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App Directory

454 unique visitors last week.

Enjoy the ultimate community experience as you post links, pictures, music, video, and even text.

comic  by angus

281 unique visitors last week.

A very simple and fast interface to view comics (source from 2comic.com)

252 unique visitors last week.

Choose or create your poll: List polls

214 unique visitors last week.

A dictionary search. Uses the DICT protocol via fijiwebdesign.com DICT-HTTP proxy.

203 unique visitors last week.

190 unique visitors last week.

HomeSo I think this has a pretty good amount of functionality now, although I kind of fear adding user logins and that's next. Wikilink text by surrounding it with double square brackets. There might be some interesting i

121 unique visitors last week.

An page that allows any user to "shout" a bit of text, which appears for others to see.  It is implemented using AppJet persistent storage.

101 unique visitors last week.

This is the server side of the simpliwiki experimental simple wiki

101 unique visitors last week.

View live soccer score in you mobile phone (data from livescore.com)   New: Support iPhone now!!! No more zooming

101 unique visitors last week.

This is a record of recent improvements and bugfixes to AppJet.  Kind of like a blog.  It uses AppJet persistent storage and lib-atom to enable RSS feeds.

updated every 10 minutes

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