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5 Awesomely Horrible Wardrobe Choices

Posted In: Lists, VEVO. Posted By: jonathan on 03.19.2010

Fashion Week was only a few weeks ago, but here at VEVO we thought we should have our own sort of “Fashion Week” by putting on display some of the most awesomely horrid wardrobes featured by musicians in their music videos.

Ok, I know that all of these videos come from the 80’s, and I’m well aware of the…um, awkward…wardrobe choices by artists such as Lady Gaga.  But let’s be honest.  The 80’s were not known for their fashion prowess.  Most of all, these fashion choices would be bad in any time period.  Styles come and go in cycles, but let’s make sure we don’t have any repeats of these get-ups.  So let’s have at it.  I give you “5 Awesomely Horrible Wardrobe Choices!”

1. Temporary Love ThingFull Force

Nothing says “I’m a Man” like a lace headband.  Paul Anthony and Bowlegged Lou have concocted some dream outfits in this video.  Between the furry leg warmers, the leather leg piece with tassels and the pants with the giant microphone graphic, no wonder the ladies are looking on with lustful expressions.

Check out the rest after the jump.

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5 Videos for Spring Break

Posted In: Lists, VEVO. Posted By: jonathan on 03.15.2010

Each year around this time, college students come out of hibernation at the first hint of spring and descend upon the beaches of the world to participate in various “activities.”  In honor of this beloved season, we thought we’d provide you with 5 beach themed videos to get you in the mood.  So have at it!

1. If It’s Lovin’ That You WantRihanna

Nothing gets me in the mood for spring break like wave runners and kite surfing.  This Barbadian temptress feels at home on the beach and it shows.  If this doesn’t get you good and ready for warm weather and the sun, you don’t have a pulse.

Check out the rest after the jump

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VEVO Descends on Austin for SXSW

Posted In: News, VEVO. Posted By: jonathan on 03.9.2010

VEVO is teaming up with Universal Music Group’s Fontana Distribution to present the VEVO Playlist Party at the 2010 SXSW Music Fest in Austin. The showcase will be held on March 18 at Buffalo Billiards (upstairs) and feature performances from Grammy winner Shelby Lynne and developing artists including Dan Black, Athlete, Harper Simon (Paul’s son) and Mishka (the first artist signed to Matthew McCounaghey’s label – rumor has it Matthew will be at our event!) to name a few. Can’t make it down to Austin? You’ll be able to watch highlights from VEVO’s SXSW channel after the event.

Click below to listen to all the performers and RSVP!

The VEVO SXSW Playlist Party

5 Spike Jonze Vids You Need to See

Posted In: Lists, VEVO. Posted By: jonathan on 02.26.2010

Spike Jonze has always been known for creative genius when it comes to direction.  His list of feature films includes Being John Malkovich and Where the Wild Things Are.  When it comes to music videos, his most famous music video is probably “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys or maybe “Weapon of Choice” by Fatboy Slim.  However, we’d like to highlight 5 other, less famous, but equally creative music videos done by Jonze.

1.  Y ControlYeah Yeah Yeahs

True to Jonze style, he shoots this video with a rustic look and feel.   Of course, there is plenty of destruction in this creepy video with kids cutting each other and breaking things.  It makes for an instant classic.

Check out the rest after the jump

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World Premiere: Ke$ha “Blah Blah Blah” featuring 3OH!3

Posted In: VEVO, Video Premiere. Posted By: jonathan on 02.24.2010

Today we’re premiering Ke$ha’s new video for “Blah Blah Blah.”  This High-flying Glitter Queen takes the party to the bowling alley and arcade in this video, so check it out below and be sure to pop on over to VEVO to peep her other vids.