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Announcing an Improvement

Posted In: News, VEVO. Posted By: evan on 01.11.2010

We’ve seen a ton of feedback from you all about some of our videos not playing properly on YouTube and on VEVO.com, so over the past few weeks we’ve dug into the problems and have tested the performance of our videos with our streaming partner YouTube. I’m happy to tell you that as of this weekend we’ve made some significant changes to optimize video playback and that you shouldn’t be seeing the same problems anymore. It’s important to us to provide the highest quality music video experience out there, and it is our obligation to optimize this service for all of you at VEVO.com and YouTube. To those of you that have provided feedback, thank you! You can always let us know about any issues (good or bad) or ask any questions by tweeting @VEVO or sending us an email. We take your experience very seriously and are listening to each and every message received.

  • rose_babe2010
    I just have a question about the music that is post on youtube. Here is the message I get when I tried to play some songs... This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. I live here in USA, not sure of why I get this type of message..
  • roadgravy
    Loading sticks at 73% EVERYTIME!?! (what's up with that?)
  • steven19
    I haven't been able to play 1 video here yet going back to yahoo music this site is broken
  • dstevek
    Please add a shuffle or random function for playing playlist!
  • jabberwoman
    The advertisements are extremely irritating, but hey, I can get past that. However the MASSIVE buffering makes using VIVO impossible. You just cant have a song pausing every 10 seconds and expect anyone to want to use VIVO. Today was my first day using this product, and if this is "improved" I cannot imagine what it was like before. This is definitely an app that is not quite ready for prime time.
  • cricracrok
    Bonjour j'aimerai savoir comment ca se fait je tappe Quand dans un nom de La Barre il n'apparait pas de genre mais j'aimerai madonna ca ne fonctionne pas ca m'amene une des fans ou je sais pas trop la ... et jessait quand changer de De Sorte de musique La non plus ca ne fonctionne pas? :) Peut t'on me donner un renseignement ou m'aider merci encore;)
  • m
    yup still lagging! keep working on it... it shows promise!

    Next step HD, and you are in business!
  • sigspecial
    This is still a huge problem! Everything I tried to watch kept stopping every 2 seconds. This sucks! I will find another resource or just walk away from watching videos. Thanks for screwing things up!
  • Nope, still sucks. All VEVO music videos I play on YouTube lag every few seconds. It's impossible to enjoy any music you post. Music videos posted by other people on YouTube play without interruption.

    When I click a video and realize it's a VEVO, I groan and click away. Love the idea that you are dedicated to music, hate the way you stop the music.

    I was going to post this comment on your Facebook page, but I would have to be a fan first.
  • "We take your experience very seriously and are listening to each and every message received."

    Really? My post has been up a month with no reply. The entire comment thread is full of complaints about VEVO. You are taking it seriously? You are listening? Pffft.
  • Carson11
    Can't get my playlist to play. Can still watch video's otherwise. Anybody know what I can do to fix this? It worked fine last week or week before.
  • Anorionil
    Thanks for the fix, since last week suddenly Vevo vids on youtube are loading properly, also those that are embedded. Thanks for the improvement :)
  • emee1008
    This sucks because every 30 seconds it stops to buffer,,,,buffer the entire song before it starts to play. I stopped watching anything that is on Vevo,,,,,,I'll start again when they can fix the problem.
  • jetd57
    It's funny how none of the advertisements freeze....only the videos!!!
  • jetd57
    Apparently you didn't work hard enough because it is still happening....
    Be rest assured that I will NEVER use your service again!!!!
  • galechesterwhittington
    By blocking official videos already posted on the Internet, you are screwing up 1000s of fan blogs, causing a public relations nightmare. Because of what you are doing, there is a grass roots movement to boycott VEVO and it is gaining steam on a daily basis. VEVO, you are heartless!
  • zippy2
    it's sucking pretty bad for me right now. player freezes at loading 76% and won't play anything
  • I'm still having issues, it'll play for like 20 to 30 seconds, then freeze ... start again, then freeze again.

    I'm on a decent speed ... using google chrome.

    It worked top notch the first week or so.
  • Just noticed and you're not alone, I'm running Firefox and my CPU is fairly low.
    Crank it up VEVO I gotta get my tunes on :p
  • This was a big problem as videos would not play at all sometimes, thanks for finding a fix.

    VEVO is a great music destination site :) Keep it up guys.

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