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The way to integrate the Torus Network is now with Web3Auth - we've raised $13m in funding

An open source, non-custodial key management network

Making Web3 simple, secure, and easy to use
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Try it yourself

How are keys managed?

Leverage on existing 
devices, social accounts & UX flows

Key Infrastructure that splits a user’s key between a device, an input, and an existing login. A user can reconstruct their key by combining any of the two.

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Integrate via Web3Auth

Pluggable authentication infrastructure for Web3 Applications and Wallets
Get Started

Experience tKey yourself

Find out how Torus Key Infrastructure (tKey) gives you a better key management experience.


Create a private key




Create a private key.

Generating your private key...

Private key generated!



Split the private key

Split the private key.

Gain better security by splitting your key into 3 shares.


Splitting private key...

Gain better security by splitting your key into 3 shares.

Private key split!

Gain better security by splitting your key into 3 shares.



Setup authentication factors

Set up authentication factors.

Pair each key share with an authentication factor.

Pair with your social login

Allow device storage

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Enter recovery password

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Done! Your key is all set up.

You've successfully secured your key.


Reconstruct your key.

Reconstruct your full key by using 2 of the following authentication factors:

Enter exported share

Pair with your social login

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Detect device storage

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Enter recovery password

You are logged in!

Congrats! You’ve successfully retrieved your tKey.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Here's your seed phrase.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
You don’t have to hear it from us...

See how
Binance Extension Wallet removes seed phrases

Most users do not want to be bothered with private keys and mnemonics. Web3Auth abstracts all these complexity behind a smooth Web 2.0 experience, allowing users to dive straight into the action.
See how it works
Social login, meets Web3 keys

We onboard users via the Sequence Smart Wallet, a multi-key Web3 wallet that feels like Web2. Web3Auth’s Distributed Key Generation (DKG) powers the social login as one of those keys to make the login experience feel easy
and familiar.

Peter KieltykaCo-founder
Learn more
Kukai Wallet
For the best NFT onboarding

Web3Auth is the easiest way for non-tech savvy users to onboard into a wallet, making it a great fit for the NFT ecosystem. It reduces friction, and increases conversion.

Luis GonzalezKukai/Tezos Commons
Learn more
Torus is a joint endeavour from the best