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Satellite Tracker Support



How to cancel the subscription?

Tap the Menu icon (≡) in the upper left corner, select “SATELLITES LIVE” and tap “Cancel subscription”. You’ll be transferred to either Google Play Store or App Store depending on your operating system. In the Google Play Store, tap “Manage subscriptions” > “Satellite Tracker” > “Cancel subscription”. In the App Store, select Satellite Tracker from the Subscriptions list and tap “Cancel subscription”.

How to track satellites passing over my location?

Tap the satellite icon in the upper-right corner and open the “Visible” tab – it contains the brightest satellites that will soon be visible in your area. Tap “Track” next to the satellite you’re interested in to add it to the “Tracked” tab. Then, tap the satellite’s name – you will return back to the main screen and see the information about the satellite. In the upper part of the screen, you can see the name of the satellite you’re tracking. The “Next pass” timer shows how much time is left until the satellite will pass over your location. Tap the white arrow beneath the timer to open the full list of visible passes. Then, tap the grey alarm clock icon next to any date and time to set a notification. When the time comes, you’ll be notified about the pass.

How to find a particular satellite in the sky?

If you want to spot a particular satellite (like Hubble, for example), tap the satellite icon in the upper-right corner and enter the name of the satellite in the search field. If nothing can be found, try entering the satellite’s NORAD number. When you’ve found the satellite, tap the “Track” button – the satellite will be added to the “Tracked” tab where you can always quickly find it. Now, tap on the satellite’s name to return back to the main screen and see the information about the satellite. Tap the white arrow in the upper part of the screen to open the list of visible passes. Choose a suitable date and tap the grey alarm clock icon to set a notification. When the time comes and you receive the notification, get outside, launch Satellite Tracker, and tap the rightmost round icon in the lower part of the screen. Then, aim your device at the sky and follow the white arrow to find the satellite.

What satellite pass is considered visible?

Satellite Tracker considers a pass visible if it happens at night, and a satellite is not in the Earth’s shadow and has an elevation angle of more than 10° above the horizon.

How to track Starlink satellites?

Tap the satellite icon in the upper-right corner and open the “All” tab. Scroll down to the “SpaceX’s Starlink” section and choose the mission you’re interested in (the number after the letter ‘L’ is the number of the launch). Tap the “Track” button next to one or multiple satellites to add them to the “Tracked” list. Then, tap on one of the satellites – you will return back to the main screen and see the information about the satellite. Open the “Visible Passes” list by tapping the white arrow beneath the “Next pass” timer. Tap the grey alarm clock icon next to any date and time to set a notification. When the time comes, you’ll be notified about the pass.

Why don’t I receive automatic notifications for satellite passes?

You need to set notifications manually. When you’ve selected a satellite, tap the white arrow beneath the “Next pass” timer in the upper part of the screen. In the “Visible Passes” list, tap the grey alarm clock icon next to any date and time to set a notification. When the time comes, you’ll be notified about the pass. There is an option in the app settings to enable automatic notifications for the satellites from the “Tracked” list.

Can I try the app for free?

If you get a subscription, you can use all of the app’s features for free for 1 week. Just don’t forget to cancel the subscription after evaluation, if you don’t plan to use the app.

Why is only the ISS available in the app?

If you’re using the app without subscription, you can only track the ISS. If you pay the subscription fee, you will get access to more than 19,000 other satellites. Using the subscription model for the app allows us to pay salaries to our developers and continue improving our product.

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