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Find A Helpline logo

Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you. Online chat, text or phone.

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Key Partners

International Association for Suicide Prevention logo
American Association of Suicidology logo

Free emotional support, anywhere, anytime

Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support


Connect with a helpline, ready to support you today

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You don’t have to go through this alone.

If you are struggling today, need support with your mental health, or have experienced a traumatic event, consider contacting a helpline. It’s free, anonymous and confidential.

What are helplines?

Helplines (also known as hotlines or crisis lines) provide immediate crisis counseling, emotional support and information – for free.

Most helpline phone numbers are toll-free and many helplines are available over text message or online chat. Helplines are often available 24/7, so you can contact them at any time of the day or night.

How will a helpline, hotline or crisis line support me?

Helplines provide a judgment-free space for you to talk through difficult emotions and experiences, receive support, and connect to other resources that can help you. Talking helps, and research has shown that people feel less distressed after contacting helplines.

What can I talk to a helpline about?

However, helplines are available for a wide range of mental health and emotional struggles including anxiety, depression, gender or sexual identity, substance use and much more.

You don't have to be suicidal or in a severe situation to contact a helpline. You might just need to talk, or want information on supporting others.

How do I find the best helpline for me?

In some countries, many helplines are available. For example, if you live in the United States, popular nationwide helplines are the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Crisis Text Line and TrevorLifeline.

When you search for a helpline on Find A Helpline, our intelligent ranking algorithm will recommend the best helplines for you. You can also further filter according to your needs, and read helpline descriptions to learn more about the service each helpline provides.

Because helplines are free, you can contact more than one service to find the right one for you.

Illustration of a woman messaging a crisis counselor, with chat bubbles and shapes extending from her phoneIllustration of a woman messaging a crisis counselor, with chat bubbles and shapes extending from her phone

We partner with verified helplines in 100+ countries

Find A Helpline is the largest, most accurate helpline resource in the world. We hold relationships with helpline organisations and crisis centers in over 100 countries, who verify their information with us directly.

Other services and websites provide long lists of out-of-date information, but we work daily to keep our information accurate and easy to use – both for the people who need immediate support and for the partners who rely on us.

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Global coverage

Outdated websites & phone numbers

Verified data, maintained daily

Difficult to find the right service

AI-powered intelligent ranking

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connectionIllustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

Common reasons people contact a helpline

Unsure if contacting a helpline is right for you? Here are some reasons other people have sought free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline:

  • Experiencing a suicidal crisis, such as feeling suicidal, having suicidal thoughts, thinking “I want to die” or about how to kill yourself, or wanting support after a suicide attempt.
  • Experiencing domestic abuse or violence, sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, or other emotional distress.
  • Struggling with self-harm, an addiction or substance use challenge, your body image or an eating disorder.
  • Noticing warning signs in a loved one, feeling concerned that someone be a suicide risk, or wanting to know how to help someone you’re worried about.
  • Wanting to learn about mental health crisis services, suicide prevention, general mental health services and resources.
  • Just simply thinking “I need help” and not knowing where to start.

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Find A Helpline widget screenshot displaying the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the United StatesFind A Helpline widget screenshot displaying the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the United States
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Partner with us to save lives

Through our embeddable widget and API, you can easily integrate verified crisis resources into your mental health app, website, social network, or online game, providing immediate emotional support, right at people’s time of need.

We all have an important part to play to prevent suicide. When you are hearing crisis online, ensure you have the ability to respond.

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Find A Helpline brand mark with two chat bubbles in a heart shapeFind A Helpline brand mark with two chat bubbles in a heart shape

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