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Facebook commands: Read, Listened, Watched and Want?


Kids, keep writing your letters to Santa, because you won't be getting that Dislike button from Facebook anytime soon. You can, however, look forward to a handful of new buttons rolling out at Facebook's f8 developers' conference this week, according to TechCrunch sources.

Read, Listened and Watched are the new buttons that add what the biz calls "granularity" to the all-purpose Like button we all know so well. This will be followed by the e-commerce connected Want button, reports TechCrunch, adding "It’s important to qualify that this is from a source (and not from Facebook)."

TechCrunch has a reliable record of sniffing these things out, and such an evolution certainly makes sense. As Internet users, we are increasingly finding new things through our social network connections, and not just relying on search engines as we did back in the day. So, imagine if your Facebook friend posts a link to a news story, instead of just conveying you Like the link, you can confirm you actually took it in with a Read button.

Live Poll

Looking foward to new Facebook buttons?

View Results
  • 160370
    Bring it on! I love to Read, Watch and Listen!
  • 160371
    Stop changing things, Facebook! It makes my head hurt!
  • 160372
  • 160373
    What's a Facebook?
  • 160374

VoteTotal Votes: 1940

(Of course, whether you actually did read it is between you and your chosen deity. It's our experience that people are perfectly comfortable commenting on a headline and the imagined content rather than clicking the link. But hey, that's no judgment. You're busy. We get it.)

Listened, meanwhile, is most likely geared toward Facebook's big foray into streaming music, also expected to roll out at f8. Facebook is already partnered with Internet music outfits such as Spotify, MOG and Rdio for its upcoming Music Dashboard, which reportedly includes notifications of what your friends are listening to, and their recommendations as well. Music for Credits — another expected feature — will let you purchase songs through the social network.

Watched, we imagine, is a TV thing, perhaps in the vein of GetGlue, the social network that works like Foursquare for couch potatoes.

Want, which will reportedly roll out after the Read, Listened and Watch buttons, is likely connected to e-commerce. If purchasing music through Facebook is not far in the offing, then it's reasonable that the ability to buy other stuff through the social network will follow. Whether or not our old Facebook pal, the Like button, will stick around, remains to be seen. 

While these additions, on top of the recent Subscribe button rollout, may make your head spin, once you get used to them, they could help you better engage with your Facebook friends by making it easier to find the content with which you want to engage. Certainly, if Facebook users take to these new buttons, it could also be a treasure trove of behavior-tracking info for advertisers. Instead of knowing you simply "like" something, they'll now know what you did with that thing you liked. Again, all the better to sell you stuff, my dear!

We know how you love it when Facebook changes, so stay tuned for our f8 coverage on all the Facebook surprises rolling out on Thursday. 

— via TechCrunch

More on the annoying way we live now:

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or FacebookAlso, Google+.

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thanks for the information

    Reply#1 - Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:06 PM EDT

    FaceBook's latest changes have made 2.5 years of compiled, custom friend lists useless to me.

    I've always wanted a "thumbs down" or "un-like" button on FaceBook.

    It seems to me that this is the one universal request that they are ignoring.

    Changes, changes, changes... If I have to have FaceBook, then I have to live with it.

    • 2 votes
    Reply#2 - Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:27 PM EDT

    Some things are not meant to be granular. Some things are meant to be generalized. What, it's not enough that I'm telling the world that I "like" something, now I have to break it down and spoon feed the sheeples and tell them why I like it? Bunch a mushy brained people out there, now I've gotta post harder for them.

      Reply#3 - Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:24 PM EDT

      Left Facebook, never looked back.

        Reply#4 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:05 AM EDT

        Is that a stampede? Oh no, it's everyone switching to Google+

        Peace facebook, you should have paid attention to what happened to Nutflux and Tom'sSpace... Where are their gods now?

          Reply#5 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:45 AM EDT

          Facebook does sort of suck.

          • 2 votes
          Reply#6 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:53 AM EDT

          how many times is facebook going to change everytime I log on something is new I just learned how to view all of my friends and search for people I mean really?!!!

            Reply#7 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:54 AM EDT

            Stop with the changes they suck big time.

            • 1 vote
            Reply#8 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:46 AM EDT

            Facebook is becoming something that I will not let my kids see...Why would people all over FB want to see and know what you are doing everytime you log into FB? Why do you need to check on what we are doing, what we are doing of everyday of every minute of the day, and where is the privacy that is suppose too be there?

            Point in time FB was fun with the games, but then it does feel like that you have to work at doing the games...

            Question to Facebook: Why should people want to know what kind of music that I listen too? Should we have to tell all of what we are doing on FB? Some might like the changes that you are doing, but I do not...Sometimes you should just leave things alone.

            If I want my business known I will tell it, but only to people who I can trust.

            I give you a thumbs down for the new things that you got and going to change.

              Reply#9 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:44 AM EDT

              I don't understand why companies have to keep changing things for. If the customers are happy why not just leave it be? This new changes sucks! I hate it.

                Reply#10 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:05 AM EDT

                I don't understand why companies have to keep changing things for. If the customers are happy why not just leave it be? This new changes sucks! I hate it.

                  Reply#11 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:05 AM EDT

                  Hate it, Hate it, Hate it!!!!! The news feed is enough. Now i have the same messages in: the school i went to, the area i live in and family. Really!??? All of these people are on my friends list anyway so of course I am going to see their posts. What about the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"..Hate it, Hate it, HATE IT!!!!

                    Reply#12 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:25 AM EDT

                    Facebook needs to have a limit to what can be put on their site, such as this smash or pass-- That is terrible and disgusting. Some moron thought of it. Parents need to complain about this how awful. And I don't think people need to post all thier personal stuff on the internet!! Some things need to be kept in private. Looks like some people are losing their morals and values. I also think alot of people need to get a life and quit posting and sitting on the internet so much!!!! Facebook is out of control in a bad way. Shame on those who are allowing so much garbage such as this smash or pass and other nonsense like this. Disgusting. Come on people quit telling all your personal business on the internet-- Where is peoples common sense?

                      Reply#13 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:05 AM EDT

                      I also think a lot of people need to get a life and quit posting and sitting on the internet so much!!!!

                      I think your "sarcasm hat" was on backwards, which made it difficult for me to decide whether to laugh or shake my head in bemused wonderment at your post.

                        #13.1 - Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:52 AM EDT

                        Not happy at all !!! If you want changes why not take a survey to see what people what. Most people are unhappy about the change. It's easy for a few people to decide what they think is best. Just hope you can correct changes before you lose people. But then again maybe you don't care.

                          Reply#14 - Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:24 PM EDT

                          Improvement & innovations are always better but it takes time before they are understood & appreciated. All critism is an opportunity to improve further but should be simple to work & operate by below average person by young & seniors.

                            Reply#15 - Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:28 PM EDT

                            What gives them the right to decide what is important to me.....I know this is a free service, but when it becomes a burden to operate and limits what you can see, then it becomes controlling.......myspace look better and better all the time.......

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