe it keeps you employed? :) Hope your company buys them at least.

                        #6.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:36 PM EDT

                        Does anyone else think its odd that they are announcing the announcing of the iphone or it is just me.

                        • 2 votes
                        Reply#7 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:33 AM EDT

                        No, it's not just you. I was thinking the same thing. A story announcing the announcement of the new iPhone. Hmm.

                        It kind of caught me by surprise, though. They probably should have announced earlier that today would be the day that they'd be announcing the announcement date of the iPhone. :-)

                        • 3 votes
                        #7.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:35 PM EDT

                        Sparky, I'm an apple fan and I STILL thought that was funny! Props!

                          #7.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:07 PM EDT

                          It all has to do with Steve Jobs and his ability to position Apple as the "upper echelon" in electronics. It's like driving a BMW or any other overpriced Euro car.... it's some kind of status symbol. That's what made him one of the greatest CEOs ever... he was able to transform the image of Apple. Most of their products are behind the tech curve and you're paying for overpriced proprietary hardware. Most of the IT guys I work with of course have iPhones but everyone still appreciates the flexibility and compatibly of their "virus ridden" PC. For the cost of most Apple desktops you could easily build a computer with twice the specs. But Apple has managed to reach out to the smaller groups of 'techies' who really think they're techies but in reality their not. Those are the people that buy into this Apple craze of new $600 gadgets. Their functionality is limited and the ability to browse file systems, or upload music from your phone, etc. etc. doesn't exist (unless hacked). You're basically buying into some antiquated proprietary bull@!$%# that you can purchase but can't own. Apple will nickel and dime you to death with their iTunes and app store and that's where they're making a killing. With all the stupid little games to waste your time on there are maybe one or two apps even worth a @!$%#…the rest are games for the feeble minded. I guess appealing to the lemmings is what makes you one of the richest company in the world.... well done.

                          • 2 votes
                          Reply#8 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:45 AM EDT

                          Your definition of "techies" is such that it downgrades the definition of the word itself. So sad. Guys like you shouldn't be around in any IT environment where usability and stability are the two most important elements. Techies in my day would always subscribe to anything stable in all aspects (OS and peripheral devices included) to ensure unimpeded work flow and services. The time that would have wasted doodling around (as the "techies" like yourself do nowadays) was spent on more productive endeavors.

                          Stop pretending you're a "techie" when the only thing you can "accomplish" by using the backdoor technique is the same end result as you would have accomplished using the standard, acceptable approach - only with MORE time. And worse, more often than not you screw things up and find your users going for lengthly coffee and smoke breaks. And what happens next is you blame the manufacturer or the service provider.

                          I wonder if you are still employed.

                            #8.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:49 PM EDT

                            Ok brofus surfer dude... tell me one company that is running apple servers or using apple databases. Last time I checked 99% of the market is using Oracle, SQL server, Unix, Linux, or Apache. Hell, even apple doesn't use their OS on the back-end if that tells you anything. Last I heard their OS X Lion Server was a complete piece of junk that doesn't even work...I'm speaking from an enterprise wide standpoint and Apple can't hold a candle to Microsoft in that aspect. Let me know how that Xserve system is working out for you.. haha what a joke. The only thing Mac OS are good for is desktops...period. When your designing a multi-million dollar server platform Apple is /FAIL.. stick to desktop support and doing IT grunt work... sounds like thats more of your speed.

                            I wonder if your head is still stuck in the sand brofus....

                            • 2 votes
                            #8.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:27 PM EDT

                            I am raking in good amount of cash building apps for iOS devices- something which I cannot do for Microsoft because MS folks buried their heads in the sand way too long now. Don't even ask me about Android. It's not a profitable proposition.

                              #8.3 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:28 PM EDT

                              I don't have a cell phone, Iphone of any kind and will NOT have one. These damm things are getting way out of hand any more.

                              • 1 vote
                              Reply#9 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:47 AM EDT

                              You might think that but everything you need is in your pocket. You can find a ATM, order prescriptions, find a gas station, if your lost it will show you where you are, and when your done you can call and order Chinese food. And text a loved one to let them know your on your way. Honestly they make your life more organized. Music, pictures, video, everything is in your pocket.

                                #9.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:01 PM EDT

                                Miss my Nextel phone :,-(

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#10 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:50 AM EDT

                                Who flipping cares what Mapple is up to. When i buy communications hardware i don't want xenophobe Steve Jobs telling me what apps i can use and which one i cant. Its all about choice and Mapple does not believe in that freedom.

                                • 2 votes
                                Reply#11 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:52 AM EDT

                                What an idiotic statement. For many years, Apple was the ONLY "choice" you could make if you didn't want a Winblows PC and weren't a *nix guru.

                                As for their app policy, I don't have time to validate very app I download - I'm happy that Apple takes that responsibility on for me. If you have the time and attention and interest in that, great for you. Most people don't want to spend their lives messing with their gadgets 24/7.

