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ICANN Meetings in Accra

10-14 March 2002

Output of the real-time captioning for the Public Forum held on 13 March 2002 is now available:

Output of the real-time captioning for the Board meeting held on 14 March 2002 is now available:

The preliminary report of the Board's 14 March 2002 meeting is now available.

ICANN's next round of meetings will be held 10-14 March 2002, in Accra, Ghana. The meetings are free to attend, and open to any interested person. ICANN encourages broad participation in its bottom-up consensus-development process. You can take part in these meetings by attending in person, by taking part in the webcast and remote participation opportunities, and/or by joining one of the various ICANN-related mailing lists.

The Host Committee has provided a local website with information regarding the area, the meeting and local hotels. The website is now mirrored here.

Details about the meetings are being posted on this page as they become available. Please check back often!


Visas: A passport (valid for at least six months) and visa are required to enter Ghana. Please contact the nearest Embassy or Consulate office of Ghana for details and relevant forms.

A letter of invitation and two references may also be required. To obtain these please send a request by email to meetings@icann.org, include the following information:

  • Your name as it appears on your passport
  • Your organization (if applicable)
  • Your full postal address

For more detailed information about visa requirements, see the local host site.

Vaccinations: It is strongly recommended to contact your health official at least 4-6 weeks prior to travel for required and recommended vaccinations.

Yellow fever: A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from all travelers when entering Ghana.

Malaria: Vaccination for malaria is recommended. Malaria risk is predominantly in the malignant (P.falciparum) form, and exists throughout the year in the whole country.

Also Recommended: mefloquine

[source: World Health Organization].


The meeting will last from 10-14 March 2002. Following is the current schedule, which will be updated as more information becomes available:

Sunday, 10 March 2002

Monday, 11 March 2002

Tuesday, 12 March 2002

  • General assembly of the DNSO (08:30 to 11:00)
    • Waiting list and Deletes (jointly organized by GA, NC, ICANN)
    • .org separation and ALSC (organized by GA)
    Special presentation: "Higher-Layer Naming Systems: Keywords and Other Non-DNS Identifiers" (11:00 to 14.00)Names Council (15:00 to 18:00)
  • Governmental Advisory Committee (all day)

Wednesday, 13 March 2002

Thursday, 14 March 2002

All meetings will be held at the The La Palm Royal Beach Hotel

The agenda items for the Public Forum and Board meetings will appear here as they become available.

Please check back often for changes to the agenda for the ICANN Public Forum and ICANN Board Meeting. Comments on the agenda should be sent to Andrew McLaughlin, or any ICANN director.


We are presently actively seeking sponsors for the meeting. Sponsors are given prominent recognition for their contribution to the ICANN process.

Details on obtaining information concerning sponsorship


ICANN is planning to webcast the DNSO General Assembly and Names Council Meetings, the ICANN Public Forum, and the ICANN Board meeting. Check back for details of the webcasts and remote participation opportunities for those unable to attend the meetings in person.


Pre-registration for the Accra meeting is now open. Click here to go to the pre-registration form.

While pre-registration is not required, the information will be used to prepare printed nametags. Pre-registration will also assure that you're kept up to date about logistical details as information becomes available. As an option, you may choose to be included on a public list of meeting attendees.


Members of the press should contact the ICANN General Counsel, John Jeffrey for assistance of any kind.

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