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Google Checkout

Get mobile and sell everywhere your customers go

Already a Google Checkout seller?

No additional action required. We recommend a few checks to ensure your site is mobile-friendly.

Google Checkout is now available for use on mobile devices. With it, you can offer your customers a fast and secure checkout process wherever they go.

  • Expand your reach
    Mobile devices are quickly becoming the world’s most popular gateway to the web. Every day, Google hosts millions of searches from users on mobile devices. Now these potential customers can buy from you using Google Checkout for mobile, enabling you to increase your store's reach, customers, and sales.

  • No additional work
    Once you've integrated Google Checkout with your website, there's no additional work required to allow customers to buy from you using their mobile devices. When a buyer clicks on the Google Checkout button on your site from their mobile phone, they are automatically directed to the mobile version of Google Checkout.

  • Make your site mobile-friendly
    Mobile phones display online content differently than computers do. If you navigate to your website with a mobile device and you are not pleased with the way your content appears, there are some things you can do to make your site mobile-friendly. View some helpful guidelines

Mobile Checkout