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General Privacy Policy

for the Threema Work App


With this General Privacy Policy, we want to give you an overview over the processing of your personal data in relation with the “Threema Work App.

Detailed information about data protection when using the Threema Work App can be found here.

Who is responsible for processing personal data?

Threema GmbH, Churerstrasse 82, 8808 Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland, is responsible for the processing of personal data. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at privacy at threema dot ch.

If the Threema Work App is used by a Business Customer of Threema, that Business Customer is the controller responsible for data processing. Threema assumes the role of processor for the Business Customer.

What purposes does Threema process personal data for?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

What personal data is processed?

Depending on how you use the Threema Work App in its latest version, the following personal data is processed:

The following personal data is optional for the use of the Threema Work App and will only be processed if you voluntarily provide it:

All text messages, media files, and voice and video calls between Users of the Threema Work App, including (voluntarily and optionally set) nicknames² and profile pictures, are end-to-end encrypted; Threema is unable to access any of the contents because it doesn’t know the private keys.³

What personal data is processed temporarily?

During an ongoing data transmission, the following personal data is only processed temporarily:

What personal data is stored and for how long?

The following personal data is stored by us (storage period in brackets):

What personal data is stored linked to the Threema ID, and for how long?

The following personal data is stored by us linked to the Threema ID (storage period in brackets):

What personal data is stored without a link to the Threema ID, and for how long?

The following personal data is stored by us without a link to the Threema ID (storage period in brackets):

Is personal data disclosed to third parties?

We make every effort to process the personal data that occurs when using the Threema Work App exclusively on our own hardware (servers) in Switzerland.

The following companies located in Switzerland and the EU/EEA are commissioned by us as processors:

The following companies located outside of Switzerland and the EU/EEA are commissioned by us as processors (only concerning Users outside of Switzerland and EU/EEA):

What control options do you have?

In addition to your legal claims under data protection law, Threema provides you with the following control options over your personal data:

The control options over your personal data may be restricted by Administrators of the Business Customer controlling the processing of your personal data by means of app configuration settings in the Threema Work Management Cockpit.

What rights do you have?

You have a right to information to Threema and a right to rectification, completion, deletion, and blocking of your personal data as well as a right to withdrawal (of your consent) and to objection (against data processing based on overriding interests).

If Threema processes personal data on behalf of a Business Customer, i.e., as a processor, your rights must be primarily asserted against the Business Customer as the controller of the data processing. Threema will support the Business Customer in the fulfilment of your claims under data protection law.

Detailed privacy policy