                                  #11.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:35 AM EDT

                                  Woah woah woah, if that's the case, then we should be thanking Apple for all the people driving while texting, talking on the phone, walking without looking, all because they are looking at their phones or playing with their apps. If anything, this whole smartphone boom made everyone dumber. I mean come on, do you really need a phone to calculate a simplest math problems? Shoot can't even go to a bar without half the people whipping out their phones to play on facebook or text people.

                                  Apple did the impossible...make a product that turns people insociable to every aspect of life.

                                    #11.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:09 PM EDT

                                    Doberman74 has no clue what BenJames means by flexibility and customization or in this case Apple telling him what software he can and can't use. Who gives a @!$%# about the operating system when you're forced to use a Apple ceritified and sold product? From a developers stand point it's complete garbage. If I can design my own applications that work better, faster, and without the limitations of Apple then why can't I do that? Because Apple is a bunch of greedy asses that wants to force you into their bull@!$%# proprietary software/hardware. I guess all those apps like Crazy Birds are the difference huh hahahhaah. What a joke... stick to touch screens and button pushing sounds like thats more of your speed...

                                    • 2 votes
                                    #11.3 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:16 PM EDT

                                    Great. Get ready for a spike in car crashes.

                                      Reply#12 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:55 AM EDT

                                      I haven't even used the first one yet.

                                      • 1 vote
                                      Reply#13 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:04 PM EDT


                                        Reply#14 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:47 PM EDT

                                        Yawn. Most likely another similar piece of fat hardware that will leave the purchasers yearning for the next years iphone. Apple fans never seem to learn.

                                          Reply#15 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:00 PM EDT

                                          Planned obsolescence and a suckers dream.

                                            Reply#16 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:05 PM EDT

                                            The only thing the iPad has over any other tablet is the fanboys.

                                            Apple could take a brick, mold it in white plastic, call it the iBrik and sell millions for $60 each.

                                            Tablets have been around for a long time, I even remember back when the first ones were available, Steve Jobs himself said they weren't anything to go for.

                                            Marketing and fanboys have put apple on top selling 10 year old technology.


                                            • 3 votes
                                            Reply#18 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:26 PM EDT

                                            The iPhone is no exception to this.

                                            Palm pilots were around a good long time before Apple "invented" the touchscreen phone

                                            why do you think palm still has a patent lawsuit against Apple still going?

                                            • 3 votes
                                            #18.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:34 PM EDT

                                            I disagree. Ten year old technology? Is this what their competitors are peddling, too? Originality is overrated in the tech industry, anyway.

                                            Anyone who adores Apple for their originality is certainly deluded.. however, the reason Apple products are so well-liked is because they offer a better user experience than the competition. Full stop.

                                            • 1 vote
                                            #18.2 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:00 PM EDT

                                            Hey everyone, we just made ANOTHER iProduct....BUY IT!!! There is no real difference in our products from our competitor's but your so materialistic that you will buy any piece of junk that we make.

                                            • 3 votes
                                            Reply#19 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:32 PM EDT

                                            Oh theres a difference, ours have shiny plastic and 5 year old hardware inside!

                                            • 2 votes
                                            #19.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:35 PM EDT

                                            I have the same phone i bought 10 years ago! I could care less with all

                                            this next technology that the keep adding every 6 months! it's a damn

                                            phone! this will be the destruction of the youth! can't go anywhere without

                                            a phone? that is sad.

                                              Reply#20 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:40 PM EDT

                                              Will it drop reception if you hold it "wrong"?

                                                Reply#21 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:16 PM EDT


                                                  Reply#22 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:25 PM EDT

                                                  Who cares? Windows Phone Mango will be out within two weeks!

                                                    Reply#23 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:54 PM EDT

                                                    What for? Does everyone really need another new phone so soon? Bet most just dropped several hundred bucks to buy the last Ithing and it just became obsolete. No wonder the world is in trouble. We are all too busy buying crap we don't need. And yes, I have a cell phone. I spent 30 bucks on it, makes all the calls I want, gets on the internet, sends pictures, unlimited texting, and my plan is less than 50 bucks a month, with no contract! Who needs all the apps?

                                                      Reply#24 - Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:15 AM EDT

                                                      Who needs all the apps?

                                                      Well, for starters I can check tv listings and queue my home DVR from anywhere. I can use my phone as a remote control and jukebox for my home stereo and car stereo wirelessly. I can identify music heard on the radio and purchase a copy, should I so desire. I can reserve a movie at my local Redbox while I am comparison shopping. This is all aside from checking the weather forecast, browsing sports scores and news, and getting directions to and from anywhere.

                                                      Point is, there is a host of pretty useful things you can do with your phone now.

                                                        #24.1 - Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:53 PM EDT

                                                        I gave my opinion...where did it go??????

                                                          Reply#25 - Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:13 PM EDT
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