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Google Sidewiki API (Labs)

How do I start?

If you're new to the Google Sidewiki Data API, here's how we recommend you get started:

  1. Get familiar with the Google Data APIs.
  2. Read the Google Sidewiki Data API Developer's Guide.
  3. Refer to the Reference Guide as needed.

What is the Google Sidewiki Data API?

The Google Sidewiki Data API allows client applications to view Google Sidewiki content in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can use the Google Sidewiki Data API to request a list of Sidewiki entries and query for Sidewiki entries that match particular criteria.

Here are some of the things you can do with the Google Sidewiki Data API:

  • Get a list of Sidewiki entries written for a specific web page.
  • Get a list of Sidewiki entries written by a specific author.
  • Embed a custom gadget on your web page to display Sidewiki entries written about the page.