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Privacy Policy for
mconnect Player & mconnect Control series of Apps.


Conversdigital is committed to ensuring the security and privacy of your information. This Privacy Policy describes which information is accessed and/or collected by mconnect Player & Control apps (¡°APPs¡±), and how it is used.

General Information on the mobile device:

The APPs access to general information on the device, such as OS version to run the APPs. This information can be used for improving the service of the APPs.


Access to the media files on the mobile device:

The APPs may access to the media files stored in the mobile device after authorization of the user. The sole purpose of this is to play media files to the devices that are compatible with APPs.


Access to CLOUD Services:

The APPs access cloud services, i.e., Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, with user¡¯s permission and authorization. The sole purpose of this is to play media files stored in the clouds to the devices that are compatible with APPs. The APPs should not access the clouds without user¡¯s permission and authorization.


Access to Internet Streaming Music Services:

The APPs access internet streaming music services, i.e., TIDAL, Qobuz, Bugs Music, and Deezer, with user¡¯s permission and authorization. The sole purpose of this is to play media files from the services to the devices that are compatible with APPs. The APPs should not access the services without user¡¯s permission and authorization.



¡°mconnect Player Lite¡± has advertising banner by using Google Admob. The Advertising ID and cookies may be used by Google Admob for personalized ads. Other APPs does not have this Advertisement, and does not collect this information.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email.