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Published: 7 February 2023

There is a type confusion vulnerability relating to X.400 address processing inside an X.509 GeneralName. X.400 addresses were parsed as an ASN1_STRING but the public structure definition for GENERAL_NAME incorrectly specified the type of the x400Address field as ASN1_TYPE. This field is subsequently interpreted by the OpenSSL function GENERAL_NAME_cmp as an ASN1_TYPE rather than an ASN1_STRING. When CRL checking is enabled (i.e. the application sets the X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK flag), this vulnerability may allow an attacker to pass arbitrary pointers to a memcmp call, enabling them to read memory contents or enact a denial of service. In most cases, the attack requires the attacker to provide both the certificate chain and CRL, neither of which need to have a valid signature. If the attacker only controls one of these inputs, the other input must already contain an X.400 address as a CRL distribution point, which is uncommon. As such, this vulnerability is most likely to only affect applications which have implemented their own functionality for retrieving CRLs over a network.



Cvss 3 Severity Score


Score breakdown


Package Release Status
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

kinetic Ignored
(end of life, was needs-triage)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was needs-triage)
mantic Not vulnerable
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Ignored
(end of standard support)
upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl1.0)
focal Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl)
Released (12.22.9~dfsg-1ubuntu3.3)
kinetic Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl)
lunar Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl)
mantic Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl)
noble Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl)
trusty Not vulnerable
(uses system openssl)
upstream Needs triage

xenial Not vulnerable
(code not present)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21)
Released (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.17)
Released (3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8)
Released (3.0.5-2ubuntu2.1)
Released (3.0.8-1ubuntu1)
Released (3.0.8-1ubuntu1)
Released (3.0.8-1ubuntu1)
Released (1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.27+esm6)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
Released (3.0.8,1.1.1t)
Released (1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.20+esm6)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (1.0.2n-1ubuntu5.11)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

kinetic Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Severity score breakdown

Parameter Value
Base score 7.4
Attack vector Network
Attack complexity High
Privileges required None
User interaction None
Scope Unchanged
Confidentiality High
Integrity impact None
Availability impact High
Vector CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:H